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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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No one to blame but the fanboys for this. They killed their own game.



Without attempting to troll, I have never played wow, your assumption is incorrect.


But please clarify your statement, it makes no sense.


For there to be "fanboys" you imply that, by definition, a "fanboy" loves the genre/title/mechanics or other effect to the point that they decree that it is the "best" of something.


How is that detrimental?

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Without attempting to troll, I have never played wow, your assumption is incorrect.


But please clarify your statement, it makes no sense.


For there to be "fanboys" you imply that, by definition, a "fanboy" loves the genre/title/mechanics or other effect to the point that they decree that it is the "best" of something.


How is that detrimental?


The term fanboy tends to imply an unwavering belief in the genre/title/mechanics, which just isn't objective, so someone who is blind to obvious problems because of their bias really, which is detrimental for the long term health of the title etc

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The term fanboy tends to imply an unwavering belief in the genre/title/mechanics, which just isn't objective, so someone who is blind to obvious problems because of their bias really, which is detrimental for the long term health of the title etc


How is that so? A "fanboy" may accept some failures for the belief that the the end is worth the means. But how is that exactly detrimental?


If 10000 people love the game and 100 people hate it? Who is actually wrong?

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The casuals are even stopping their playing. Merge the servers nerf Valor to a 65 cap to help fix the Ilum garbage. Delete Ilum make kill dailies and weeklies to open up open world pvp. I rolled a PvP server for a reason. Merge the dead servers. Prime time should have atleast Standard pop on both sides. Crafting was a joke I see they see their fault. PvP is boring grind no fun. My guild PvP for fun in SWG, WoW, Shadowbane, and DaoC. We are all ready to jump ship.
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How is that so? A "fanboy" may accept some failures for the belief that the the end is worth the means. But how is that exactly detrimental?


If 10000 people love the game and 100 people hate it? Who is actually wrong?


Well I would imagine in the example above, if you have 99% or so that love the game, the people who love it are, or at least theyre going to win :D


The problem of course is when the numbers arent so clear cut. So if you have a small number of "fanboys" who can see no wrong about a game no matter its flaws, singing the game praises constantly (and these sort are usually very vocal) it may give an impression to - whoever - that the game is doing better than it actually is.


Whereas the majority of people, while not disliking it in any way, are finding it less and less appealing as time goes on, and this kills games fast

Edited by muzzle_flash
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And yet there are still people clinging to the idea that nobody is leaving. It's crazy isn't it?


In the US they could maybe fill up 2 servers. It's bad.




Think about this for a moment With a base of 850 000 we could have 9 people per instance per server now 850 K is still a good number to build off of but the number of servers make those 850K look like nothing

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Without attempting to troll, I have never played wow, your assumption is incorrect.


But please clarify your statement, it makes no sense.


For there to be "fanboys" you imply that, by definition, a "fanboy" loves the genre/title/mechanics or other effect to the point that they decree that it is the "best" of something.


How is that detrimental?


Well in the case of SWTOR a fanboy is clearly someone who sees no fault in the game, even as some that generally verges on the fanboy category i can see big issues with this game.

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Well I would imagine in the example above, if you have 99% or so that love the game, the people who love it are, or at least theyre going to win :D


The problem of course is when the numbers arent so clear cut. So if you have a small number of "fanboys" who can see no wrong about a game no matter its flaws, singing the game praises constantly (and these sort are usually very vocal) it may give an impression to - whoever - that the game is doing better than it actually is.


Whereas the majority of people, while not disliking it in any way, are finding it less and less appealing as time goes on, and this kills games fast




Does this not represent the very capitalist society we all live in? Will a Company EVER claim their product it *****. No, they claim it is the best even when it has MAJOR flaws. Windows ME anyone? Remember that? Perhaps Vista to a certain extent? No, it means nothing to prove it is wrong, that is not what makes the dollars roll in and the users compensate.


To believe that you can change what suits the majority, however flawed it may be, is simply incorrect and a pure fantasy.


Welcome to "life"....

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How is that so? A "fanboy" may accept some failures for the belief that the the end is worth the means. But how is that exactly detrimental?


