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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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^ Join a low pop server and find out then. Obviously something is wrong if this many people want to get to a normal server. If people dont "understand" the problem they are more than welcome to come check it out... Edited by MerkSauce
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I dunno what server you folks are playing on.


But right now at peak time U.S., all but three or four of the U.S. servers are Standard, Heavy, and Very Heavy. And at least half the servers are Heavy or Very Heavy.


Yes the EU ones are all listed as light but it's off-peak right now for them. When I've checked in the last week during peak EU hours, those servers seem even heavier than the US ones (none listed as light at all, the last couple of times I've checked).


You can't realistically expect every server to be Very Heavy every night. It seems like most servers have a healthy enough population.


So... I just don't understand all the crying about server pops when they seem quite healthy.


Not sure what you are doing...but if you go to the server status page, and sort by the population column, you will see the same 10 eastern servers on the bottom all listed as LIGHT every single night during prime time hours.


MOST of them with 10-20 people on their respective fleets...

Edited by Ushela
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pretty sure the aussies get their own servers...does nothing for the rotting dead servers states side


LOL, yay for us Aussies, except the game hasn't launched here yet, you can't buy it in the shops and you're locked out from 'most' digital purchases. That said, all enthusiatic Aussies found a way about that and have been playing since launch or before, meaning that if they do bring in Aussie servers they are either going to be a graveyard or BW will allow mass server transfers; well that or they may just give up on the idea. Seeing as they've messed us around plenty already, they may just decide to use us as lab rats for a server merge test run as well.

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Right now, 7:43 Pacific Time, all the West Coast servers are STANDARD to VERY HEAVY.


About 1/4 of the East Coast servers are LIGHT. More than half are HEAVY to VERY HEAVY.


Friday night a few of the servers on the west Coast were FULL with queues.


I think the problem is that people are not used to the distribution of people in this game yet. It is a HUGE world and things are more spread out. Also, they are spoiled by the instant grouping gratification of other games with LFG. I think cross server LFG will come, at least for Warzones, but until then it might be a problem. Hopefully, more people will join over time as well. I've seen TV commercials now associated with 3D Episode 1, so its coming...

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Right now, 7:43 Pacific Time, all the West Coast servers are STANDARD to VERY HEAVY.


About 1/4 of the East Coast servers are LIGHT. More than half are HEAVY to VERY HEAVY.


Friday night a few of the servers on the west Coast were FULL with queues.


I think the problem is that people are not used to the distribution of people in this game yet. It is a HUGE world and things are more spread out. Also, they are spoiled by the instant grouping gratification of other games with LFG. I think cross server LFG will come, at least for Warzones, but until then it might be a problem. Hopefully, more people will join over time as well. I've seen TV commercials now associated with 3D Episode 1, so its coming...


in China Standard Time(GMT+8) zone, during our primary time,

almost all server are light,

only few server status are standard.


experience it by urself,

then u will realize that cross-server LFG is how important,

at least BW should provide a free server transfer.

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Right now, 7:43 Pacific Time, all the West Coast servers are STANDARD to VERY HEAVY.


About 1/4 of the East Coast servers are LIGHT. More than half are HEAVY to VERY HEAVY.


Friday night a few of the servers on the west Coast were FULL with queues.


I think the problem is that people are not used to the distribution of people in this game yet. It is a HUGE world and things are more spread out. Also, they are spoiled by the instant grouping gratification of other games with LFG. I think cross server LFG will come, at least for Warzones, but until then it might be a problem. Hopefully, more people will join over time as well. I've seen TV commercials now associated with 3D Episode 1, so its coming...


I agree its a HUGE world, but when your on a server during normal playing times and there are under 100 other players spread over several planets and varying levels, makes it stupid hard to even find ONE other player who wants to do the same FP or quest and is of a similar lvl


i was on-line the other day on Tott Doneeta and there were 36 players total, and at one stage i was the only person on the fleet !! i spent 12 hours trying to get a FP group.. this needs to change and change fast


The auction house is dead, you cant find any items you need, as no one is selling stuff, and very few people buying anything you post on there.


Ive invested a fair bit of time in my char, and have made a few friends, so refuse to reroll on a different server :(

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What was BioWare's response to server queues? Reroll on lower pop server.

What is BioWare's response to dead servers? Reroll on a populated server.


There is NO WAY they are going to merge servers this early in the game's life. It looks bad to investors, which to EA and most publicly traded companies, are more important than players. Your options are reroll, quit, or deal with it.

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The MMO game is perfect they did a good job, but thoes on BW must start to listening to the customers. They put a freaking "costummodelization" and telling to us they are eager to listening? Common fix this now with adding Arena breakets, crossrealm PVP, groupfinding system, servermerging. Otherelse they will lose 70% of the game-players. And its sad if becouse it a great game!
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Have tbh I am amazed they havent merged some of the mid range servers, or atleast offered.


