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Will Bioware be able to deliver prior to the next big MMO?


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The vast majority of the MMO market is PvE, which is content-intensive. EA/BW have the cash to pump into that. GW2 does not. Even if GW manages to match the most successful openng sales in history that SWTOR achieved, it doesn't receive the sub fees, has much lower capital in the first place, and isn't even that focused on PvE content. SWTOR does not have to worry about GW2 coming out, since all they'll lose are some dedicated PvP MMOrs. They'll still have the whole SW fanbase, and a large PvE MMO crowd too.


Plus, as everyone who remembers every other MMO launch in history has already mentioned, the chances of GW2 being released bug-free and balanced are slightly smaller than the chances of my cat publishing a paper on quantum theory.

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The amount of destructive criticism of this game after it has completed its first month is insane. No mmorpg known to mankind solves all their issues until after the first six months or so. For those who delusionally think that GW2 will be a bugless balanced pvp playground you are dreaming.


Bioware is aware that this is their ultimate project. They will do all it takes to see this through, with or without you guys. You are not irreplaceable.


GW2 has already confirmed in PvP gear will be irrelevant. People aren't just put off of SWTOR by a few bugs, they are put off by flaws in the games engine and the route pvp has taken (the gear grind).


In Guild Wars 1 & 2

If you're a good PvP'er a year or two years from now you will be able to join the game and PvP verses the guys from release/beta within 5 minutes and their only advantage will be knowledge of the game/maps etc. Not a 20% dmg/defence/health boost.

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You're saying you're leaving because there are problems after a month? Do you really expect that GW2 will be released without any problems?


EA has far more money behind it to rapidly develop things and considering the amount of money that EA put into TOR it has a considerable stake in their future.


ArenaNet has considerably less capital behind it for development.


This means that EA does have the ability to keep people enticed whereas ArenaNet is less so.


This is besides the fact of gameplay. Which healer is going to GW2? There's no specific Healing class, to me it's just unappealing.


Plus you're forgetting the power of brands, this is SW and in the general populace SW is a much bigger brand than GW.


The fact is, you don't know what BW has planned for the next 10 weeks. They were surely expecting the GW2 to be released and will have something planned to counter it.


Money != a good game....Can't you tell by playing this game lol with all EA's money Bioware couldn't fix all the fails this game has haha.

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GW2 will put this game to shame in terms of pvp.Anyone whos been following up on GW2 can see this. ID say they have around 4 to 5 Months max to fix the issues they have or they will be loosing a **** ton of subs to GW2. Even if they do, it wont help much.

Sadly, pvp in this game is epic fail.

Edited by Hodorr
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Before GW2 there will be The Secret World release in april with 3 factions fighting over control over the earth zones, no leveling up, no classes ... Funcom has experience from AoC, so it can be good game. It didn't look exactly polished last time I watched a video of gameplay, but we will see.


Regardless BW has to do a lot to keep their PvP playerbase.

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Before GW2 there will be The Secret World release in april with 3 factions fighting over control over the earth zones, no leveling up, no classes ... Funcom has experience from AoC, so it can be good game. It didn't look exactly polished last time I watched a video of gameplay, but we will see.


Regardless BW has to do a lot to keep their PvP playerbase.


Oh, please. Spare me the stories of success from Funcom. I've played their first mmorpg (Anarchy Online) for years. Not only is it's economly totally inflated as the endgame gears are all tradeable (thus a gold seller's dreamland) the game's pve content is nonexistent. AoC's release was a nightmare by itself. It was thought to be the "WoW destroyer" and acclaimed as such before it's release. The sheer amount of bugs and broken gameplay severely led people to retract such claims.


I expect what I have experienced from previous funcom games with "The Secret World". In comparison to those games, SWTOR is a paradise.

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Oh, please. Spare me the stories of success from Funcom. I've played their first mmorpg (Anarchy Online) for years. Not only is it's economly totally inflated as the endgame gears are all tradeable (thus a gold seller's dreamland) the game's pve content is nonexistent. AoC's release was a nightmare by itself. It was thought to be the "WoW destroyer" and acclaimed as such before it's release. The sheer amount of bugs and broken gameplay severely led people to retract such claims.


I expect what I have experienced from previous funcom games with "The Secret World". In comparison to those games, SWTOR is a paradise.


Actually I still consider AoC the one game where open world pvp while leveling up worked. The rough atmosphere of it encouraged ppl to fight each other for quest mobs or just because they met each other. For some quests I even had to find a group, because alone it was impossible to finish the quest with all the other players there killing each other. I remember one of the starting isles ppl went there with alts and it was one big death match zone.


Ofc once you got to max lvl, it was a disappointment, but it had potential and some of its features were good. TOR got warzones, AoC had open world pvp that was actually happening.


So we will see ... it may not be the next big hit, but I think it's worth checking out.

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