If 10000 people love the game and 100 people hate it? Who is actually wrong?


You are assuming that it's 10000 people that love the game and 100 people that hate the game. It isn't the game that people hate. Instead you have people who are blatantly telling the developers "X isn't fun". You have fanboys who come along and say "well then leave". Now here is the shocker, people ARE leaving. Sure it results in fewer people having a problem with the game, but it also results in having 20 people on the fleet to actually do anything with. Criticism is not bad, personally I think criticism is great.


Let me explain it in a different way. Say your mom bakes you a cake. You eat it, but you love your mom so you tell her how delicious and perfect the cake is. Then when your mom tries to sell the cake people say "hey, this taste like crap". You jump on them and tell them if they don't like it then leave. Now your mom can't sell a cake because no one wants to buy one that tastes like crap. If instead you had been honest with her to begin with she might have been able to fix it and actually make a decent cake that people would want to eat. If you hadn't told those people to just leave then maybe your mom could have used their input to make a decent cake. Either way what you are left with is a cake that taste like crap and no money because people won't buy it.

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Does this not represent the very capitalist society we all live in? Will a Company EVER claim their product it *****. No, they claim it is the best even when it has MAJOR flaws. Windows ME anyone? Remember that? Perhaps Vista to a certain extent? No, it means nothing to prove it is wrong, that is not what makes the dollars roll in and the users compensate.


To believe that you can change what suits the majority, however flawed it may be, is simply incorrect and a pure fantasy.


Welcome to "life"....


dam the majority!!, i stayed on XP till 7 came out, dam you to hell Vista!! :D

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Let me explain it in a different way. Say your mom bakes you a cake. You eat it, but you love your mom so you tell her how delicious and perfect the cake is. Then when your mom tries to sell the cake people say "hey, this taste like crap". You jump on them and tell them if they don't like it then leave. Now your mom can't sell a cake because no one wants to buy one that tastes like crap. If instead you had been honest with her to begin with she might have been able to fix it and actually make a decent cake that people would want to eat. If you hadn't told those people to just leave then maybe your mom could have used their input to make a decent cake. Either way what you are left with is a cake that taste like crap and no money because people won't buy it.



Well said, my friend!


However, run the numbers.



500 people bought the cake. Do all 500 say its crap? Without the %'s to know what is "crap" and what is "great", we will never know.


There is no mathematical nor scientific formula for success, if there was we would all be successful and every product would be awesome. There is only conjecture, opinion and assumptions to go by.


The sad part is the people who have no opinion or have no voice to show their opinion.


In retail, our BEST customer is the one that complains. In that instant we have a chance to resolve the complaint and fix the issue. The worst thing is that they say nothing and leave, as a retailer we would know nothing of their issues.


In the game world, with forums and interwebz, opinions are generally contrite and callous. For the game company to form an opinion of the masses there needs to be numbers. The subscription numbers count more than anything, the forum whinging counts for nothing. When they lose the subs that determine whether their model is profitable or not then we will see the effort they are prepared to go to to listen to the user base.


At this stage, a couple of months into it, get used to it. They have the cash to last them many more months without hesitation and then they will run the numbers and listen more. Threads like this will achieve nothing in the meantime and will be written off as jaded gamer-nerds.

Edited by KewarraSlayer
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Why exactly are guys not rerolling on higher pop servers? Game has been out just over 2 months, you guys have been crying about this issue for a while.


It boggles my mind that you all are willing to just sit there and make yourselves miserable simply cause you don't want to lose out on an investment of less than 2 months? Because of that you are willing to sit and be miserable for who knows how long. I could unserstand if you don't want to lose out on years of "work". But you've been playing for 2 months.


Even if they plan to offer server transfers, thats not coming within the next month or 2. If your server is that bad that its taking away your enjoyment of the game, you are still willling to stay there and be miserable for 6 months-1 year+ instead of rerolling simply cause you don't want to lose 2 months of "work"?

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Why exactly are guys not rerolling on higher pop servers? Game has been out just over 2 months, you guys have been crying about this issue for a while.


