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AutoSheath/Unsheath OnCombat and ExitCombat


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This is another pet peeve of mine with Bioware. In every game they make they always have autosheath OnCombat and ExitCombat scripts. Why this approach is taken with TOR I will never undestand. For example. If I'm riding my speeder and get shot at my sabre will activate while it's holstered. Another example of this failing is during certain quests when asked to destroy computers or objects. The animation will fire but the weapon will remain sheathed. The only way to fix the now broken state is to Unsheath and Re-sheath the weapon. So in effect I'm always sheathing and unsheathing when I shouldn't be.


When flagged for combat let the player make the decision as to weather or not to holster or unholster his gun or sheath his sabre. When doing quests involving objects use the script to pull the weapon out in order to preserve the animation. If this can't be fixed with quest objects then redo the animation entirely so it does not leave the player in a broken state.


I can understand how this might or might not effect parry with the sabre sheathed but players can easily take their weapons out as needed. Hitting any combat key should pull the blade out in that regard anyways. Having the sabre in a persistent state makes much more sense to me for personal and game related reasons.

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Yea, I also find that annoying... weapon scripts seem to bug out all the time, on me and my companions. Right now I have the problem that my companions run around with drawn weapons all the time, even when I un- and resummon them. Only a hand full of people seem to experience that bug, though. I think this has something to do with the strange hickups that I have when I open menus, unmount my ride and other such things...


I hope they fix the scripts soon.

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I know it's early but I was worried nobody was even going to respond to this. Sometimes the little details make all the difference and this is one that Bioware should not overlook as they have in so many of their single player games.


Hell this was even a Pet Peeve of mine in Knight of the Old Republic.

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Yea, I also find that annoying... weapon scripts seem to bug out all the time, on me and my companions. Right now I have the problem that my companions run around with drawn weapons all the time, even when I un- and resummon them. Only a hand full of people seem to experience that bug, though. I think this has something to do with the strange hickups that I have when I open menus, unmount my ride and other such things...


I hope they fix the scripts soon.


My Companion has a bugged weapon state also. His is always out and mines always holstered LOL.

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I know it's early but I was worried nobody was even going to respond to this. Sometimes the little details make all the difference and this is one that Bioware should not overlook as they have in so many of their single player games.


Hell this was even a Pet Peeve of mine in Knight of the Old Republic.


It will be addressed at one point.... I hope. But I guess it's not that high on the prio list.

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Yea, I also find that annoying... weapon scripts seem to bug out all the time, on me and my companions. Right now I have the problem that my companions run around with drawn weapons all the time, even when I un- and resummon them. Only a hand full of people seem to experience that bug, though. I think this has something to do with the strange hickups that I have when I open menus, unmount my ride and other such things...


I hope they fix the scripts soon.


Yeah, the companion thing is annoying. Ensign Temple on my Agent and Vette on my Sith Warrior have never holsered their weapons since I got them. Other companions sometimes bug this way but often follow my lead (if I holster, so do they).


I really dislike the auto-holster-after-combat script, as there are many times where I'll go from battle to battle without stopping for a few fights.

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itd be cool if there were different types of melee weapons, like many different types of vibro weapons.


like SWG


SWG had a lot right. Jedi were super rare + powerful.




It's a completely different time period; unlike SWG it makes sense for there to be a lot more light sabers flying around. And if everyone didn't feel like someone important, that's just boring.


Welcome to MMOs

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