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Keeping a Character


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I've made at least 5 characters, and I can't seem to keep one.


The highest I've ever gotten is 24, and that's my Sith Assassin.


Every two weeks or so I have this huge craving to make a new character, play a new class, then after a few days of playing, it's just not interesting anymore.


I had this obsession with being a Sith Marauder for my VERY first character. Loved it, neared the end of Dromund Kaas, then had the want to become an Imperial Agent. So I put my Marauder on hold, played a Sniper, then got bored of her and made a Sith Assassin. I since deleted those two characters, and the only one I have left is my Sith Assassin, and my Vanguard, which I'm contemplating deleting right now.


Is this normal?

I'd really like to be able to finish a class, because I still think all these classes would be fun to play.


EDIT: Also, this is my first MMO, aside from the Free Edition of WoW.

Edited by Kerplode
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nothing wrong with trying different chars, but you do realise that you do not need to delete the characters? You are allowed 8 per server.


A lot of people play with alts, it can keep things fresh & I think also helps you to understand other classes which makes a difference in pvp or working in groups.

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It's normal and has a name: altoholism. :)


You currently have 8 character slots! There was no need to delete the alts you had tired of playing for the time being. Just shelf 'em and start something else, or play something else.


Keep in mind you don't have to do ALL the missions on any given planet. That gets repetitive if you're alt-hopping a lot. Just stick to your class storyline missions and throw in some extra missions if you need to level up before you hit the next planet your story is taking you to.

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would add that watch out for the trap of keeping all your alts at the same level. You will end up doing the same things over and over, which will get stale.


Try keeping them a planet or two apart, and if they are similar level then on opposite factions, as well as mixing up the crew skills and talent choices / dark or light options.

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Knowing that I'd want to check out all the classes story lines, I picked one server for Republic and one for Empire, thats 16 advanced classes and 16 slots and no character deletions.


Consider that you can change your gear, reallocate across your skill trees, your stats as you level are chosen for you and you can always swap out your gear; the only reason I see to delete a character is appearance, name or light/dark side, choose those three carefully at the beginning and you should never have to delete if you only want to play one of each advanced class.

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