It boggles my mind that you all are willing to just sit there and make yourselves miserable simply cause you don't want to lose out on an investment of less than 2 months? Because of that you are willing to sit and be miserable for who knows how long. I could unserstand if you don't want to lose out on years of "work". But you've been playing for 2 months.


Even if they plan to offer server transfers, thats not coming within the next month or 2. If your server is that bad that its taking away your enjoyment of the game, you are still willling to stay there and be miserable for 6 months-1 year+ instead of rerolling simply cause you don't want to lose 2 months of "work"?


Because alot of people here are not interest in playing, they are interested in complaining and no explanation will sway them.

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God how I hate when people throw that around! What on earth is so incredibly offensive about merging a couple of servers? Why do people call those of us stuck on low pop servers whiners and claim we are not here to play but simply to complain?


YOU obviously dont have a pop issues on YOUR server, some of US however do and I dont see why people continiously have to bash players asking for merges/transfers.


Yes we could reroll, but I dont want to do the grinds again. I dont want to be a fresh 50 in pvp again, RE another couple of hundred items to get schematics or work another 2 months to earn ~10m credits (our GTN is is halfdead, trying to sell stuff on firkrann crystal takes serious effort:P).


To sum it up:


If your server has a decent pop, good for you! Dont belittle those of us stuck on low pop servers and asking for a way out that doesnt involve starting from scratch.

Edited by Carillion
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God how I hate when people throw that around! What on earth is so incredibly offensive about merging a couple of servers? Why do people call those of us stuck on low pop servers whiners and claim we are not here to play but simply to complain?


YOU obviously dont have a pop issues on YOUR server, some of US however do and I dont see why people continiously have to bash players asking for merges/transfers.


Yes we could reroll, but I dont want to do the grinds again. I dont want to be a fresh 50 in pvp again, RE another couple of hundred items to get schematics or work another 2 months to earn ~10m credits (our GTN is is halfdead, trying to sell stuff on firkrann crystal takes serious effort:P).


To sum it up:


If your server has a decent pop, good for you! Dont belittle those of us stuck on low pop servers and asking for a way out that doesnt involve starting from scratch.





Wait wut??? OK, I confess, I got to the end of your first sentence and hit reply.


But hang on mate, stuck??? Really?? HOW?!?!?! The game is in its infant months and you feel stuck?!?!?!


Something is more wrong with your perception of reality than it is wrong with the population of your game.


If you are stuck, you need more serious help than these forums can offer...

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Yeah lets just read one sentence, zero in on one word and completely ignore the point.


I really dont understand why people simply cant acknowledge that there is a problem and support the people on low population servers in their quest for merges/transfers.


How those our plight detract from your gaming experience? How does it affect you guys on high pop servers in any way, shape or form?


Merges will make people on low pop servers happy andpeople on high pop servers will still be happy. Its a win win situation.


And getting personal..really? You'd think I insulted your mother or something by the tone of that reply.

Edited by Carillion
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Yeah lets just read one sentence, zero in on one word and completely ignore the point.


I really dont understand why people simply cant acknowledge that there is a problem and support the people on low population servers in their quest for merges/transfers.


How those our plight detract from your gaming experience? How does it affect you guys on high pop servers in any way, shape or form?


Merges will make people on low pop servers happy andpeople on high pop servers will still be happy. Its a win win situation.


And getting personal..really? You'd think I insulted your mother or something by the tone of that reply.


Before I head to bed, I will let you know that what you think is a problem is a problem to you. While there are a few which share your thoughts, you are not the majority.


Mergers will cost money, alot of it when you break it down. It may save money in the end by reducing the infrastructure, it will cost money to move the data. In this early time, it is not viable and must be held off until the income falls below a given threshold and the viability of the mergers to salvage population (therefore subs) is worth it.


Your limited experience on your server is not a governing factor of the state of the game. Perhaps you made a mistake by your server choice, you still have options to exercise to correct that. But your opinion is not fact, it is an opinion.

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Obviously my "limited experience" and "opinion" are more common than people want to admit here. Why else would this thread alone have more than 40.000 views, if it was just a few lazy people who CBA to reroll campaigning for merges?


