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Skill tree ability "malice" affect dot's?


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That would depend on whether or not they are increased by your force power. I believe that also would mean that they come up as yellow numbers, not white. And if I recall correctly, they are in fact white numbers.


So while I am by no means certain of this, my initial inclination is that no, they are not force attacks and thus would not get the benefit.

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If rupture is a force ability instead of a melee ability then the in-game ability page is very misleading since it clearly lists rupture as "melee". Deadly Sabers is is listed as force though.


several abilities for MArauders are mislabeled. Ataru strikes are energy damage but are effected by Malice. Some believe that certain other "melee" abilities are also effected by Malice...

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several abilities for MArauders are mislabeled. Ataru strikes are energy damage but are effected by Malice. Some believe that certain other "melee" abilities are also effected by Malice...


You're confusing attack type and damage type. Ataru Form is listed as a Force attack.

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So does Malice affect rupture or not? Rupture is listed as a melee attack and malice says it only affect force attacks.


The initial attack is melee , but the additional internal damage over 6 sec is force damage. All yellow damage you deal is force damage.

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The initial attack is melee , but the additional internal damage over 6 sec is force damage. All yellow damage you deal is force damage.


That still doesn't answer my question. I'm not asking about the damage type, since that seems to be irrelevant. I'm asking about the attack type. Melee attacks can do yellow dmg but it is still a melee attack type. Malice specifically says it affect force attacks and rupture is listed as a melee attack. I'm guessing it does not affect the crit chance of rupture.

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its a bad talent because you get 15% crit change for 3 points for ALL dots vs 3 points for 6% crit on only deadly saber dots.



its just a crappy increase per point.


Those two aren't exclusive.



Regarding whether it affects it, try popping a willpower and comparing before and after tooltips.

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Those two aren't exclusive.



Regarding whether it affects it, try popping a willpower and comparing before and after tooltips.


never said they were, what i am saying the increase per point is not worth the cost, there are MANY other talents that are greater damage buffs per point.



the entire point of specing is to get the best damage per point spent. Malice is not worth the points.

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never said they were, what i am saying the increase per point is not worth the cost, there are MANY other talents that are greater damage buffs per point.



the entire point of specing is to get the best damage per point spent. Malice is not worth the points.


No, there aren't. You could argue there are other better choices for utility, like longer immobilize or aoe mitigation. Not for dps.


Edit:for anni spec obviously.

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No, there aren't. You could argue there are other better choices for utility, like longer immobilize or aoe mitigation. Not for dps.


Edit:for anni spec obviously.


lol you are doing it wrong then if you have points to put anything in rage.



sorry but if you want to do the most damage you will not waste points in a talent like malice.


you do not put points in a longer immoblize or midgation. you put them ALL in talents that increase your damage.

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lol you are doing it wrong then if you have points to put anything in rage.



sorry but if you want to do the most damage you will not waste points in a talent like malice.


you do not put points in a longer immoblize or midgation. you put them ALL in talents that increase your damage.


Prove it. Link your build. There aren't that many dps oriented talents.

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the only thing that doesn't not directly increase damage is "Subjugation" but if you even question its usefulness then you are too terrible to converse with.


gotta agree with Hizoka here, unless you have 110% accuracy without narrowed hatred, then malice would be better, its one of those talents you slowly lose one u get better gear.

Edited by Obik
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the only think that doesn't not directly increase damage is "Subjugation" but if you even question its usefulness then you are too terrible to converse with.


Accuracy is so easy to cap. It'll take more crit mods to cover an extra 6% crit rather than 3% accuracy. Taking narrowed hatred for me right now would only offer a dps boost against tanks if i didnt alter my gear. If i changed my gear to drop back to the hitcap, i wouldn't make up that 6% crit chance.

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Accuracy is so easy to cap. It'll take more crit mods to cover an extra 6% crit rather than 3% accuracy. Taking narrowed hatred for me right now would only offer a dps boost against tanks if i didnt alter my gear. If i changed my gear to drop back to the hitcap, i wouldn't make up that 6% crit chance.


you only get that 6% crit on your deadly saber dots, and if you have 25% base crit you will have a 45% chance to cirt with them in raids with the 15% from talents and 5% IA buff.



Sorry but going from 45-51% crit on only one of your dots at the cost of 3 talent points is dumb. crit has MASSIVE diminishing returns because of the nature of crit. you are wasting 3 talent points that can be better spent elsewhere. But then again its choice like that that keep you as a bad marauder and others as good ones.

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you only get that 6% crit on your deadly saber dots, and if you have 25% base crit you will have a 45% chance to cirt with them in raids with the 15% from talents and 5% IA buff.



Sorry but going from 45-51% crit on only one of your dots at the cost of 3 talent points is dumb. crit has MASSIVE diminishing returns because of the nature of crit. you are wasting 3 talent points that can be better spent elsewhere. But then again its choice like that that keep you as a bad marauder and others as good ones.


Two of your DoTs.


The issue is "elsewhere" is 3 talents for 3% accuracy, which is even worse than for 6% crit.


No need to get personal, chill out.


unless you have 110% accuracy without narrowed hatred, then malice would be better, its one of those talents you slowly lose one u get better gear.


I'm at 110% accuracy with 6 champ, 2 centurion. Agreed, before you're moderately geared, narrowed hatred is a better choice. I'm not sure why we would focus a build around being poorly geared though.

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I'm at 110% accuracy with 6 champ, 2 centurion. Agreed, before you're moderately geared, narrowed hatred is a better choice. I'm not sure why we would focus a build around being poorly geared though.


its not about focusing your build around being poorly geared, its focusing your build around your gear and not what you can get in the future you can ALWAY respec once you get new gear.

Edited by Obik
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That still doesn't answer my question. I'm not asking about the damage type, since that seems to be irrelevant. I'm asking about the attack type. Melee attacks can do yellow dmg but it is still a melee attack type. Malice specifically says it affect force attacks and rupture is listed as a melee attack. I'm guessing it does not affect the crit chance of rupture.


Give me a minute I am getting some ink so I can write the answer once more all over you, because otherwise you don't seem to understand.


Rupture is a force attack, at least the important part that you care about.


You hit him with rupture the first thing is white, everything afterwards is yellow, which answers all your questions. There is nothing mislabelled.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.

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Give me a minute I am getting some ink so I can write the answer once more all over you, because otherwise you don't seem to understand.


Rupture is a force attack, at least the important part that you care about.


You hit him with rupture the first thing is white, everything afterwards is yellow, which answers all your questions. There is nothing mislabelled.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.


Malice affects the rupture dot and also the deadly saber dot.



so what your saying is it doesn't?:rolleyes::p

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