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(Challenge)SHOW ME PROOF!


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We deserved it on people below 400 expertise. We hit like a wet noodle when you're in BM against a BM. Don't ask me why, but we do.




i was popped by a op earlier tonight. 3 hits for 3.5k each in rapid succession and this is before i stand up from the knockdown.


thats 10.5k and my HP is 16.8k


you can do the math for me.

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...What utility? I'm serious, what utility does a Operative have?


Operatives are the same as smugglers, and as a smuggler the only 'Utility' I have is to make empire nervous and paranoid by continuously tranquilizing them. One cc on a min cooldown, another on a 45 that can be reduced to 30. Other then that? Supposedly the ability to unload in melee, but that gets people to call overpowered.


Lets see, sorc can bubble, heal, knockback (base ability no less), slow, stun, ect., ect. The non-force stealth users? Hit like a truck and hope you kill them before their friends show up. I've seen assasins take down groups of people before slipping away, but we can only take one at a time.


I agree the damage is front loaded, but we have no sustainable damage, no real way to defend ourselves, have to rely on a timed buff to use our heavy attack, and still can only take on one person at a time. But this nerf is going to take away our opener, which surprise as a stealth class hurts, so now we won't be able to kill anything. Expect to see a lot less non-force stealth users who arn't healing.


Wonder when they will take a swing at sage/sorc players?


Knew this was BS when you said assassins could take down groups of people before slipping away.




btw the sorc stun is 1 min CD and so is the whirlwind.

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I agree that the nerf may be too much.



From what I've been reading what I conclude is:


Scoundrels agree that a nerf was needed.


Scoundrels agree that the nerf might be too strong.


It would be nice that they let us test it in the test server...


I beleive you need a damage adjustment on that opener, 5k crit plus 4s stun is just too much. Now they only adressed the stun duration, which may be wrong in my opinion. They should have just removed the sick damage and added another ability from stealth that does huge damage with no stun, as it has always been with stealth classes.


more misinformation, not a 4s stun at all, a 3s knockdown that gives an instant full resolve bar.

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The good Ops/Scoundrels will play and succeed with their class, all the fail ops/Scoundrels reroll Sorc, the next FotM.

It happen in WoW it will happen in SWTOR and it will happen in any other game where mmo's provide pvp.


Buffs/Nerfs are a part of mmo's today your the hero tomorow your the zero.

With new gear other classes get OP and needs to be rebalanced.


In WoW the warrior class with BiS gear was always the brute who could do insane amounts of crits and damage.

They where weak at the start of new gear progresion and grossly OP when they got their full set of gear.


SWTOR will be no diffrent.

But 1 class like Ops needs to be nerfed, next in line might be Mercs / Sorcs, its a visious circle in mmo's

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i was popped by a op earlier tonight. 3 hits for 3.5k each in rapid succession and this is before i stand up from the knockdown.


thats 10.5k and my HP is 16.8k


you can do the math for me.



Screen. Shot.


Why is it so hard for you to understand this? I dont want your opinion. I want proof, untill then just keep on sputing your made up rubbish. Because without proof thats all im seeing. Next!




I agree that the nerf may be too much.



From what I've been reading what I conclude is:


Scoundrels agree that a nerf was needed.


Scoundrels agree that the nerf might be too strong.


It would be nice that they let us test it in the test server...


I beleive you need a damage adjustment on that opener, 5k crit plus 4s stun is just too much. Now they only adressed the stun duration, which may be wrong in my opinion. They should have just removed the sick damage and added another ability from stealth that does huge damage with no stun, as it has always been with stealth classes.


Tbh mate, 5k crit is not that bad. Its the stun thats the issue i think, if people had more reaction time then i dont think it would be as bad. I think dropping it down to 2 seconds would have been enough!

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So you guys say that hiyadist in hijacked planes drops down buildings and kills people.


But that was before the security measures taken to avoid to get knifes into planes yet you ask now for full body pats and sealed handbags if they contain liquid.




So I CHALLENGE you to show me a video of hiyadists in hijacked planes droping buildings down NOW. They have to be be after the security measures taken to avoid to get knifes into planes.




