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Is anyone else finding endgame content rather "ho-hum"? Personally, I don't care for flashpoints, so I guess that part is of this my own fault (that I am missing out on those). As much as it seems like it, this isn't just a complaint thread. I really do want to know what I am missing!


Beyond the missed flashpoints, all I have found to do is some rinse and repeat dailies on Ilum and Belsavis. The latter incur so much surface travel that it becomes a drag, not to mention all the time spent in loading screens during space travel (ie- planet to orbital station to hangar to airlock to ship to airlock to hangar to orbital station to planet and finally to quest hub). Some of this wouldn't be as bad if there weren't so many no-mount zones involved.


I guess I should stop complaining. Leveling was a blast, I loved it. There are so many cool things about this game, but my interest is starting to wane a bit (quite a bit). Participating in a couple warzones a day are fun, but more than a few becomes mind-numbing. Crafting is easy to max out, then almost pointless. Ilum daily/weekly pvp objectives can be either frustrating or boring, depending on how imbalanced your server's pub/imp population ratio is.


I want to love this game, I really do. What am I missing (besides flashpoints and leveling a string of new toons) that can keep this fresh?

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Is anyone else finding endgame content rather "ho-hum"? Personally, I don't care for flashpoints, so I guess that part is of this my own fault (that I am missing out on those).


Beyond the missed flashpoints, all I have found to do is some rinse and repeat dailies on Ilum and Belsavis.


I guess I should stop complaining. Leveling was a blast, I loved it. There are so many cool things about this game, but my interest is starting to wane a bit (quite a bit). Participating in a couple warzones a day are fun, but more than a few becomes mind-numbing. Crafting is easy to max out, then almost pointless. Ilum daily/weekly pvp objectives can be either frustrating or boring, depending on how imbalanced your server's pub/imp population ratio is.


I want to love this game, I really do. What am I missing (besides flashpoints and leveling a string of new toons) that can keep this fresh?


End-game is FlashPoints and PVP. You have the ability to finish out certain companion quests by leveling their affection, there's more "scenes" in these when you flesh those out.


If you haven't done the Bonus Series quests, they're large story arcs, as well.


Lastly, the quest story lines are fairly engaging -- you have tons of options to replay different classes for their quest lines (which I will do, but will wait for Legacy system to kick in, first).

Edited by Zoobert
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Is anyone else finding endgame content rather "ho-hum"? Personally, I don't care for flashpoints, so I guess that part is of this my own fault (that I am missing out on those). As much as it seems like it, this isn't just a complaint thread. I really do want to know what I am missing!


Beyond the missed flashpoints, all I have found to do is some rinse and repeat dailies on Ilum and Belsavis. The latter incur so much surface travel that it becomes a drag, not to mention all the time spent in loading screens during space travel (ie- planet to orbital station to hangar to airlock to ship to airlock to hangar to orbital station to planet and finally to quest hub). Some of this wouldn't be as bad if there weren't so many no-mount zones involved.


I guess I should stop complaining. Leveling was a blast, I loved it. There are so many cool things about this game, but my interest is starting to wane a bit (quite a bit). Participating in a couple warzones a day are fun, but more than a few becomes mind-numbing. Crafting is easy to max out, then almost pointless. Ilum daily/weekly pvp objectives can be either frustrating or boring, depending on how imbalanced your server's pub/imp population ratio is.


I want to love this game, I really do. What am I missing (besides flashpoints and leveling a string of new toons) that can keep this fresh?


I don't think I would add anything to this, exactly how I'm feeling right now.

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Is anyone else finding endgame content rather "ho-hum"? Personally, I don't care for flashpoints, so I guess that part is of this my own fault (that I am missing out on those). As much as it seems like it, this isn't just a complaint thread. I really do want to know what I am missing!