I play on a EU server Baccas Blade and it never seems that busy at any time (evening time GMT) etc


MMO games do have a large social intrest and its very important to have this. Take this away and people do leave, when there is no need to lose these subscribers.


I love the game and am really enjoying it but would love to see more people on the servers and the easiest way around this for now (lets be honest who wants to move server and start again) is to merge some of the servers. It cant be that diffucult and would certainly give a massive boost to alot of players.


Just my opinion

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I agree.. I think I'm more likely to give up and cancel my subscription than have to start again on a new server, it's not like just creating an alt char on the same server, we're you can go back to your main to farm credits / craft etc. to support your alt char.


It would feel like there was no purpose to all that hard work, building up crafting skills, days of pvp to earn merc's and champ bags


You'd be starting from scratch, and you current main char would dead.. Just like the server lol


Bw should offer a subscription refund to those who change servers, coz of low pop..Or fix the problem.. Fast before they loose players

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What was BioWare's response to server queues? Reroll on lower pop server.

What is BioWare's response to dead servers? Reroll on a populated server.


There is NO WAY they are going to merge servers this early in the game's life. It looks bad to investors, which to EA and most publicly traded companies, are more important than players. Your options are reroll, quit, or deal with it.


Their response to server queues we to open more servers and up the space in the ones they have.

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There is NO WAY they are going to merge servers this early in the game's life. It looks bad to investors, which to EA and most publicly traded companies, are more important than players. Your options are reroll, quit, or deal with it.


Because people quitting looks better to investorsÉ

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I cannot believe they are getting one of the most basic things wrong


Its a MMO so social aspect is so important to keeping people.


Why do they want so many light servers at peak times? It cant be good to log on and see 31 people on say the Republic Fleet early evening GMT


They must realise people leave because of this.


I wouldnt mind half as much if the numbers where alot higher and still showed low due to capability issues, but 31 at that time of day?


They really need to get it sorted so more people dont leave. The more people playing the more people stay

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Honestly... Even when I'm on Port Nowhere (A decently populated server) and it says heavy, the planets still feel empty. last weekend Port Nowhere was Very Heavy (IIRC) and there were 23 people on Tatooine peak time. Even less as you went up the higher planets (Voss, Quesh etc.)


Honestly, Mythic must have a hidden hide and seek competent in this game, because they are doing a very solid job of hiding the playerbase from eachother.

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My server (Iron Citadel) is dying slowly on the republic side. I have no pool for folks to recruit from and every day the fleet prime time numbers drop my 5-10. Bioware you are about to loose at least 20 subs from my guild that I know of. You guys need to work on this issue. That is a not a threat that is a fact.
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I just unsubbed because of this issue. My main was on Anturi Reach, and it is completely empty. I don't want to pay for a monthly sub to play a single player game.


I love the game, quite a bit actually. But since this issue is not even apparently on the dev's radar, I am not going to pay a sub for 6 months until they finally figure out this is a major issue that is causing people to quit the game. If my main was on a high pop server, I would still be playing (and paying for) the game. I wish the devs would understand that this is experience breaking for those of us on low pop servers.

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Every EU server most def not stanard most of the time. I'm on Tott Doneeta Imp side and we're pretty much the light all day, sometimes we may sneak up to standard, but thats very, very rare as far as I've seen.


This issue really needs solving, it takes a long time to do anything as lvl 50 because there just arent enough. Sometimes there arent even a single tank/healer avaliable for anywhere, meaning you may aswell give up and come back later andhoe you catch that one healer/tank who happens to come online.


The only reason I get anything done is because im part of the one of few large guilds on the server, but evenso the majority of our members seem to have left the server anyway and we're pretty much just a core group of people doing the best we can do survive on our rock of a server. Bare in mind this is on the imp side, so I imagine pubs may even have it worse than us >.<.


Please Bioware FIX THIS, most of the time I can't even play your game because there simple isnt enough people around.



And dont give me this crap about people complained to have more server earlier. I don't care. Our GTC is dying more for each passing day and every single person I've talked to about it wants a merge.

Edited by mamastoast
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I'm on Kellian Jaro server EU and at 08:45 CET this morning I was one of two people on the fleet. Two weeks ago, there were over 20 at any given point in time. Seems the game is dying and I believe this is partly because of too low populations on most servers (I speak for the EU servers as i have characters on a few).

I love the game but its an MMO, if there are not enough people, if they dont merge servers very soon, I will cancel my subscription :(

Thank god I haven't canceled my WOW subscription yet

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After enduring an hour long queues on US Mind Trick our whole guild dropped their mains and rerolled on The Razor which claims standard population. At peak the most I've seen on Imperial Fleet was 55 ppl. Planet population ranges from 4-15 ppl. Most ppl have to skip most or all flashpoints which makes it a real pain leveling because there are not many quests available on many planets. I'm going to level to 50 soon and unless they implement server transfers or mergers I'm going to cancel my subscription. I refuse to drop another leveled and geared toon. I'm starting to think playing pandas might be fun after all. At least there are going to be 1000 pandas running around.
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