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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I am on Goluud Corridor (EU server), it is a ghost town.


I do not understand people who recommend reroll, I have played the game for 144 hours, I have not played any other game this long. To start over just to switch server is crazy.


I have many friends who won't play any more because they cannot find groups, the GTN is dead, long queue times.


BW recommended LIGHT servers after launch, so don't blame us for choosing one.


If BW has any hope of making SWTOR a success, this needs to be fixed ASAP, they must be loosing subscriptions at a fast rate because of this.


And why is there not a peep from BW on this issue? Please, I really like this game, but will not have to break of the subscription.

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I had to leave my level 50 Assassin together with some alts between level 25 - 40 on one server and reroll, due to that servers dead population as well.

So the 2 post above poster i correct: Server transfers or merges are needed.

Edited by Mineria
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I feel bad for 3rd shift people, in the am no server on the US was over light except 3 pacific time zone servers. 20 minute que times for pvp and unacceptable. They pick up boxes in Ilum. 8 man's a pain for them to fill. In EQ when I worked 3rd. I had to join a EU guild on E'ci then we moved to Zeb and then I went with them to one of the other EU servers when it open. My latency was horrible but I had some people to play with. Would raid from noon to 4 pm est time.


Would have to leave before last bosses all the time and they worked around my days off for keying raids since I was one of two raid ready enchanters at the time. They have to much instant time and no reason to group. PvP premades get punished for having 4 people which is weird.


Merge or Cross server stuff or the game will die with in a few months. I do not recommend this game to anyone. WoW was boring until WZ's, ZG, and MC was revamped. Forcing people specs is another failure the gaming industry needs to learn to get rid of or only have 1 spec or do a Shadowbane, AC, or similar game leveling style where you can put points into anything.


I could say a lot more but tick tock... This game had a ton of time in development and more then most MMO's. Failed games at launch imo Planetside, AO, Matrix, DC online, and a few others. Soon to be Free 2 Play it should.

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I only say it cause you are making it seem that playing on your server currently is a miserable experience. Is rerolling 2 months of work that much worse that you refuse to do it and are willing to be miserable as you are currently for the forseeable future? You guys are saying that because of a "dead" server, you have literally nothing to do. Wouldn't it be better to just play an alt on a server that gives you more things to do?


If your choices are "Be miserable as a lv 50 on your current server" or "Feel even worse because you have to repeat the last 2 months", then it might be time to just unsub and wait till you get character transfers, no?



Why should my only choices be the above? I've invested time, effort and some cash into my toons. I've built a rep on my server, found friends and enemies but I should just "stop complaining and reroll"?


I never said I was miserable on my server, just that the low population is becomming a problem. Why anybody would argue against transfers/merges from/to servers like mine I will never understand.


Do people just disagree out of principle?

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Why should my only choices be the above? I've invested time, effort and some cash into my toons. I've built a rep on my server, found friends and enemies but I should just "stop complaining and reroll"?


I never said I was miserable on my server, just that the low population is becomming a problem. Why anybody would argue against transfers/merges from/to servers like mine I will never understand.


Do people just disagree out of principle?


Because if server mergers are needed the game isn't doing as well as some of the rabid fans want to imagine - it puts a wrinkle in their dream that this is the "WoW" killer and detracts from their enjoyment of playing "the" MMO.


... in reality this game will never be the size or have the complexity of Warcraft, but it can still find it's niche as a super casual alternative - and merging servers when needed shouldn't have a negative impact on that. imo

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Because if server mergers are needed the game isn't doing as well as some of the rabid fans want to imagine - it puts a wrinkle in their dream that this is the "WoW" killer and detracts from their enjoyment of playing "the" MMO.


... in reality this game will never be the size or have the complexity of Warcraft, but it can still find it's niche as a super casual alternative - and merging servers when needed shouldn't have a negative impact on that. imo


pop is spread too thin you can los1.7 million players over 216 servers


18 people per zone during peak times ...those numbers sound somewhat familiar?

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Someone posted that we have ONLY been playing 2 months and that we should re-roll onto another server because 2 months is not a long time.

Without been sarcastic 2 MONTHS IA A BLOODY LONG TIME and i neither have the patience nor the energy to start ALL OVER again.

Again without wanting to be sarcastic: If anyone thinks that 2 months is nothing it terms of time, then they must have a real problem and must be very lonely people. 2 months of my time is a lot of time and I am sure the same applies to most people.

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Why should my only choices be the above? I've invested time, effort and some cash into my toons. I've built a rep on my server, found friends and enemies but I should just "stop complaining and reroll"?


I never said I was miserable on my server, just that the low population is becomming a problem. Why anybody would argue against transfers/merges from/to servers like mine I will never understand.


Do people just disagree out of principle?

The only argument against it is from Bioware. They think that having lots of small or very quiet servers is better than having a few very active well populated servers.

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Why should my only choices be the above? I've invested time, effort and some cash into my toons. I've built a rep on my server, found friends and enemies but I should just "stop complaining and reroll"?


I never said I was miserable on my server, just that the low population is becomming a problem. Why anybody would argue against transfers/merges from/to servers like mine I will never understand.


Do people just disagree out of principle?


I am not arguing against it. Its not my decision to make. I'm just saying, why not just reroll if its that bad? And if its not that bad, just wait it out. We already know that some form of character transfer is on its way. Too much rage right now.


If I did have to argue, I would argue against server merges. Not just because of the PR hit the game would take, but what if we suddenly get an influx of players in a few months or a year from now? Do we then go back to the hour+ queues and start opening new servers again? I have no issues with server transfers however, and we know that its coming. But until it is here, enjoy the game, or don't play I guess. Raging is going to get anywhere.

