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Tasha, the Zeltron Joy Sith (example + Discussion)


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Discovered this species and immediately wanted to create a character based on it.. It's just too perfect!


A character concept would involve a Zeltron Sith that fueled her dark side powers by being in a state of constant and delirious joy. This means to use her power to it's fullest, she has to love doing everything she does with it, or have the mental discipline to bring a pleasurable thought to mind when she uses the force.... Or just be very very high at all times. Naturally, this means the more she enjoys torturing or killing you the better she will be at it. Her Zeltron pheromones are enhanced by the force, and her Zeltron tendencies are enhanced by her Sado-hedentistic philosophy.


((A little example))


The giggling... The damned... Maddening... Giggling! The grizzled veterans of the Beskar Sons could scarcely bear the sound of it any longer. It seemed to reverberate through the air, as though the trees themselves took sport in driving them mad. They had their mission, their target, and while every passing hour it was growing more difficult to focus on it. Each one of the warriors knew what it was that was making those disturbingly euphonic sounds, yet after sending scouts again and again they could not locate the blasted girl.


She was toying with them, and it was driving them crazy. Especially the Mandelorian Captain, a man who was not used to being toyed with like helpless prey. He stopped sending scouts, they never came back anyway, and decided to set up a fortified camp against the inevitable ambush by the Sith at any moment. That had been hours ago, and the men had long since lost all semblance of composure. They didn't even notice when two of their men disappeared.


The Sith was watching through the trees, hanging lazily from a branch with a wide grin on her face. It had been fun, breaking the fight out of these hardened warriors, watching them squirm... But the game was quickly losing its fun... Hence the missing soldiers, merely breaks from the mental torture of confusing pheromones and giggling to the physical torture of dragging one of the fools into the trees and severing all their limbs. The mere thought made her body hum with energy, the memory fueling her power.


Time to end it. She slid off the tree and sauntered toward the camp, eager to shed some blood. The SCHZOOM sound of her lightsaber alone made one of the jittery fools squeeze his trigger in stunned surprise blasting one of his comrades in the back. He turned shaking, to face the sound only to be decapitated. They were cut down, one by one like frightened dogs.



Now if only I can find some sort of customization layout to mimic the species.. Any ideas?

Edited by ShakespeareZombi
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Until this post, I didnt give Zeltrons much thought... now I want to play a Zeltron Sith. >.>


Purebloods have a shade of pinkish skin colour and you could use one of the heads that doesnt have all the tentacles. Dunno how well that would work though.

Edited by kitsunegirl
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Given what is known about Zeltrons, would a Zeltron truly survive Sith training? Its not like the Sith are all about sexuality and pleasure, which Zeltrons are influenced by.


On the flip coin of this, a Zeltron who became Sith, trained in the dark arts could very well be a "black widow", a sith who would use such feminine or masculine wiles to get what they were after, have their way with their victim and finally dispose of them.


Yes, I could see a character like this. When a Sith zeltron could not "love" they could fight. As Sith use their passions for strength it could be a characters greatest ability to use, or their most horrible downfall should they ever be faced with a mercy/morality decision depending on circumstances.

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There's a small problem, but not a big one.


Zeltrons are very emotional, yes...but they swing to the extremes of the emotional spectrum. An angry Zeltron is an out of control berserker and a sad Zeltron is the world's biggest emo kid (sorry for that analogy).


That COULD be overcome and could also present an interesting RP situation. How would Tasha keep herself from being utterly consumed by her rage to the point where she's a mindless beast?

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There's a small problem, but not a big one.


Zeltrons are very emotional, yes...but they swing to the extremes of the emotional spectrum. An angry Zeltron is an out of control berserker and a sad Zeltron is the world's biggest emo kid (sorry for that analogy).


That COULD be overcome and could also present an interesting RP situation. How would Tasha keep herself from being utterly consumed by her rage to the point where she's a mindless beast?


A good master. :)

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Given what is known about Zeltrons, would a Zeltron truly survive Sith training? Its not like the Sith are all about sexuality and pleasure, which Zeltrons are influenced by.


