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Never been out west, and it really makes me sad on the inside, seeing how impressed i am with Appalachians.


If all goes well i'll shoot that way either for graduate school or shortly after.


If you're impressed by the Appalaichans, you absolutely need to come west... I live in Calgary, Alberta, right next to the foot of the Rockies and anytime I go up into the heart of those beautiful rocky crags I feel like I am standing on the spine of the world...

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It's usually the other way around for me. Had bf complain that I played WoW too much and that we needed to spend more time together. His idea of more time together was me watching him and his best friend play his 360.


Im only dating PC gamers from now on.


PC gamers are also more fun since we know how to use more than just our thumbs ;)

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Forty year old male living with mommy in central California. No, not in the basement. We don't have one :D


Now that I think about it, I really don't think many people out here have one. Aren't they used for tornado shelter or something?


I lived in Texas a few years, and since the only natural disaster training I ever got in school was earthquake drills, when tornado season came around and we almost got hit by one, I had NO IDEA what to do. I told someone I was going to duck and cover and they told me I was an idiot.

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Now that I think about it, I really don't think many people out here have one. Aren't they used for tornado shelter or something?


I lived in Texas a few years, and since the only natural disaster training I ever got in school was earthquake drills, when tornado season came around and we almost got hit by one, I had NO IDEA what to do. I told someone I was going to duck and cover and they told me I was an idiot.


I grew up in Illinois, and during tornado season, when you saw people running, you knew to head for the basement.


Here in Cali, we deal with earthquakes which is different because the entire city shakes. Everyone (rightfully) panics, and those that claim to be calm and resourceful are full of bantha poodoo.

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17 year old male from Iceland.

Nice to see some people from the Nordic countries here. I was kinda expecting more Swedes than Danes or Norwegians, but I'll take what I get.


You win.


Why can't we have both? PC for real games, roleplay, strategy and such and console for shooters and maybe even some platform games.

Edited by Klandri
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Now that I think about it, I really don't think many people out here have one. Aren't they used for tornado shelter or something?


I lived in Texas a few years, and since the only natural disaster training I ever got in school was earthquake drills, when tornado season came around and we almost got hit by one, I had NO IDEA what to do. I told someone I was going to duck and cover and they told me I was an idiot.


Yeah, they are, mostly, though I know one or two people who have basements still. They just don't do too well out here if you get in an earthquake or something. And tornadoes are rare (even though one touched down not more than a couple miles from where I lived when I was really young)

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Why can't we have both? PC for real games, roleplay, strategy and such and console for shooters and maybe even some platform games.


Because developers trying to reach the broadest audience possible have reduced PC games to lousy console ports. There's a reason Baldur's Gate came out a decade ago, and hasn't been made since.

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Because developers trying to reach the broadest audience possible have reduced PC games to lousy console ports. There's a reason Baldur's Gate came out a decade ago, and hasn't been made since.


SWTOR is (obviously) exclusively on the PC and so are many other games especially strategy games such as SC, C&C, Civ etc. Console games are mainly hack and slash or shooters which function very well on consoles although I still prefer the PC for shooters.

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I grew up in Illinois, and during tornado season, when you saw people running, you knew to head for the basement.


Here in Cali, we deal with earthquakes which is different because the entire city shakes. Everyone (rightfully) panics, and those that claim to be calm and resourceful are full of bantha poodoo.


We do not panic. I don't know what you're talking about. Most of the people I've seen panic are people who move here from somewhere else. Natives aren't sipping tea mind you, but they don't "panic". I can't speak for all natives but I know if I should care or not by the sound of the quake.

Edited by Ghengis_John
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I grew up in Illinois, and during tornado season, when you saw people running, you knew to head for the basement.


Here in Cali, we deal with earthquakes which is different because the entire city shakes. Everyone (rightfully) panics, and those that claim to be calm and resourceful are full of bantha poodoo.


I'm from Cali myself :) I usually end up sleeping through earthquakes, so I can rightfully say I don't freak out about them.

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17 year old male from Iceland.

Nice to see some people from the Nordic countries here. I was kinda expecting more Swedes than Danes or Norwegians, but I'll take what I get.




Why can't we have both? PC for real games, roleplay, strategy and such and console for shooters and maybe even some platform games.


I was responding to someone who was quoting my former post, where I said something along the lines of only dating PC gamers from now on.

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