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The new pvp system sucks


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I know, there are several topics out there but i felt like venting in my own one.


I had to drop my lvl 50 main because there simply IS NO LVL 50 PVP on tomb of freedom nadd. I have 2 options:


Getting my arse handed against premade fully geared, buffed and organized teams OR i have to wait ages just go get in a match.

Im basiclly FORCED to create twinks just to experience the honestly superfun lvl 10-49 pvp.

Balanced teams, no pimped out no-lifers (no offense guys, not everyone has as much time to gear themselves up) .


Even the previous 10-50 pvp was better, period.

If there only was the option to turn off exp gain in pvp, id stay like lvl 45-49 forever.


I just came back from pvping with my lowlvl char and was like "damn this is fun", even though im only lvl 25 on my alt.

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So maybe you should just pvp in those brackets if you find them fun, what you dont find fun others do in that 50 bracket. So if your having fun in the lower bracket then why do you even care ? Do what you find fun maybe ?
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So maybe you should just pvp in those brackets if you find them fun, what you dont find fun others do in that 50 bracket. So if your having fun in the lower bracket then why do you even care ? Do what you find fun maybe ?


Because sooner or later i HAVE to pvp in the 50s bracket again, because of the exp gain. Not that it's a bad thing, i just want to have the option to turn it off if i want to.

Its not everyones definition of fun to roll a new alt every 2-3 weeks, ya know

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You hit 50, likely geared urself out with the pvp gear and steamrolled people as one of those "invincible" 50's that made the bracket happen in the first place, lol'ing the whole way to the PvP vendor to get more gear. And even if ya didnt, (not that im god or anything but) i have YET to hit 50 and i got in on day 2 of the pre pre launch shiz. I am taking my time, and enjoying every minute of it. doesnt mean u cant play ur own way, by all means do it ur way.


However, you are a victim of ur own success.


yay u


best suggestion? roll a repub toon, get the ball rolling on balancing this crap out.

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So grind and grind and grind like we all did for your RNG loot and have fun then. Go finds some friends, make your own premade and play, what you think end game will just be fun pugs and lollipops.


Thats too easy to say. Im not the only one who believes the current pvp brackets suck and should be remade.

I dont want to be forced to make a premade team just to be able to compete in pvp, cmon, thats hilarious.

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You hit 50, likely geared urself out with the pvp gear and steamrolled people as one of those "invincible" 50's that made the bracket happen in the first place, lol'ing the whole way to the PvP vendor to get more gear. And even if ya didnt, (not that im god or anything but) i have YET to hit 50 and i got in on day 2 of the pre pre launch shiz. I am taking my time, and enjoying every minute of it. doesnt mean u cant play ur own way, by all means do it ur way.


However, you are a victim of ur own success.


yay u


best suggestion? roll a repub toon, get the ball rolling on balancing this crap out.


I already took my time, dont worry. Im really enjoying the game and the best pve content ive ever seen. Its just the fact that im literally FORCED to do 50s pvp, which i dont want to.

All im asking for is the simple option to turn off exp gain, which shouldnt be too much of a hassle. This is turning into Warhammer all over

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So grind and grind and grind like we all did for your RNG loot and have fun then. Go finds some friends, make your own premade and play, what you think end game will just be fun pugs and lollipops.


Some of us have wives that need tickling, and children that need raising.


Bioware should keep their gear imbalance though, I'll keep my money. Problem solved.


GW2 will have skill based PvP and no subscription, meaning the good PvP'ers will be good because they are good, not geared.

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See thats all well and good, which is cool you have a wife and you have a kid, congratulations. Perhaps for once in your life YOUR life doesnt fit into how something is, so maybe its not for you ? I like how you think cause you have a wife and kid the world should cater to you, the same goes for any excuse, your just using that one in particular. Somewhere down the line did you forget about rewarding effort ? They got their gear, you didn't so now you want someone to step in and fix it.


Like i said, find what is fun for you and play it. There will probably be ranked pvp soon and i actually agree there should be. But to expect them to listen to you cause your in one situation and the others arent? pssh, dont pay for the game then ?

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See thats all well and good, which is cool you have a wife and you have a kid, congratulations. Perhaps for once in your life YOUR life doesnt fit into how something is, so maybe its not for you ? I like how you think cause you have a wife and kid the world should cater to you, the same goes for any excuse, your just using that one in particular. Somewhere down the line did you forget about rewarding effort ? They got their gear, you didn't so now you want someone to step in and fix it.


Like i said, find what is fun for you and play it. There will probably be ranked pvp soon and i actually agree there should be. But to expect them to listen to you cause your in one situation and the others arent? pssh, dont pay for the game then ?


What a stupid answer, sorry. Pvp should be balanced for everyone, and not only to those who have the time to invest in their virtual character.

Yes, pvp should be rewarding, but not by making you so much stronger over the people who arent able to compete.

There could be: Better mounts, more options for gear customization, slightly more powerful gear, etc etc. There are so many options.


Spending more time in a game and get more powerful is an excuse for free 2 play games, but not in games like this where everyone pays the same amount of money every month.

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Your effort = your reward.


Their effort = their reward.


Tell me IRL do you act like this when a guy who does a ton of work at their job, probably more then you do, gets the raise over you ? But you have a family, hobby or whatever but it should be fair because you have handicaps in your life. Dont get me wrong, you can have all those things, but don't expect a reward equal for it.


Once again, reward for time spent, not because you think you deserve it.


I didn't even read most of your post, because you still think you deserve something over someone who devotes more time to something. Next why not say Why cant i be in the olympics etc over the guy who trained all his life is all im saying. Take the perspective of someone who worked for their gear and has fun with it over your view, How would you feel ?

Edited by Paytun
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If you want to improve PvP the first thing (although i dont have any problem with it) is to remove expertise. There is alerady to much item customization for someone to do in order to find the items he needs to match his play style. Expertise is the main stat that boosts damage/healing/damage reduction. Removing it, since the base stats difference in centurion/champion/battlemaster is not that great, will bring PvP on a level that skill is more important than gear.

For open PvP, at least in Illum, motivate the people to come out from the base and fight around the objectives.

By locking the objectives the attackes or defenders should be rewarded (put whatever you like in here).

In the cases that your faction is fighting against superior forces the valor and reward gains should be higher by a percentage equal to (put you own numbers here).

Capured objectives will be adding points to a point system that will be reseting back to zero every certain period of time. At the end of that period the winner will be rewarded ( put whatever rewards).

If a faction manages to win for three or four days Illum the loosing faction should start to have problems in supply/logistics (i.e. increased vendor values by 10 or twenty times for a day or two, increased cost for missions, less coin income from missions etc ) The opposite should happen to the winning side.

Well i suppose that a lot of people have made already a lot of suggestions in other posts as well and i hope that Bioware will listen some of them. :)

But in the end always the person who plays more will be rewarded more :)

Edited by Keinhoran
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See thats all well and good, which is cool you have a wife and you have a kid, congratulations. Perhaps for once in your life YOUR life doesnt fit into how something is, so maybe its not for you ? I like how you think cause you have a wife and kid the world should cater to you, the same goes for any excuse, your just using that one in particular. Somewhere down the line did you forget about rewarding effort ? They got their gear, you didn't so now you want someone to step in and fix it.


Like i said, find what is fun for you and play it. There will probably be ranked pvp soon and i actually agree there should be. But to expect them to listen to you cause your in one situation and the others arent? pssh, dont pay for the game then ?


Maybe go back to WoW instead of trying to make SW:ToR into your WoW in space...

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