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Early Access Broken Promises....Not a good start, EA


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Giving a promise of game access as soon as it is possible.

People playing the game = access possible, is it not?



That is the only thing that Origin Store says to me, no talk about X days of EGA. Or that someone gets before me because they ordered earlier. Just that i will be playing the second playing is possible.


I'm not playing, so /shrug?


early access & playing has been going on since 12/13/11. it wasn't a promise...it was something that was offered...

Origin only deals with billing & accounting that's it, they don't have anything to do with the game at all.

I'm surprised that the early access started 2 days earlier, they originaly said it'd start on 12/15/11, but they decided to start 2 days early. they didn't have to ...but they did. they didn't have to offer early access to anyone, for any reason....but they did.

I know there are alot of people who were unable to pre-order early for many different reasons including me.....& I personaly don't mind waiting my turn.

Edited by Cougaren
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Besides, what real difference does early access make? You get a brief jump on people, woop-de-sodding-do, everyone will hit the level cap eventually, whats so good about being one of the first there?


I agree the with the majority of your post, but there is one item in your quote I will re-butt. Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to be in "first". Mainly, I would want to be first because I am assured to get all my names I would want for my toons. Name are important to a lot of people. To me, it's not a deal breaker but it's my main reason to be on early or first. Some could care less about their toons name but that is my main reason. Now because of this "wave" BS, I will not be able to get my name and it sucks but life goes on. This is the only MMO that I seen do an early access type event with "waves".


Yeah, the waves method may make the early access without lag and long queues, but I would rather be in a queue for 6 hours than to wait for 4 days to be able to get online. At least I would have a better chance to get my toon's name that way.


Soapbox I come off.......:D

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Reading comprehension of the fail. Good news is when you do get in--all the quests are spoken so you won't have to worry about reading to understand what is happening.


Go away until the 20th--then try to log on--bet it will work for you then!

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