SHOW PROOF NOW !!!!!!!!!!!


If you are unable to show proof NOW I will ask for the full body pats to be lifted as it's clear that hijacked planes with yihadists are safe just with the security measures taken to avoid to get knifes into.




Nice logic is nice ....



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So you guys say that hiyadist in hijacked planes drops down buildings and kills people.


But that was before the security measures taken to avoid to get knifes into planes yet you ask now for full body pats and sealed handbags if they contain liquid.




So I CHALLENGE you to show me a video of hiyadists in hijacked planes droping buildings down NOW. They have to be be after the security measures taken to avoid to get knifes into planes.




SHOW PROOF NOW !!!!!!!!!!!


If you are unable to show proof NOW I will ask for the full body pats to be lifted as it's clear that hijacked planes with yihadists are safe just with the security measures taken to avoid to get knifes into.




Nice logic is nice ....





Complete drivel is complete drivel.






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Dude it's all very true but in each case I have experienced it's been them teamed with another operative or sorcerer who also DoT's or stuns them.


Here is the problem I see.


1) Sorc's need a major nerf of a DoT lightning spell that slows and has a moderately long range. Once they" instantaneously" cast this spell it not only DoT's and slows the target but it also marks the target with this huge lightning storm for other team matess to finish off. I was watching one player tick this on me for 400-800 points of damage per tick while and operative kept me stunned and face rolled me. Abo****ely nothing I could do if I couldn't get off a flash grenade to get away. The republic shadows and sages have their force throw which is supposed to mirror the lightning but sorry it simply doesn't.


2) The republic's operative would be the scoundrel and his abilities are not working, ie. cheap shot and head shot. When your dissabled, stunned or otherwise incapacitated the scoumdrel should have these abilities available but they are currently broken or disabled for PvP. They often don't work in PvE either so I would say they are broken.


In conclusion the Empire has a HUGE advantage over the Republic because we simply don't have the offensive abilities to retaliate in kind.

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Screen. Shot.


Tbh mate, 5k crit is not that bad. Its the stun thats the issue i think, if people had more reaction time then i dont think it would be as bad. I think dropping it down to 2 seconds would have been enough!


I agree with this guy, I don't think they should nerf the damage as much, just remove the 3 sec stun. And maybe add a new attack from stealth that stuns the target 3 seconds and does some mediocre damage.

Edited by aleiro
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i was popped by a op earlier tonight. 3 hits for 3.5k each in rapid succession and this is before i stand up from the knockdown.


thats 10.5k and my HP is 16.8k


you can do the math for me.


I call BS on this.


So HS striked the same damage the two next skills? I dont think so.

Edited by GengisKahn
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I agree with this guy, I don't think they should nerf the damage as much, just remove the 3 sec stun. And maybe add a new attack from stealth that stuns the target 3 seconds and does some mediocre damage damage.


Thanks :)


The wow system (dons flame retardant suit) worked well.


Cheap Shot - 2 seconds stun

Ambush - No stun, silly damage


I think the main point of all the WAAAAAAAAAAh about Ops is that people lose control of their chars for too long. Its fracking annoying.


I just wish people would learn to actually discuss things and come up with evidence (screenies, vids etc etc) instead of running to the forums with made up stats and nerdrage.


It helps nobody!

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Screen. Shot.


Why is it so hard for you to understand this? I dont want your opinion. I want proof, untill then just keep on sputing your made up rubbish. Because without proof thats all im seeing. Next!






Tbh mate, 5k crit is not that bad. Its the stun thats the issue i think, if people had more reaction time then i dont think it would be as bad. I think dropping it down to 2 seconds would have been enough!



Yes. Screenshot your combat log... Oh wait....


Operatives are overpowered and are being brought in line with every other class.


Deal with it. :cool:

Edited by Tristita
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They were soo many videos, screenshots before 1.1 why is so hard to show proof that after 1.1 is same, becuse you cant maybe???


Understand that biggest problem was frustrated morons that wanted to feel pro stacking adrenal , stims and most of time atacking lower lvls??

