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what do you use on thermal sensor override on?


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as an arsenal mercenary, most of our abilities are about 16-8 heat so theres not much in choice of what to use it on.


the only 2 choices I find is either unload or heat seeking missles since they apply heat the second they are casted and they're both 16 heat costs (correct me if im wrong, apparently torhead doesnt have heat costs for any of the abilities).


this is so that you dont have tracer missle's heat stacking ontop of HSM/unload causing 32 heat build up instantly.


has anyone else find a better use for this ability?


and while we're on the topic, how about power surge? the only ability we cast that has a cast time is tracer missles, which I doubt we'd want instant cast unless we plan on being mobile, is it best to just save it for an instant heal for emergency? (would love to know if anyone knows how to make a macro to cast both of these at the same time)

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I use it on Fusion as well. if you spam an instant cast ability as fusion is finishing you will get both abilities for no heat. The second ability needs to be an instant cast ability (unload may work as well) because the heat generated is the same instant for the fusion finishing and the next one casting.

Doing this under 40 heat will get you back to 0 heat, under 80 heat, it will get you back down closer to 40 heat usually, while not losing al that DPS time.

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I dont really get the whole using it on fusion missiles since I dont add that to my normal rotation, I just dont have the room for it.


also i've been trying it with unload and it seems to work much better as a heat reduction


if im under 40 heat, using this means that for 3 seconds im venting heat.


thats 15 heat vented plus 8 if I get a crit which I usually do.


if I used it for tracer missles i'd only be venting 5-7 heat plus 8 if I crit which isnt always true


if I used it for heat seeking missiles, it'd be similar to using it for tracer missles.


and for rail shot..... yea rail shot is already too cheap as it stands.


so i find the best use for this is on unload, any other thoughts?

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why are people including aoe attacks into rotations? honestly is it even worth it? you'll want to use tracer missiles up to 5 times before rail shot gets cooled down, I've never found any time in between to do a fusion missile or DFA.


also if I use DFA its at the start of the fight, and by the time the cast is over, the cost would have been vented already through the duration


honestly the only ability in our rotation that I find that gains the most out of it is unload.

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For AoE fights, in which I use both Fusion and DFA, I'll use it on fusion as that costs quite a lot.


For single targets as Arsenal it depends.

If the situation allows for AoE to be used (so pretty much any situation without CC or aggro sensitive adds) the best way to use TSO is to dump it when your heat gets too high.

And then DfA is pretty much the best option you have.

It does more damage than unload (remember that I said when heat gets too high, so its unlikely barrage is up), it costs more and the channel time and thus the heat regen is the same.



why are people including aoe attacks into rotations? honestly is it even worth it?


Yes it can be.


If you can't use AoE for whatever reason; unload and HSM are equally good (both cost 16 heat) although I prefer Unload as then it again functions like a mini vent heat.


And that is quite frankly the only reason I use TSO on single targets.

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Thermal sensor override, Tracer, Heat seeking missile. Huge burst for 0 heat.


Yes this may be a bug and it may be fixed soon but till then using 2 talent at the cost of zero heat is worth it

Edited by Savril
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why are people including aoe attacks into rotations? honestly is it even worth it? you'll want to use tracer missiles up to 5 times before rail shot gets cooled down, I've never found any time in between to do a fusion missile or DFA.


also if I use DFA its at the start of the fight, and by the time the cast is over, the cost would have been vented already through the duration


honestly the only ability in our rotation that I find that gains the most out of it is unload.


The only other spell in your arsenal that does more damage, even on a single target, than fusion missile is DFA. People aren't using fusion on CD, but when you're given the option to fire off a free ability you might aswell go with your hardest hitting most costly one. Sure you can use it on DFA but that's already cheaper and has a longer cast-time mitigating its cost, so you can probably get away with using DFA anyways. While using fusion in any rotation will probably never be viable.

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why are people including aoe attacks into rotations? honestly is it even worth it? you'll want to use tracer missiles up to 5 times before rail shot gets cooled down, I've never found any time in between to do a fusion missile or DFA.


also if I use DFA its at the start of the fight, and by the time the cast is over, the cost would have been vented already through the duration


honestly the only ability in our rotation that I find that gains the most out of it is unload.


You mean the unload that is in my standard-rotation anyways and heat-neutral in itself?


And yes, I'll use a free AoE that Hits like a train if i get the chance to do it. Those rapid shots usually in this spot won't outperform it, unload has already been casted and one tracer plus some more percent on Railshot are certainly not the same increase in damage as DFA.

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The above poster seems to have a point regarding using it with Unload. Unload by itself is neutral cost due to the regen done while channeling, but with Sensor Override it goes from neutral cost to negative cost as for three seconds you're regenerating as if you were simply spamming Rapid Shots.
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why are people including aoe attacks into rotations? honestly is it even worth it? you'll want to use tracer missiles up to 5 times before rail shot gets cooled down, I've never found any time in between to do a fusion missile or DFA.


also if I use DFA its at the start of the fight, and by the time the cast is over, the cost would have been vented already through the duration


honestly the only ability in our rotation that I find that gains the most out of it is unload.







nuff said.

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As a Pyrotech, I often use it on Incendiary Missile (25 heat) as it's the most expensive ability in our single-target toolset. This is especially nice since Pyrotech gets a talent for critical hits to reduce its cooldown by 6 seconds. :)
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The above poster seems to have a point regarding using it with Unload. Unload by itself is neutral cost due to the regen done while channeling, but with Sensor Override it goes from neutral cost to negative cost as for three seconds you're regenerating as if you were simply spamming Rapid Shots.


it is even better considering they great chance it has to proc the free 8 heat from Terminal Velocity.

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Fusion has always been the obvious choice, but for non AoE I use it mid rotation to keep me under 40 heat and keep spamming my normal single target damage that much longer.


i have used it at 50 heat with unload and ended unload at 20 heat and running fast and hard.

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I dont really get the whole using it on fusion missiles since I dont add that to my normal rotation, I just dont have the room for it.


The reason people use it with Fusion Missile is that if you include the DoT damage Fusion is one of our best damaging abilities we have, yes even for single target. The reason no one uses it for single target is that the heat cost is just too high to be used on cooldown. Now if this has no heat cost, well then it suddenly becomes a great ability. sadly you can only really use it on single target once every 90 sec.


and for the "i dont have room for it" just drop out a tracer cast some time, your 5 stacks wont fall off with one less tracer every 90 sec.

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I guess the only real question this makes is either, do you wanna reduce your heat, or do max damage, since using it on fusion missile will improve your damage, but using it on unload will vent more heat.


but then isnt venting heat a lot more important than using it on a high damage ability? not to mention the 2 abilities dont even sync up either,

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