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Everything posted by Bar_Barian

  1. I got mine yesterday morning, but I couldn't think of an honourable way to ditch work
  2. Well, if she likes the SNES, you may be able to get her into PC gaming with Terraria or Minecraft... Terraria especially feels like a throwback to the early consoles... plus both are pretty easy to set up for multiplayer so you can count it as "quality time" I can't offer much more than that though... my gf of the last 10+ years plays L4D, Civ, Fallout, Red Dead Redemption... she's a real gamer already hehe
  3. PC gamers are also more fun since we know how to use more than just our thumbs
  4. a 30+ gamer-girl with a Feyman quote in your signature... you, my dear lady, ROCK!
  5. 31, male, Calgary, Alberta, Canada... and very pleased to see that I'm somewhat average in terms of age here hehe
  6. If you're impressed by the Appalaichans, you absolutely need to come west... I live in Calgary, Alberta, right next to the foot of the Rockies and anytime I go up into the heart of those beautiful rocky crags I feel like I am standing on the spine of the world...
  7. good luck, I kept growing until I was 25... I put an extra 5cm on after High School... Now I'm 2m tall and 91 kilos... skinny, but not too skinny
  8. Hey! There are outsiders present... Alberta solidarity... until we can get the Edmontonians alone in a dark room that is... Another Calgarian, born and raised, checking in... My main is on Bondar Crystal with TheSpawn guild, but I would happily start a secondary character if there happens to be a Canadian guild starting up...
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