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Set bonuses need to be relevant and reviewed


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Concerning the Marauder set bonuses: I've observed we have one of the worst 2 piece and 4 piece set bonuses in the game. At what point will the community be consulted to review these bonuses? Vicious Throw? Unacceptable. 4 Piece is just as bad. 15 Seconds off of Frenzy is inappropriate compared to other bonuses other classes have. I suggest the bonuses go such as this in order to take into account the other PVE specs for this class. Annihalate and Carnage. Rage is obviously a PvP spec so not going to play to much to that one.


2 Piece bonus: +10% to Power or Off-Hand damage is increased by 10%

4 Piece bonus: Ravage channel time is reduced by .75 seconds or Ravage has a 100% chance to refresh Rupture DoT or 100% chance to get a Ataru form strike per hit. (The last one will help smooth out the Carnage and Annihilation dps rotation)


Looking for in-put on this. I really think the bonuses as they stand are completely inappropriate and need to be passive bonuses like other classes.

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Not saying we need a Ravage w/out moving. Would be to much since we skill points built into the Carnage tree at least to lock ppl into it. But reducing the cast time would be over all beneficial and/or adding a spec flavor benefit to it.
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Next rage costing ability requires 1-2 less rage after a Force Charge


Vicious Throw can now be used on targets below 25% health and costs 1 less rage


Obfuscate also increase the damage they take from your next three attacks by 10% and increases it's range to 10 yards


Force Scream resets the cooldown of Savage Kick and allows it to be used within the next 5 seconds.


Force Choke is now cast with your offhand, allowing the main hand to attack. Attacks that require two weapons become unusable while casting.


Increases the number of charges for Berserk by 2-3


Deadly Throw reduces healing done to targets by 40% if used on a target over 90% health. Duration reduced to 9 seconds.


Force Charge generates two extra rage points if it interrupts an ability and automatically crits.


Frenzy reduces the cooldown of Bloodthirst by 30 seconds.


Unleash grants a full resolve bar for 10 seconds after use.

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Unleash grants a full resolve bar for 10 seconds after use.


Thats a good one! CC in PvP is unbearable and what use does a dispel/purge (Unleah) have when you are instantly CCed again after using it.

I would love to see a change like this... also considering the long cd of Unleash. Was it 2 or 3 mins? :(

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They aren't going to give a set bonus that buffs Gore or Ravage so stop posting about it. Why would they put a set bonus on gear that more or less forces you to play a certain spec? Just because YOU play Carnage doesn't mean everyone else does... I myself prefer Annihilation, but I'm not going to ask for a 4pc bonus that gives Annihilate a DoT or lowers it's cost by 1 rage. Cause it has no benefit to every spec.



Something useful for all specs would be something like...


2 piece: Assault builds 1 additional rage.

4 piece: Increases the range of Deadly Throw by 10 yards


Both of these would be extremely useful to everyone. Regardless of the spec you play. The range on Deadly Throw is awful as it is, so 10 yard bonus on PvP gear would be both amazing and wouldn't be a talent so it doesn't mess up the tree for PvE specs.


A four piece bonus that increases the range of an ability that can only be used on people below 20% health is pointless. If someone I'm targeting is that close to death "usually" I'm standing on top of them or very close to them anyway.

Edited by Khyy
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