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Carnage for PvP is the most underrated spec


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Wel the heals shouldn't be that slow , esp if you have enuff crit and surge aswel, the healing should be pretty frequent - and regarding berserk not being up often enuff, depends the way u specced and what rotation you use


And to you second point where you hitting som1 with a healer around - well ur not meant to hit that person - as a mara esp our job is to keep the healer from doing nothing - but your right the cc will be a pain, but that means ur now in a 2 on 1 situation, but if its a 2 on 2 then the healer should be down in no time or AT LEAST not do anything productive - thers an exception if a tank guards a healer then any 2 dps combos will fail anyhow as healers right now with expertise are probz the hardest types to kill especially if they guarded - but you can still hit them hard with the constant ticks from ur dps + your also damaging the tank - SO NOW the healer has to choose to either heal himself to keep u off or heal the tank so he can survive longer = disruption comes into play here


Also on ur point about healers ccing u - This is where we are at an advantage lol - our dots will tick and keep ticking - and then we jus jump back onto them annoying them all over again = no productive heals - I mean any healer in their right mind and with good gear WILL never dispell your dots , as their heals will do much more than the dots will ever damage them - but thats the point they will heal themselves which = nothing productive u jus jump back in and annoy again until their team mates are dead - I have never had trouble with enemy CC and keeping the healer busy


Again the above only works if u have at least one person with u (this is with any spec against a healer) - but if no1 is targeting u and ur the one on the healer my point stil stands - Anni is the best in this situation


But yes if you see a healer target him no1 else - i see enuff people jus trying to take down a tank while the healer is free casting in the back - so again healer is no.1 priority , but if ur getting ccd your team mates should help you otherwise it means ur on a 2 on 1 sitaution and you will lose anyhow - but as Anni you will survive longer than the other 2 specs


I think in huttball we are have so many uses esp with our VERY quick fury build up your pretty much have predation ready at all time - with ferocity aswel 80 % increase in speed is a insane advantage = i always obtain the ball 1st and throw it to the tank and then camoufalge away and then hit hard on their healer or any squishy target


And the last thing Anni Marauder is, is being sqishy- I have tried all three specs and the worst one in terms of total deaths was Carnage - Rage is not bad due to the passive damage reduction , but as an Anni I can handle 2 on 1 situations easily depending on the classes ofc ( tank + healer = death anyway)


Again depends how uve specced and what your rotations are - and as u have only played couple of games i suggest u give it a week and ull see why a lot of the higher ranked maras are Anni / Watchman and some Rage and theres hardly any Carnage

Edited by Majinr
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Deadly Throw can be used after getting knockbacked, if necessary you use force camo after that and reach your target without using charge.

Deadly Throws root is specially good against casters with force speed.



I am a bit confused. You can only use deadly throw if your target is under 20%.



I would say 99% of the time if my target is under 20% deadly throw + whatever else kills my target. The other 1% i may have to charge them and hit them with whatever is available.



Ergo, I do not see the advertising point of deadly throw having a root to be one of the selling points of the Carnage spec.

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Seriously though, this still goes to show my original point. People are still way hard up for Annihilation and are convinced Carnage is garbage. I wonder if that's why other Marauder's always message me and ask about my spec after warzones....
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Seriously though, this still goes to show my original point. People are still way hard up for Annihilation and are convinced Carnage is garbage. I wonder if that's why other Marauder's always message me and ask about my spec after warzones....


no1 is saying carnage is garbage - carnage is good , but Anni just has a better toolset and better survivability = end result is higher damage if you have enuff crit and surge (Higher survivability = more damage as your up longer) - also if u play Anni the playstyle is very different to carnage


As a carnage u have to set yourself up for the big burst - quite similar to rage in this regard, as an Anni however no setting up at all jus dot dot dot and keep VS and Annihalting the target constantly - totally different gameplay, so no point comparing these two specs


But so far all carnage marauders ive met so far just never do well , maybe I haven't met a realy good carnage yet , esp someone who's wowed me to the point that I would message to ask for his spec

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Seriously though, this still goes to show my original point. People are still way hard up for Annihilation and are convinced Carnage is garbage. I wonder if that's why other Marauder's always message me and ask about my spec after warzones....


I think largely because there is a big lack of Carnage videos out there showcasing what we are capable of. People show off there annihilation videos/ Rage Omega Smash videos and expect that to be there proof they are superior, but I can consistently compete with the numbers they can put up.


So here is my effort at a video. Its just my recording from a few nights ago and I apologize the quality isnt that good. Been having the hardest time setting that up with my computer.




Skip to about 15 minutes in. The first Huttball on that video was me solo queueing and getting what looked like a premade team against us. Not saying i played bad or good, just alot of deaths as our team was jsut to scattered and they had some good tanks/healers.

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as well as an Anni - One more point if you think that displeling dots helps = wrong , caus Anni can pretty much keep up 3 stacks of deadly saber at all times and rupture which has + 50% to reset meaning it doesnt affect any damage at all



The sorc purge has a 4.5 second cooldown that removes 2 debuffs and heals them instantly. all 3 stacks of deadly count as a single debuff. They can get rid of your all your dots every 4.5 seconds. Rupture and all 3 stacks of deadly saber. 1 gcd. You just spent at least 4 gcds putting those up. In fact if they dispel rupture right away they will be able to dispel again by the time all 3 of your DS's are stacked. And then your snare is gone too and they can casually walk away from you. Their shield absorbs ~3400 in bad gear. They can and will keep your dots down.


Test it if you like. Fight one of the sorcs thats healing in your guild and tell him to spam purge and shield himself as soon as your dots go up. tell him to prioritize that above all else and see what happens. I guarantee hes not even gonna need to run from you.


like i said before... I have been die hard anni since the second week of 50 and I really really wish I could still be that spec. Its great. Everything about it is awesome. But I can't use that spec on my server anymore. Because in the games that matter, The ones against the hard teams, they q with 2 or more people who have a dispell. Anni becomes unusable for me.


I can understand that its not like that on your server yet. Thats awesome. Enjoy Anni while it lasts because my opinion is that its the best spec. (non of this is sarcasm)

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