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Telekinetics/Balance Hybrid Build Critique


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Hey all! I recently switched servers to join some friends, and therefore had to reroll my rockin' Sage Healer from my previous server.


However, I want to try something new since one of my friends already wants to take the part of the healer and I've really wanted to try out a hybrid or pure balance spec for quite some time.


Anyway, after some fiddling on TORhead I came up with a spec that I think has everything I'd need.


I STRICTLY pvp! I am NOT interested in anything else!


If anyone has tried something similar to this, or would even go so far as to actually try it out in their free time, I would love some critique.


I realize this spec isn't as mobile as a pure Balance, but with Telekinetic Momentum, Mental Alacrity, and Psychic Projection I feel as though this spec would have far more burst damage.


Any thoughts?



The Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600ZbsbMdRrbzZcMcRsMz.1

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Its a pretty decent build. However, why mind's eye? it will only increase the range of your TK Wave. And why tidal force. Unless you plan on using POM to use Disturbance to try and get TK Wave?


To be honest I just read those as seemingly useful. If they're actually not useful in practice, where do you suggest I put those points instead?


Thanks for the feedback! :)

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Take one point from TK momentum (Because its currently bugged) and minds eye and put them into Blockout and you have a pretty decent pvp/pve hybrid build. Your not maxing on any one thing but a balanced build that you should be able to do just fine with in any situation. If you wanted to tailor it specifically to pvp or pve you would have to make certain changes, however.
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I'm running something quite similar right now.




The reason for 1 point in Telekinetic Momentum is that the talent is bugged right now. 1 point provides you with at least the full 30% proc rate. Actually feels higher to be honest.


2 points is a lot lower and 3 points you get no procs at all(Some have said that the proc rate returns if you pickup tremors, but I can not verify that personally)

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2 pts in immutable force? 0.5 sec on deliverance doesnt make it any better. If you have that much time, the 0.5 sec doesnt matter, if you dont have that much time, the 0.5 sec doesnt matter :)


those 2 points would do much better in blockout for the quicker instant lift, and more importantly 2 more seconds where he cant (heal/tracer missile/whatever)

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Also, Concentration is useless - if you are hard casting those spells, you are doing it wrong. :)


But isn't Telekinetics meant to disturbance spam? You get Tidal Force, Concentration and TK Momentum by spamming it.


BTW, is TK Momentum just like Upheaval? If it is, its just garbage.

Edited by oxente
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2 pts in immutable force? 0.5 sec on deliverance doesnt make it any better. If you have that much time, the 0.5 sec doesnt matter, if you dont have that much time, the 0.5 sec doesnt matter :)


those 2 points would do much better in blockout for the quicker instant lift, and more importantly 2 more seconds where he cant (heal/tracer missile/whatever)


Probably depends more on playstyle. I tend duo warzones with a tank hybrid specced Vanguard and even before I had the 2 points in Immutable Force I was able to throw out quite a few Deliverences that saved our life. Its rarely something I'd ever cast with someone beating on me, but sprinting away, griping my mate and using LoS to get a heal or two before they catch up.


So for me right now the 2 points there are worth it, but I have at least 6-7 more specs I'd like to try out before I settle so this is just one alternative that works for me right now.

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But isn't Telekinetics meant to disturbance spam? You get Tidal Force, Concentration and TK Momentum by spamming it.


BTW, is TK Momentum just like Upheaval? If it is, its just garbage.


I use TK Throw to proc PoM, then instant TK Wave (if multiple enemies) or Mind Crush (if 1v1). Since the cooldown of TK Wave is only 6 secs, refreshing the cooldown doesn't do much for me.


Also, I never, ever have any force issues in PvP, so increasing my force regen just seems pointless.

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But isn't Telekinetics meant to disturbance spam? You get Tidal Force, Concentration and TK Momentum by spamming it.


BTW, is TK Momentum just like Upheaval? If it is, its just garbage.


That's part of the problem with such a spec.


TK should spam dist for all it's procs. But TKthrow with Psychic Projection and TKbalance is more dps with regen as well, and casts PoM instead of Tidal Force. Thus it's redundant. You have two attacks that do virutally the same thing but can't really use both. You're forced to choose between Keeping your dist regen stacks up or more dmg.


Also neither TK momentum nor Upheaval are garbage, TK momentum is just broken atm.

Edited by Khadroth
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