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How does one fall to the dark side?


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Oh, I forgot the * from my earlier post:


Some aspects of the Force are inherently evil. Force Lightning being the big one. If you read the Return of the Jedi novel, it is described as a perversion of the Force, pouring all your rage and hate and desire to inflict pain into a physical manifestation of destruction. It simply cannot be used without drawing on the Dark Side.*


*"Electric Judgement/Emerald Lightning" is really the exact same thing as Force Lightning. The only difference is that the Jedi in question manages to create the exact same phenomena without drawing upon a profound hatred and desire to destroy a living thing as one does for Force Lightning. There's a great example of Plo Koon using Force Lightning (and he calls it that, none of this semantic beating-around-the-bush nonsense) in Jedi vs. Sith, where he called it up to incapacitate (not kill) a serial killer who was holding a young girl hostage. He talks about his use of it in a serene, calm state of mind, to subdue a dangerous criminal and save a young girl's life, rather than using it to inflict pain, damage, death, and destruction. By its nature, Force Lightning draws on the Dark Side to achieve those ends, it is only the very rare, very powerful, very centered Jedi who can use it without drawing on the Dark Side.


As for the talk of Love. . . Love is, indeed, an extremely powerful force for good. But does not Anakin himself prove how easily love can be perverted to evil? Love comes with a lot of negative baggage: lust, jealousy, greed, fear, anger. . . all things that can be used to draw on the Dark. As for Love being the opposite of Hate. . . not really. Both are incredibly strong passions, and linked a lot more closely than most people want to admit. Think about how many bad breakups you've seen, or maybe even been a part of, where a couple who seemed to be perfectly happy just a few weeks or even days ago suddenly can't stand the sight of each other, can't have a civil conversation, and may even be verbally or physically violent with each other. If Love was truly so divorced from Hate, we wouldn't have restraining orders.

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I still don't see why people think Anakin's fall was instant, it happened over the course of the 3 movies. A person just doesn't fall to the darkside in a minute, it takes time for it to happen.


From just the movies, there really is no "fall". He has a lot of things thrown at him, like his mother being murdered by Sand People and seeing Padme die in his dreams... and then he just hops over the Moral Event Horizon. The concept is that he goes to the Dark Side to save his love, only to be seduced by the power.


He goes from having a minor conflict of interest between Mace and Palps to... killing younglings, and all the Jedi he had spent the last decade being raised with. He essentially slaughtered his family to save his lover. A very dark sacrifice, in a creepy romantic way. Could've been quite a deep plot.


Oh, wait. Nope. He gets angry and chokes her to death a few scenes later. You know, the entire reason he just offered his entire life as a sacrifice? Yep, he killed that too. Way to break it, hero.


It was just rushed. The most we get for a gradual descent is him killing the Sand People, throwing a fit (understandable, given his mother just died.), and... Well, that's pretty much it. His personality has always been rebellious since Episode 1, and the only thing that changes is his annoyance at the Jedi Council in a few scenes.


The supplementary material really flesh it out quite well, but I view that as something similar to EU making sense of the "Kessel Run" fiasco. It was a major botch in the movies, and was saved by explaining it after-the-fact.

Edited by Raiellyn
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From just the movies, there really is no "fall". He has a lot of things thrown at him, like his mother being murdered by Sand People and seeing Padme die in his dreams... and then he just hops over the Moral Event Horizon. The concept is that he goes to the Dark Side to save his love, only to be seduced by the power.


He goes from having a minor conflict of interest between Mace and Palps to... killing younglings, and all the Jedi he had spent the last decade being raised with. He essentially slaughtered his family to save his lover. A very dark sacrifice, in a creepy romantic way. Could've been quite a deep plot.


Oh, wait. Nope. He gets angry and chokes her to death a few scenes later. You know, the entire reason he just offered his entire life as a sacrifice? Yep, he killed that too. Way to break it, hero.


It was just rushed. The most we get for a gradual descent is him killing the Sand People, throwing a fit (understandable, given his mother just died.), and... Well, that's pretty much it. His personality has always been rebellious since Episode 1, and the only thing that changes is his annoyance at the Jedi Council in a few scenes.


The supplementary material really flesh it out quite well, but I view that as something similar to EU making sense of the "Kessel Run" fiasco. It was a major botch in the movies, and was saved by explaining it after-the-fact.


Don't see how it was a rush seeing as a kid, Anakin was already mentally unstable being separated from his mother and even Yoda said that he sensed much fear in the boy and that his future was clouded. Ok so thats EP 1.


In EP 2, he has become arrogant and hot headed not really jedi like in the first place he lets his emotions get in the way and he goes off to save his mother. She dies, he kills an entire village of Sand People...thats already boarding the darkside there.


In EP 3, he starts having visions of Padme dying and he learns from Palpatine that there would be a way to save her but he can't learn it from the jedi. He is denyed the rank of master, which I could see two sides to this....he has earned the rank of master but he is also still somewhat unstable and thats what the jedi fear. All in all the jedi were not his family, they were holding him back, they didn't give him what he earned and he knows that the jedi teachings won't save Padme.


The only one, who is anything like family to him is Obi-Wan. Moving on to Order 66, why should he show any regret or any emotion other then anger to the jedi order that has done nothing but stomp all over him? As for him choking Padme, he saw that she was turning against him and then seeing Obi-Wan only made him madder because he thought she brought him to kill him. The darkside clouds judgement, this is why it makes sense for him to have choked Padme he wasn't thinking with his head and realize that if Padme loved him it wouldn't seem like she brought Obi-Wan to kill him.


All of this plus what is being filled in between(books, TCW show) really shows that Anakin's fall was not quick.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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