Beyond the missed flashpoints, all I have found to do is some rinse and repeat dailies on Ilum and Belsavis. The latter incur so much surface travel that it becomes a drag, not to mention all the time spent in loading screens during space travel (ie- planet to orbital station to hangar to airlock to ship to airlock to hangar to orbital station to planet and finally to quest hub). Some of this wouldn't be as bad if there weren't so many no-mount zones involved.


I guess I should stop complaining. Leveling was a blast, I loved it. There are so many cool things about this game, but my interest is starting to wane a bit (quite a bit). Participating in a couple warzones a day are fun, but more than a few becomes mind-numbing. Crafting is easy to max out, then almost pointless. Ilum daily/weekly pvp objectives can be either frustrating or boring, depending on how imbalanced your server's pub/imp population ratio is.


I want to love this game, I really do. What am I missing (besides flashpoints and leveling a string of new toons) that can keep this fresh?


Honestly nothing.


People will give you a list of FP's, OP's, crafting and such but none of it really matters in the end. Crafting - you will loot better gear while PvPing or running ops so no point. Gear is easy to get so everyone will have it so again no point.


At end game the game really becomes pointless.


If more sandbox elements were added it would go a long way in keeping the game fun and exciting.

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Honestly nothing.


People will give you a list of FP's, OP's, crafting and such but none of it really matters in the end. Crafting - you will loot better gear while PvPing or running ops so no point. Gear is easy to get so everyone will have it so again no point.


At end game the game really becomes pointless.


If more sandbox elements were added it would go a long way in keeping the game fun and exciting.


like wow's endgame?

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There really is no cure for burn out. This game is very easy to max out. No argument there. If your not getting your moneys worth, you should consider taking a break. If you make a list of every little thing you can do and find that you don't want to do most of them, then all you can do is wait for new content to come. It is coming, but it will take a while.
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Personally I don't think BW expected to have such a huge lvl 50 population so quickly after launch. I would expect lots of content to roll out after all the bugs are worked out and user interface content is added. Based on how many expansions they put out for Dragan Age, BW is not shy about adding more content. I am guessing BW has their hands full right now and have things in the works for the near future. You could always roll some alts to see what their stories are like. I do not plan on rolling anymore Empire since I am tapped out on those quests. I have gotten to the point where I am only doing story quests on my alts to avoid mind numbing quests I have already done many times. My next alt will be Republic to try and keep things fresh.
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If you don't like flashpoints but really enjoyed leveling then there is nothing wrong with starting a new toon. It's often like playing a whole new game if you skipped some of the planets on your main.


Otherwise get involved in endgame group content. Warzones are alot better when played with friends. Operations are alot of fun as well. Just did my first 16man last night, it was freakin' sweet.

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never played wow's endgame so i don't know.


WoW's endgame is essentially the same, just expanded and fleshed out more. PvP zones, raids, heroic dungeons, dailys etc. ....lather, rinse, repeat. All the benefits of being out for 7 years. There is no sandbox option.


When an expansion comes out, you're in the same boat. Heroic gear becomes less than or equal to greens, you start to quest again and the whole process starts all over. TOR simply tried it's best to offer a slice of as many end game options as it could in the time it had.


The questions are: What percentage of the total pop are 50? What content can we come up with to give them something to do? How fast can we get that out while still working on squashing bugs in our current content?


It's no easy task.

Edited by Vitellius
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WoW's endgame is essentially the same, just expanded and fleshed out more. PvP zones, raids, heroic dungeons, dailys etc. ....lather, rinse, repeat. All the benefits of being out for 7 years. There is no sandbox option.


When an expansion comes out, you're in the same boat. Heroic gear becomes less than or equal to greens, you start to quest again and the whole process starts all over. TOR simply tried it's best to offer a slice of as many end game options as it could in the time it had.


The questions are: What percentage of the total pop are 50? What content can we come up with to give them something to do? How fast can we get that out while still working on squashing bugs in our current content?


It's no easy task.


Somewhere I heard BW stated the average player level is like 30. So yeah a lot of people have to catch up to those of us with 50s.

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