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This is more like it! now let me do it more often...


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Finally got a good group together and did some flashpoints hard modes last night!


This is what a mmo should be all about... the excitement of a good drop, the running of "instances" using tactics for bosses, getting commendations for dailies....


This is end-game, and it's FUN...


But why does it have to be such a chore to do it?


I know I have talked about this issue before.


But us republic players have drawn the short straw here bcause we have LESS ppl to play with due to the faction imbalance.


and it could have been so easily fixed with a dugneon finder tool cross servers.


We had, last night 42 players at the fleet, 3 were lvl 50 healers... that LIMITS your chances to get a grp, A LOT.


In conlcusion, I give your end-game content (what I played anyway) my approval... but I want to be able to do it every night please.

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Well, cross server means more anonymous players. For them there are no consequences for being a dick, because you won't meet them anymore. It is extremly hard to find nice people in PUGs, it is even harder to find them in cross server PUGs.


I know it's a lame statement, but try to find a guild. What else could you do to play with people you like all the time?

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Wait till more get to 50. you're still ahead of the curve. Cross-server is bad news.


I get what you are saying here... But I'm still paying a subscription and I want to have fun NOW too obviously.


I don't think cross-server is bad at all. I think it's the best addition Blizzard ever made to WoW. One might argue that it kills server community and stuff... but really isn't that what we have guild for? Those of us who just wants to "farm" don't really care about amking friends with those we play with

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Cross realm? No.


A proper LFG tool? Yes.(just no auto-group)

That, or a global(universal?) LFG channel that spans across all planets.


I'm actually all for anything that means I don't have to stand still in one place and spam LFM... or other players having to go to Ilum and spam while I stand in the fleet.


Problems tille xists with the faction imbalance though, Obvioously if there are 350 ppl at the imperial fleet you will have a better chance of putting a group together as opposed to mys ervers 50

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I feel for the republic, I too rolled heavy sith, and am about to make my first republic character cause I feel so bad >.< But I don't really understand the cons to a cross-server group finder. Anyone here care to list em? Without flaming please haha. When I went back to WoW after cataclysm, it was defintly something I thought was plus for me. It didn't keep me playing longer than the month I bought, but it was definitly a pro. (I also don't even know if it was added after cataclysm, i hadn't played WoW since before BC, so don't flame me on that one WoW lovers.) But as to the OP, you still are ahead of the game, though I would think there should be far more than 50 players in ur fleet, when theres almost a constant 100+ players in the sith fleet.
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I feel for the republic, I too rolled heavy sith, and am about to make my first republic character cause I feel so bad >.< But I don't really understand the cons to a cross-server group finder. Anyone here care to list em? Without flaming please haha. When I went back to WoW after cataclysm, it was defintly something I thought was plus for me. It didn't keep me playing longer than the month I bought, but it was definitly a pro. (I also don't even know if it was added after cataclysm, i hadn't played WoW since before BC, so don't flame me on that one WoW lovers.) But as to the OP, you still are ahead of the game, though I would think there should be far more than 50 players in ur fleet, when theres almost a constant 100+ players in the sith fleet.


Prime-time there are 50-80 players in the fleet. 80 is only at absolute peak hours and not every night... I'm dead serious

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i don't see why people are so opposed to cross-server lfg. if you don't like it, don't use it. don't hold other people back from enjoying the game.


yes, in wow i did run into jerks from time to time, but more often than not, the groups i ended up getting were good and were able to complete the instance.


plus, a cross-server tool allows people to play whenever they want, not only at times when their server happens to have enough people on who need to run whatever instance / flashpoint someone is trying to make a group for.


tldr: the pros (faster grouping, more fp's completed) outweigh the cons (internet trolls), don't hold others back because you want a sense of 'community', that's what your guild is for.

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Right now ther are 6 players at the fleet... 2 level 50.


I have a window of 2 hours now before work, and I can't do a flashpoint. I will be working untila fter prime-time is over, when I get back home there will be maybe 30 ppl at the fleet. Will be very hard to find a grp.


In short, it's very hard for me to enjoy end-game. And yes I DO have to work for a living but why should that keep me from enjoying a game? a simple LFG tool cross realm would solve it.


Some ppl don't want it... but don't you also want the game to be successfull? for it to have lots of subscirbers? You guys could not just use the tooland realise that there are those of us that actually need it.


Yes I am in a guild btw but that doesn't mean you always have ppl to run with. It's essential that you can actually group with pugs too, for many ppl at least.

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on our server(sword of ajunta pall) we started a custom lfg channel.. just tell as many people as you can to type /cjoin lfg. this will create a custom channel that is server wide. i know that still means standing around while spaming but this way you know that msg is getting to all who are logging into the channel not just the people on your current planet/fleet. I hope this at least helps a little bit. I myself am not opposed to cross-server lfg. It has it's ups and downs but it allows me to play after work at 2am and still find something to do. Either way i really want cross-server pvp so i can stop seeing huttball every time due to the lack of republic players. Pls get the word out for people to join the republic. maybe those of you who have made little progress on your sith toons could reroll as repub. If we ever get to faction change i would try to move my whole guild to the other side so i have more people to kill lol. As i said before /cjoin lfg i hope this helps, sorry to hear you can't find groups to FP with. good luck :)
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Well, cross server means more anonymous players. For them there are no consequences for being a dick, because you won't meet them anymore. It is extremly hard to find nice people in PUGs, it is even harder to find them in cross server PUGs.


I know it's a lame statement, but try to find a guild. What else could you do to play with people you like all the time?


I disagree partly. After 3 years wow I have to sayx that people in cross-server inst were surely more anonymous but seldom unsocial

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