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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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It's 6:30 ET and 'The Razor' only has less than 30 players at the Republic Fleet. This is a common trend. I think the most players I've ever seen at Fleet was around 50. After you get above level 25 it's tough finding people to do FPs or heroics. In addition, The Galactic Market blue/purple items are few unless your over level 40. These are just my observations. Edited by modey
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You people need to realize that rerolling is part of endgame. So just reroll on Canderous Ordo and these population problems will just go away, while you are doing the intended endgame.


Yeah, and you leave the server you left in worse shape. Rerolling is not very fun in this game as the leveling is linear and static minus the class quests. Don't believe me? Try leveling the same AC up to 50 again. I bet only 5% of the population can handle doing that.

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+1, unless it's full you can't find a group for planet heroics either


If this is true, then the problem is likely not exclusive to server populations. No matter how steep you think subs are declining, I don't think anybody would argue this game currently has hundreds of thousands of active subs. If you can't find a group in a moderately populated server, odds are good that something else is preventing those groups (lack of pugs, instanced areas, faction imbalance, etc).

Edited by Vecke
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If this is true, then the problem is likely not exclusive to server populations. No matter how steep you think subs are declining, I don't think anybody would argue this game currently has hundreds of thousands of active subs. If you can't find a group in a moderately populated server, odds are good that something else is preventing those groups (lack of pugs, instanced areas, faction imbalance, etc).


It's the same thing as in WoW, when the player bubble moves past content that requires a group you have to get extremely lucky or a guild member has to help you complete it. That is why WoW removed all leveling group missions cause they archaic. There should of been a toggle option because they are just a frustration point of an increasing amount of gamers.

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I agree completly with the idea of a server merge. Swiftsure was a 1k que every day for the first 2 weeks and now it is a standard que every day all day. at no point does it become full. this was initially the most populated server. To make things worse, they are offereing transfers only to players over seas and soon most servers will be destroyed. it is so hard to find a group at lvl 50. merge merge merge please! or at least let us transfer
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You people need to realize that rerolling is part of endgame. So just reroll on Canderous Ordo and these population problems will just go away, while you are doing the intended endgame.


I'm not finished with my Marauder, when I re-roll it will be because I want to, not because I have to due to server issues.

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I would say, that once server transfers happen for the Asia/pacific servers, and we reach the 6 month mark of the game, they can settle in and either offer transfers to more populated servers or merge them, I would not expect it any time soon, plus with the legacy system, I think thats throughs a whole new spanner in the works, as far as merges and transfers go.. like many things in life it takes a bit of time.. /shrug
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Standard means nothing, my server is standard and its still a hard task to get groups together due to lack of players.


And with faction imbalance meaning most servers are 2:1 Imp:Rep the situation is magnified for Republic players even on servers with supposedly good populations.


Bioware created too many servers, far too fast and diluted the population signifcantly and needlessly to keep early access queues down, and its come back to bite us all on the ***.



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I would say, that once server transfers happen for the Asia/pacific servers, and we reach the 6 month mark of the game, they can settle in and either offer transfers to more populated servers or merge them, I would not expect it any time soon, plus with the legacy system, I think thats throughs a whole new spanner in the works, as far as merges and transfers go.. like many things in life it takes a bit of time.. /shrug


I get what your saying but fixing server population should be a bigger priority then adding a legacy system and another flashpoint/raid. The fact that I can't find groups on a populated factionin a reasonable amount of time after peak hours is a serious issue.

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They should take faction imbalance into account when they merge.


Then display it ON THEIR site the faction % and once it reaches a certain point (70%?) that faction gets locked.


This would cause too many problems with not being able to play with your friends. Personally when a faction gets out of control the other side is suppose to benefit from faster PvP queues and should also recieve some bonuses. Sorta like 5% experience gain, 5% credits and an additional chance for a crafting skill up.

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This would cause too many problems with not being able to play with your friends. Personally when a faction gets out of control the other side is suppose to benefit from faster PvP queues and should also recieve some bonuses. Sorta like 5% experience gain, 5% credits and an additional chance for a crafting skill up.


Add in free transfers to lower-faction servers.




Server 1-

Imperial (78%) *Locked*

Republic (22%) *Heavy Incentives*


Server 34-

Imperial (46%) *Free Transfers For Imperials* *Light Incentives*

Republic (54%)

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1) Standard = ~ 1000-1500 on the server, so there is your first inaccuaracy


2) last night at 9:00 PM Pacific time, the NA server farm had one FULL, one VERY HEAVY, and 4 HEAVY, with the rest being STANDARD minus the 20 or so LIGHT servers (which are always, and have always been light. So there is your second inaccuracy.


And if you were refering to EU servers, I check them every couple days at their prime time, and they are actually very similar.


What are you trying to prove here? I have checked bioware's official server status page now and again and the most I ever seen was 4 heavy and all the rest light or standard.


The fact is there does need to be server merges, because even during early access finding a group for heroics was a pain, if not impossible at times. I never would have done any of them without guildies helping.


The point of a mmo is to play with other people, and if a server is dead or extremely light on pop you CAN'T play with other people and finish up heroics or FP. And I am not going to be paying 15 bucks a month for a single player game.

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only because i have 50 days left on my sub am I going to reroll on the most populated server.


I really really want to be able to like this game. But its been so damn hard with being on a bad server. I then hope i can move my other characters in the future when a toon xfer comes along.


lets see how this goes.

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Please merge server!! It's impossible to get a group for a Flashpoint. 10-15 people on friday night. You are kidding me. This is killing the game! And at some point, I will be tired of it. I don't want to run Flashpoint when I'm at level 50.
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I started on 12/16 on Krayiss Obelisk and have so far done Esseles and Hammer Station once, that's it. I've not found a guild and planet heroics are absolutely non existent. There are 34 Republic 50s online right now. Planets have 5-8 online during prime time.


I will probably play through the single-player game (I love BioWare stories) and then cancel my sub. I want to make friends and join a guild but any I find quit or reroll.

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What are you trying to prove here? I have checked bioware's official server status page now and again and the most I ever seen was 4 heavy and all the rest light or standard.


Let's check here..... 9:40 PM Friady Evening (Eastern Time). There is one very heavy server and ten heavy servers. There are also only 10 light servers. The rest are standard.


This is actually a higher run rate then a week ago on a Friday evening. In data analysis, that would be an up trend (week over week).


What exactly are you trying to prove???


The fact is there does need to be server merges, because even during early access finding a group for heroics was a pain, if not impossible at times. I never would have done any of them without guildies helping.


They have said they are going to offer character transfers in late April or May. They have said nothing about server merges, and it would be silly to merge servers before allowing character transfers. You need to give the community time to move around and settle in. THEN, give vacate (mandatory character move) notices on any dead servers left over and close them down. Rift proved this model works last year.

Edited by Andryah
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I started on 12/16 on Krayiss Obelisk and have so far done Esseles and Hammer Station once, that's it. I've not found a guild and planet heroics are absolutely non existent. There are 34 Republic 50s online right now. Planets have 5-8 online during prime time.


I will probably play through the single-player game (I love BioWare stories) and then cancel my sub. I want to make friends and join a guild but any I find quit or reroll.


I was on Krayiss Obelisk starting on Dec 25. It got so bad I just wrote off my Sage I had been leveling all that time, and now I'm a lvl 28 Vanguard on The Swiftsure. Yeah, it sucks to give up on a character you put so many hours in to, but I haven't looked back once. It's a completely different game and experience playing on a heavy server. Hopefully though, they will allow transfers or merge servers so I can play my sage again.

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