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Did Champion bag item drop rate get nerfed?


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Ridiculous or not you cannot deny that the system is drastically unfair to those without good luck.


You've already stated that you've received pretty regular loot in your bags so naturally your perception of all these other posts is that they are bs'ing because in your personal experience you've gotten good loot from the bags you've farmed.


Which is great, I wish I had your luck, I'm valor rank 54 with more cent armor than champ armor and 6 or so ear pieces sitting in my bank. Meanwhile I'm watching players in full champ gear run around at valor rank 40 or below. The system just plain sucks and for every person that has bad luck there's going to be someone else with fully outfitted companions in champ gear.


I can see what BW tried to accomplish here, it's actually fun thinking that I may get a piece of gear everyday from a bag it makes me want to grind more WZ's for another chance. The system works in a way, but I think it needs refinement.


imo, Make centurion gear purchasable with only mercenary commendations that way new 50's can save up 1000 comms and purchase a few pieces of tier 1 right off the bat so they don't get destroyed in the 50's bracket.


Make champ bags contain 1-2 champ tokens and a chance at a piece of champ gear. This way if you have terribad luck you'll still be working towards getting your tier 2 set while choosing to buy tier 1 if you want.


Make battlemaster bags contain 1-2 bm tokens and a chance at a piece of bm gear.



This way regardless of luck your at the VERY LEAST working towards your appropriate tier'd gear. If you get duplicates you'll at least be able to save up comms to purchase those final pieces of gear while you grind to VL 60.


Thats my 2 cents anyways


No, you read my post wrong. My post was that someone valor rank 40 cannot have opened 150 bags to achieve 74 champion pieces at a 50% drop rate. Even if they did it since launch, which isn't possible since they weren't 50 at launch, even if they did it over 4 weeks that's 80 bags from weeklies and 70 bags that had to be achieved from PVP. That's 56,000 warzone commendations required. Assuming she won every single match and got 100 comms, that's 560 warzones. 1K valor roughly per warzone, 560,000 valor in total would have been achieved. That's between valor rank 60 -> 70 and that's not even including any valor gained through Ilum for the weeklies which we haven't calculated which would give a higher rank. 40 my ***. Nobody at valor rank 40 has full champion with all their companions in full champion also.


Why people feel the need to BS and make stuff up like this I have no idea, it litters the forums and makes the problems out to be massively worse than they are, yes it's bad but come on, there's a lot of made up stories on here and it's going to make BW roll their eyes and ignore the issue because some people are just exaggerating.



This kind of BS is what makes it harder to believe and is what will make it harder for BW to actually address issues when these kind of claims are littering the forums. All they see is incorrect made up stuff and exaggerations mixed in with the truthful posts.

Edited by Zetara
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I'm at 5 pieces out of 15 bags, no duplicates.


So I guess that's pretty good.


But as I said before: need to find a way to remove the random aspect of it, I have several unlucky guys in my guild as well, and they grow every unhappier when I am lucky.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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I have long lost count of the number of bags I opened, however here is my current haul:


I have 8 champion on, rest cent.


5 extra relics


4 ear pieces


2 implants


3 off hands


1 duplicate of 6 other pieces that are tank gear now


Sitting on 96 cent commends and thats after spending at least 60ish.


Bags have not been changed.

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I've always been consistant. I'll go 6 or 7 bags without, followed by 4 bags with 3 bits in them.


I have so far off hand and ranged, plus both relics and both implants and ear, and all the armour except I'm missing belt/boots/legs. I have centurian legs and belt though I bought with comms. But just those 3 missing for the full set, 550 expertise and 53 valor with 3 champion pieces missing.


I have though 3x duplicate hands, a duplicate bracers, duplicate ear, duplicate offhand.


On the forums some people greatly exaggerate their lack of drops. 30 bags with nothing still gives 90 tokens which can buy 2 pieces of Centurian armour plus a relic so 3 pieces in total. Plus to get 30 bags ignoring the dailies which are just freebies anyway, would take 240,000 warzone comms... 240 warzones roughly. If you win every one and get MVP votes. Which is very generous. That's at least 40 hours of PVP while being very very generous. It's just not true.


If it's the freebies, then they don't really count as you get 20 bags a week for little to no effort at all and anything in them should just be counted as something for free.


How are you getting 1000 WZ Tokens each engagement?

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How are you getting 1000 WZ Tokens each engagement?


Sorry I miswrote that completely, I meant to write 24,000 tokens which would take 240 Warzones. If you win and get good enough medals you get 100 tokens, 800 tokens per bag, 800 tokens x 30 bags = 24,000 comms needed / 100 per warzone being generous if you win every single one = 240 warzones.


Slipped an extra 0 into the tokens required so it should read 24,000 not 240,000.

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12 bags and nothing but tokens.


My brother also has a similiar situation.


We've stopped PvPing, in fact cancelled our subs. RNG threshold is terrible!


Btw, RNG is not the problem, it's the threshold set by Mythic which is the problem.


For example, RNG 1-100 or 1-1000 is meaningless. What matters is the win/loss range.

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In all fairness, the game has barely been out for 1.5months. If it was THAT easy to get gear, what would happen after you guys got gear. Sadly there would be complaints that it was too easy to get.


I have yet to get something usable, but I enjoy PvP, and the lack of useful items brings me back to the PvP arena in the hopes that I got something "juicy" soon enough.


So keep the tracer missiles, gravity vortexes, slashes, and whatever else there is coming and see you in the ARENA! (hopefully not Huttball tho)


I have to agree.


In WoW, after cataclysm's release, I felt like I was literally being fed gear with their honor/valor system. It was too easy, and far too routine, X BGs = a piece of gear, X rounds of arena per week = a piece of gear.


I much prefer the random system to be honest, especially considering that it's simply not that critical to have every single piece of champion gear YET to remain competitive. Most people are missing a piece or two, those that have everything and more have obviously given up something to get it (mainly friends, sleep, their PTO, etc.) and that to me is fair.


If you already had every piece, most of you would be here crying about how it was too easy and didn't require any work or commitment. Be happy that you are being challenged, it will be more fulfilling when you've finished.

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