How you can attempt to pass my arguement off as non-factual is beyond me. I raise a few very simple points and they happen to be _facts_ for me, the rest of my server and people on servers in similar condition.


People like you who just keep telling us we are lazy whiners that would cry about..well anything are probably the least constructive posters on these forums and no matter how many times you raise the economic aspect of a merge it WILL NOT change the fact that there IS a problem.

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Mergers will cost money, alot of it when you break it down.


No it wont (and lets face it other than us both coming out and saying how much experience of servers we have neither of us has evidence to support our statements).


People on these forums are always saying to anyone who has a complaint 'be constructive or leave'. Server merge is a constructive solution to servers that feel dead.


Some of us are on dead servers. It would be nice if we didnt just have to quit and reroll on a different server.


Enjoy your busy server. Go and play on it. This problem does not effect you at all. I hope when you find a problem that does ruin your game play (like a nerf to your class) Bioware tell you to reroll.

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Before I head to bed, I will let you know that what you think is a problem is a problem to you. While there are a few which share your thoughts, you are not the majority.


Mergers will cost money, alot of it when you break it down. It may save money in the end by reducing the infrastructure, it will cost money to move the data. In this early time, it is not viable and must be held off until the income falls below a given threshold and the viability of the mergers to salvage population (therefore subs) is worth it.


Your limited experience on your server is not a governing factor of the state of the game. Perhaps you made a mistake by your server choice, you still have options to exercise to correct that. But your opinion is not fact, it is an opinion.


Well unless they do something the nay says will be right in the end. People ARE leaving and not rerolling because there is a belief that they are playing a dying game. Why invest anymore money in a game that dead?


A merge will save this because very few people believe that even 850 000 people are playing despite the examples thrown out,


Do the math yourselves:

850 000 current player base (could be higher but its something a few naysayers might live with)


divide by 216 servers 3935 players per server

20% of population play at peak 787 players per server

Divide by faction 394 Players perr facrion

30 Planets, instance, warzones 13 players per "zone"


Take into consideration that factions are not even and that players are not spread out evenly by "zone" and the numbers get smaller.



As i have said.. Too many servers


Yes we are losing players but how many are we really losing right now?

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Star Wars: The Old Republic has enough servers to accommodate 3+ million subs.


Unfortunately for them (and us) they most likely don't even have a million anymore.


Time for the double-wammy.




60 Servers US


40 Servers Euro


20 Servers Oceanic

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Time for a reality check, chief. During prime time, over an hour for PVP to pop, going on planets and seeing 4, maybe 10 people on that planet? You don't think this is an issue? I'm paying for a MMO, where is the Mass Multiplayer? Move along, nothing for you to see in this topic obviously....


Sounds like you need to change servers. I play on 2 servers and I never see less then 80+ people on any planet I go to. I never have to wait more then 3-5 mins for a WZ pop and there is always at least 100 players on the fleet at any given time. I play republic on Jekk'Jekk Tarr and Ajunta Pall.

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God how I hate when people throw that around! What on earth is so incredibly offensive about merging a couple of servers? Why do people call those of us stuck on low pop servers whiners and claim we are not here to play but simply to complain?


YOU obviously dont have a pop issues on YOUR server, some of US however do and I dont see why people continiously have to bash players asking for merges/transfers.


Yes we could reroll, but I dont want to do the grinds again. I dont want to be a fresh 50 in pvp again, RE another couple of hundred items to get schematics or work another 2 months to earn ~10m credits (our GTN is is halfdead, trying to sell stuff on firkrann crystal takes serious effort:P).


To sum it up:


If your server has a decent pop, good for you! Dont belittle those of us stuck on low pop servers and asking for a way out that doesnt involve starting from scratch.


I only say it cause you are making it seem that playing on your server currently is a miserable experience. Is rerolling 2 months of work that much worse that you refuse to do it and are willing to be miserable as you are currently for the forseeable future? You guys are saying that because of a "dead" server, you have literally nothing to do. Wouldn't it be better to just play an alt on a server that gives you more things to do?


If your choices are "Be miserable as a lv 50 on your current server" or "Feel even worse because you have to repeat the last 2 months", then it might be time to just unsub and wait till you get character transfers, no?

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