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If I did have to argue, I would argue against server merges. Not just because of the PR hit the game would take, but what if we suddenly get an influx of players in a few months or a year from now? Do we then go back to the hour+ queues and start opening new servers again? I have no issues with server transfers however, and we know that its coming. But until it is here, enjoy the game, or don't play I guess. Raging is going to get anywhere.


There is no argument against merges, other than the PR aspect. The queues were there only because the popcaps were set way too low and people, rather than logging off, were autorunning into walls to prevent DCs, so they could play asap when they got back.


And honestly, I would prefer few days a year 1-2 hour queue, than having the rest of the year ghost server where finding the group takes buttloads of time.


Of course, as I play on of the most populated EU servers and on empire side, I dont have these kinds of trouble, but lot of others do

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I am not arguing against it. Its not my decision to make. I'm just saying, why not just reroll if its that bad? And if its not that bad, just wait it out. We already know that some form of character transfer is on its way. Too much rage right now.


If I did have to argue, I would argue against server merges. Not just because of the PR hit the game would take, but what if we suddenly get an influx of players in a few months or a year from now? Do we then go back to the hour+ queues and start opening new servers again? I have no issues with server transfers however, and we know that its coming. But until it is here, enjoy the game, or don't play I guess. Raging is going to get anywhere.



If a lot of people sign up some time from now, it is very easy to open new servers. It is much better than having the game slowly die because it is useless to play in dead servers.


On my server, for at least 12 hours a day there are NO pvp queues. It is also impossible to get a group most of the time.


Now, I am personally rerolling. But many people are simply dropping the game. Because at 50 it is simply useless to log on. If you can't pvp, and you can't get a group, what is the point?


And in the end, the "everybody reroll" solution is worse. Pretty much everyone from dead servers will reroll or quit, and then bioware will be stuck supporting dead space with a diminishing subscriber base.

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You guys aren't listening. If you are telling me that you have nothing to do at 50 because no one is around to group or PvP with, then what are your options? I am not saying "BIOWARE DO NOT IMPLEMENT SERVER TRANSFERS". Thats stupid. We also know that server transfers are coming.


I am saying, if you literally have nothing to do right now because of your server population, why not reroll to a higher pop server so until you get your wish of server transfers, you will have something to do? If that is unacceptable, then why not unsub and just wait till server transfers are implemented? What's the point of paying for all this rage over something that will not change instantly. Its not like they can just flick a switch and merge servers.

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You guys aren't listening. If you are telling me that you have nothing to do at 50 because no one is around to group or PvP with, then what are your options? I am not saying "BIOWARE DO NOT IMPLEMENT SERVER TRANSFERS". Thats stupid. We also know that server transfers are coming.


I am saying, if you literally have nothing to do right now because of your server population, why not reroll to a higher pop server so until you get your wish of server transfers, you will have something to do? If that is unacceptable, then why not unsub and just wait till server transfers are implemented? What's the point of paying for all this rage over something that will not change instantly. Its not like they can just flick a switch and merge servers.


First, I am rerolling. Others are quitting. But there is a 3rd option: provide feedback to bioware to speed up transfers and merges. This game is so much fun in a high pop server. It is night and day, really.

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I am saying, if you literally have nothing to do right now because of your server population, why not reroll to a higher pop server so until you get your wish of server transfers, you will have something to do?


Many of us invested a LOT of real time (you know? time is money) into their chars. Crafting, equip, Datacons and and and.


To more or less junk all this and reroll isn't an easy decision.


In adition there might still be some friend you like to play with. Not enough for a 8/16 raid but more then 1. And all of them must be willing to junk all their archivements to reroll somewhere else.


It's frustrating and ... the decision might be not to reroll but to say 'hey, I saw endgame once, that's enough. Let's check some other games'. There are enough alternativs.


PS: I rerolled too. But my friends allready said: 'when we have to reroll, we stop playing and check other stuff'.

And if the server where I rerolled should reach the same numbers of my old server ... I will for sure NOT reroll another time :jawa_eek:

Edited by Jahor
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Sorry but ... no problem here with FAR more then 15 people. Stop trying to play with a I-Phone.


15 was just a number, but the fact is that the graphic enging do have problems when there is a crowd of people around. A problem that I have not seen other games have. Dont come and tell me it is the fantastic DX9 graphics that pulls my machine to 15FPS in the fleet.


The fact is that the engine simply suck. I cand understand why with so a huge budged never made a new and propper engine from ground up.

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15 was just a number, but the fact is that the graphic enging do have problems when there is a crowd of people around. A problem that I have not seen other games have. Dont come and tell me it is the fantastic DX9 graphics that pulls my machine to 15FPS in the fleet.


The fact is that the engine simply suck. I cand understand why with so a huge budged never made a new and propper engine from ground up.


Sorry to say it, and if you read my posts you know I never say it: BS.


I have no problem running the game. Not even on the republic fleet with 100 peeps around me.

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Sorry to say it, and if you read my posts you know I never say it: BS.


I have no problem running the game. Not even on the republic fleet with 100 peeps around me.


SS or it did not happen.


Go to fleet in peak time, use CTRL + SHIFT + F, start move around and then take a screen shot of your screen while moving around. Then post the Screen Shot and your machine spec.

I so want to see you having 60+ FPS in the fleet at peak hourse as you claim. No problems = 60 FPS. Problems = >30 FPS.


Now go go SS, but I guess you wont do that, as everybody ells who claims they get over 9000 FPS in this game no matter what happens.

Edited by Mamono
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