On the flip coin of this, a Zeltron who became Sith, trained in the dark arts could very well be a "black widow", a sith who would use such feminine or masculine wiles to get what they were after, have their way with their victim and finally dispose of them.


Yes, I could see a character like this. When a Sith zeltron could not "love" they could fight. As Sith use their passions for strength it could be a characters greatest ability to use, or their most horrible downfall should they ever be faced with a mercy/morality decision depending on circumstances.


I think a Zeltron Acolyte would very easily survive sith training. Need a protector? How many pathetic little Sith recruits would pledge their lives to a beautiful Zeltron with force enhanced pheromones? She'd be ridiculously persuasive and only the most cold hearted acolyte would dare strike her down after they've been given some pheromone enhanced puppy dog eyes. That's even if they have the opportunity. Who's to say she isn't also deadly with her blade?

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The Zeltron is new to me (I'm not as up on my Expanded Universe content as I was before the prequels), but the idea of a Sith fueled by passions other than rage and hate are an intriguing concept. It's part of why I like the way the Sith have been presented in this era of the setting. You don't have to play Rage-y McAngryPants all the time. Heck, people do plenty of really STUPID things in the name of love, so why not? :)
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I think a Zeltron Acolyte would very easily survive sith training. Need a protector? How many pathetic little Sith recruits would pledge their lives to a beautiful Zeltron with force enhanced pheromones? She'd be ridiculously persuasive and only the most cold hearted acolyte would dare strike her down after they've been given some pheromone enhanced puppy dog eyes. That's even if they have the opportunity. Who's to say she isn't also deadly with her blade?


I suppose it could depend on the age to which she begins training, and wether or not those Zeltron wiles would actually work on other recruits. From whats given on sith training in this era, and from whats given in game, becoming a Sith is highly competitive. Talent is glorified, while weakness is left behind. Requiring a kind of "protector" implies that the subject is weak, and a target for elimination. Would other acolytes be so easily swayed realising that in order to rise to the top, sacrifices need to be made in this instance?


Though, to play devil's advocate, the smart, crafty and oppurtunist Zeltron probably wouldn't make it look like they needed protection, but rather might rise through the ranks simply by using "weaker" acolytes to her own end, which, is the sith way.


Mentally, perhaps the sith teachings would twist the concept of Zeltron culture in the character, and rather than sensuality being a celebration, the character would wind up using it as a weapon, causing her own paradox should the character find that using others in such a way is causing her own downfall. We all know of the corruption of the dark side, and how it changed the individual physically, would a Zeltron try to maintain a kind of balance upon realizing her own beauty was at risk? what steps would she go to in order to preserve that? Conflics of that nature weigh heavily on the mind, the choice to carry out what has been taught and accepted wholeheatedly, to what is best for self preservence.


...I contemplate far too much sometimes. I hope this character sees gametime, it would be wonderful to see it played out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mentally, perhaps the sith teachings would twist the concept of Zeltron culture in the character, and rather than sensuality being a celebration, the character would wind up using it as a weapon, causing her own paradox should the character find that using others in such a way is causing her own downfall. We all know of the corruption of the dark side, and how it changed the individual physically, would a Zeltron try to maintain a kind of balance upon realizing her own beauty was at risk? what steps would she go to in order to preserve that? Conflics of that nature weigh heavily on the mind, the choice to carry out what has been taught and accepted wholeheatedly, to what is best for self preservence.


...I contemplate far too much sometimes. I hope this character sees gametime, it would be wonderful to see it played out.


Hmm.. True. It's largely up to the Zeltron how she uses her dark side powers and how her morality swings. Corruption is possible, but only after she has already grown powerful in the dark side. By then, does she need her beauty? Or perhaps there is some sort of sith ritual or somesuch to preserve it, who knows. Perhaps the corruption wouldn't even happen, as she takes an entirely different view on using the darkside and her emotions for power. Maybe, the dark side corruption of Lust and Joy could make her even more beautiful?

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