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So Jaesa...


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At level 28 i can honestly say fighting the elite dude before you fight Jaesa is the only quest i have struggled with so far. Even the only time i have wiped a couple of times on one encounter, done all class quests alone....kind of ignored most of the quests in places just trying to do my class quest :D

Playing as Carnage spec...guess gear is my saving grace, always upgrading whenever i can.


So there i was faced with a 32 elite....Blew ALL the cooldowns, and just managed to down him....so then i speak to him again expecting to see some more role play....NO the bastid enrages and ***** my sorry ***:D:D So i just had to wait for my cooldowns to come active again, wiped a couple more times on it, it was some kind of leap that was screwing it up, quinn just couldnt keep up with the damage being split....almost gave up hope (ran out of medpacks and stims) went back to the fleet to buy medpacks/stims and thought bollocks ill have a couple more tries....


For some reason, when i engaged him again he seemed to hit like a girl, didnt do the jumpy thing but only seemed to channel spells, which before they could even do damage i interrupted. Phase 2 downed really easy, couldnt believe how much of a contrast it was before i went back to fleet....Dont think i even used a medpack!


Phase 3 was just as easy, waited for my cd's to come off again before talking to him again. But yeah, RNG is fun...just goes to show if at first you dont succeed keep trying, it appears he has lots of spells at his disposal and its just lucky dip whether you get the pain train (that kept wiping me) or the easy channeling spells.


So then the Jaesa fight, this was a walk in the park compared to her Jedi master, really no trouble at all.


So basically, its probably best to wait until 30+ before you try this, but then again if you like a challenge like i do....thats how it all turned out for me :)


TLDR; Last boss is a cvnt. Marauders aren't weak....

Edited by Disturbpants
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Lol if your having trouble with him wait till you get to the last few encounters of the story line.



Once Darth Baras's other apprentice comes back as a cyborg or whatever he is massively hard to down, I had ot wait till 50 to kill him, then you have to down Baras, and unless you time your disruptions well he'll destroy you.


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At level 28 i can honestly say fighting the elite dude before you fight Jaesa is the only quest i have struggled with so far.


TLDR; Last boss is a cvnt. Marauders aren't weak....

I did this at lvl 28 also, and when I finished, I said to myself "Finally! A challenge!"


I agree, Marauders aren't weak, we are complete bad*****es.

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I can't believe you attempted to solo this at 28 and expected it to be easy. To me, that means you skipped most of the content on both Tatooine and Alderaan just to rush to this fight. Are you going to attempt Taris after you're done? The quests there will slaughter you.


You paid for your dumb decisions by making something hard that shouldn't be. Either level up or continue to get flattened.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I can't believe you attempted to solo this at 28 and expected it to be easy. To me, that means you skipped most of the content on both Tatooine and Alderaan just to rush to this fight. Are you going to attempt Taris after you're done? The quests there will slaughter you.


You paid for your dumb decisions by making something hard that shouldn't be. Either level up or continue to get flattened.


By not doing Heroics and the bonus quests you will get to the next planet 2-3 levels early.

This is how it was for me the entire way to 50. Marauders have NO PROBLEMS questing 3 levels above them.

Dumb decision? Nah.

I played beta for a year, and this was my 2nd toon on live.. no need to do bonus stuff and heroics on this toon while getting to 50.

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I can't believe you attempted to solo this at 28 and expected it to be easy. To me, that means you skipped most of the content on both Tatooine and Alderaan just to rush to this fight. Are you going to attempt Taris after you're done? The quests there will slaughter you.


You paid for your dumb decisions by making something hard that shouldn't be. Either level up or continue to get flattened.


I hardly "paid for my dumb decision", i have jaesa at 28, with the satisfaction that i did it alone, while lvl 30+ are QQ saying they cant handle it and need help.

Yes like i said i skipped every quest on tat and ald....i shall go back and do them now i have a strong companion!

TBH i'd rather push myself through content than facerolling it:rolleyes:


Were you one of those people that struggled at 35? :D:D:D

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In general I'm finding the Marauder is decent at damage output, but we're awfully squishy. It encourages a cautious playstyle so we have our interrupt available when we need it. I can't count the number of times I've been at a sliver of health, Quinn's healing doesn't seem to be keeping up, but I pulled it out with a well-timed Force Choke/Smash combo while I popped my 99% damage reduction ability (can't recall its name while I'm here at work).


It sucks to have something like Ravage interrupted since it's so great to front-load damage at the start of an encounter, but in general I've found I can wait a couple of seconds after leaping in at something to see if they're going to channel something. Then I can interrupt them, and start in on my rotation.


We don't really have a "rotation" so much as priorities, kinda like Death Knights in WoW. Keep our DOTs ticking, have our interrupts available, and with a healer we can get through most fights.

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how did 'there fixed it for you' supercede 'fixed that for you' as the acronym when that was the original meme. I just spent a bunch of time trying to figure out where that came from because I assumed it didn't just mean 'ftfy'. Or 'fixed' which is the same number of letters and makes more sense.


Society is crumbling.

Edited by TheCosmicMuffet
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By not doing Heroics and the bonus quests you will get to the next planet 2-3 levels early.

This is how it was for me the entire way to 50. Marauders have NO PROBLEMS questing 3 levels above them.

Dumb decision? Nah.

I played beta for a year, and this was my 2nd toon on live.. no need to do bonus stuff and heroics on this toon while getting to 50.


I skipped all heroics and many bonus quests, and I couldn't get to the planets any earlier than 2 levels late. I finished chapter 1 at level 31. If you do all the normal zone quests with class quests, you'll be above level.

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