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Have any devs actually BEEN to Ilum?


I mean, have they actually tried enjoying themselves within the digital planet's environment?


Specifically the westernmost portion of Ilum. you know, the PVP zone?


These daily/weekly quests feel more like punishment for liking this game than ...




groundbreaking innovative PvP environments that are dynamic and create a world influenced by the player.





Just a cry for our game developers to take this fantastic game and give the higher-end PvP the attention that it deserves. That is all. Thanks.

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they all play emps thay make the game to give ther friends an edge that or blizz pays peopel on there team to mess up there game


Was that even English?


Anyways, I'm not at that level yet, but I can say that BioWare has no focus on PvP, really. Endgame PvP is fairly broken, as I hear, and the current 10-49 PvP is fairly lame. Quite disappointing, I must say. Though, you need to keep in mind this game is in it's early stages. It baffles me that people were expecting a godlike game with no bugs and absolute perfection. It took Blizzard 7 years to turn World of Warcraft into the game it is now, and they're losing customers fast now. Just give the devs some time.


Not that I'm standing up for their apparent lack of care.

Edited by Genaille
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Was that even English?


Anyways, I'm not at that level yet, but I can say that BioWare has no focus on PvP, really. Endgame PvP is fairly broken, as I hear, and the current 10-49 PvP is fairly lame. Quite disappointing, I must say. Though, you need to keep in mind this game is in it's early stages. It baffles me that people were expecting a godlike game with no bugs and absolute perfection. It took Blizzard 7 years to turn World of Warcraft into the game it is now, and they're losing customers fast now. Just give the devs some time.


Not that I'm standing up for their apparent lack of care.


People arent complaining about the lack of pvp content. Its more along the lines of hearing that the "creators of pvp" designed this game, and than you go to illum and you wonder "how the helll...what...that doesnt even... whats the point of this zone?." Thats the problem, they arent NEW to the pvp scene, theres no reason why we should put up with the current state of illum.

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