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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Only way to fix pvp


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ITS A FULL RESET OF PVP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Look if its not done pvp its dead at 50 No one in there right mind is going

to do pvp for long if you lose all the time.Right of all the pvp i have done

at level 50 was 100% lose.But on my level 21 alt i win more then lose.

My lev 50 char i die before a get anything off and my attacks do noting

to them its a joke.Yup thats great pvp gear all you imps have to bad so one sided.

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I'm losing my will to respond to these terrible, terrible, terrible threads.


It's not hard. Group up with people. Use voice chat - lots of places have it for free. Win. get champion bags. Repeat. In two-three weeks you should have a good amount of PvP gear. By the time you get to Valor 60, you should have almost a whole set of Champion/Centurion gear.


Your calling for a total reset is just obnoxious. Think before you type, please.

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im sick of people like "alement" who must live in prime time with a big guild or Premade Group! News Flash not everyone has the time or engery to be apart of premades or guild runs! saying get a group is not a valid answer.

Answer me this how are you ment to get a group or premade when noones on & if you do find a group odds are you will be vs a Premade so you will get farmed over & over till your side stop queing/

There are a lot of factors killing PvP for solo quers so all you LEET guilded Premades leave post alone we all no you dont want PvP fixed as you can exploit it at the moment solo que = suicide!

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You do not know what i said in my post ? so im not great at spelling

this about pvp in this game not my spelling.


Spelling has nothing to do with it. Your poor grammar and lack of sentence structure make your post unintelligible. If you are going to post, please make it coherent.

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You do not know what i said in my post ? so im not great at spelling

this about pvp in this game not my spelling.


And you failed to communicate properly, making it difficult to properly identify your issues.


Spelling and grammar aren't just proper, it's vital to actually being understood. And frankly, if you don't take the time to get it right why in the hell should I take the time to decipher it, think about it, and give you a cogent response on the issue?

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im sick of people like "alement" who must live in prime time with a big guild or Premade Group! News Flash not everyone has the time or engery to be apart of premades or guild runs! saying get a group is not a valid answer.

Answer me this how are you ment to get a group or premade when noones on & if you do find a group odds are you will be vs a Premade so you will get farmed over & over till your side stop queing/

There are a lot of factors killing PvP for solo quers so all you LEET guilded Premades leave post alone we all no you dont want PvP fixed as you can exploit it at the moment solo que = suicide!



1. If there are so many pre-mades that you are facing them all the time, then you should have no problem finding one to join.


2. As for solo- it isn't that bad. You need to know your limitations until you get gear. People at 50 have all of their abilities and heavy hitters, unlike the 1-49 bracket. If you jump into a bunch of reds you are going to get stomped in a second.


3. Your rage at the "LEET guilded Premades" is funny. Cry some more.

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umm no its you face the same premade over & over due to the low server pops. so guilds & premades just farm Warzones at the expense of solo quers we all pay the same amount each month i thnk its far we all have a fun play experience Edited by Airoper
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