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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Ok so we have all seen the videos of people rolling lowbies while they are simulatneously hyped up on adrenals, relics, and red buffs. I challenge anyone to make a video of them getting rolled in a stun by an operative that has no buffs rolling on them. I also challenge any operatives to make videos of them face rolling people in a stun while not using anything but self/ops buffs.


Lets keep in mind what people are claiming.


1. They are dying IN A 3 SECOND STUN




3. Heavy armor classes with 500+ exp are getting dropped to sub 30% in an opener.


There it is. You have your challenge. Now lets keep in mind that we are looking for clean kills with little/no outside help from teammates. This will be difficult but not impossible. No buffs except those that are applied in the starting areas. Also try to have some class...if you are level 49, dont go pick on lvl 11's to make a point...or seek them out and see if you can indeed kill them in your 3 second stun. Stop all damage after three seconds(2 attacks).


Good luck, I await your videos!


Hi OP,


How does it feel to be like the other classes now? Your fear has turned to anger!

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People do know that the video he posted in a operative not using a skill every GBC.


He stands there hitting a skill every 2.0 to 2.5 seconds after each other.


He stands there waiting for backstab cooldown when other skills are up.


He's also fighting a full epic tank with t2/t2pvp gear in def stance with Stim while the operative doesn't have a stim. The tank has 20k hp..

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I think people still don't understand the gravity of the nerfs. "Toned down" or "inline with everyone else" does NOT apply to a 20% dmg reduction (ONE FIFTH of ALL damage) and the removal of the opening stun.


1. Still no video proof (from what I can tell, plz do correct me if I'm mistaken).

2. Still the same ignorant "you got nerfed, deal with it" from clueless people.

3. Forums filled with "Nerf Sorcs" posts. Well Whoop-de-doo, a lot of people rolling an operative changed now, so the "hard counter" to sorcs is gone. Awww...


This thread is so much win. <3 OP

Edited by Lushbits
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Yes. Screenshot your combat log... Oh wait....


Operatives are overpowered and are being brought in line with every other class.


Deal with it. :cool:




Lol, you really do amuse me.


Screen shotting my combat log wouldnt help, i play a Jugg :)


Seriously dude, you are yet again simply expressing your opinion as if it were fact. Not only is that a total logical fallacy it makes you like you are a 12 year old trying to argue with adults. Either learn to debate and discuss like a adult and come up with some constructive dialogue or take your childish attitude elsewhere.


What you fail to realise is that this sets a precident. OPs are not op, buff stacking was op. NOBODY in 30+ can PROVE (key word here) that Ops are still hitting for silly numbers.


All thats happening here is quite clear if you read these boards. Sorcs/Sages are next on the QQ train. Unless you look forward to having you class broken i suggest you grow up a little and try and see the big picture here.


Thank you for your time.

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Lol, you really do amuse me.


Screen shotting my combat log wouldnt help, i play a Jugg :)


Seriously dude, you are yet again simply expressing your opinion as if it were fact. Not only is that a total logical fallacy it makes you like you are a 12 year old trying to argue with adults. Either learn to debate and discuss like a adult and come up with some constructive dialogue or take your childish attitude elsewhere.


What you fail to realise is that this sets a precident. OPs are not op, buff stacking was op. NOBODY in 30+ can PROVE (key word here) that Ops are still hitting for silly numbers.


All thats happening here is quite clear if you read these boards. Sorcs/Sages are next on the QQ train. Unless you look forward to having you class broken i suggest you grow up a little and try and see the big picture here.


Thank you for your time.



Yes. Screenshot your combat log... Oh wait.... Just incase your slow, there is no combat log in this game, there is no way to "Screenshot it."


Operatives are overpowered and are being brought in line with every other class.


Deal with it.

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Yes. Screenshot your combat log... Oh wait.... Just incase your slow, there is no combat log in this game, there is no way to "Screenshot it."


Operatives are overpowered and are being brought in line with every other class.


Deal with it.


Thank you for confirming my opinion of you. Enjoy the rest of your day at school.

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3. Forums filled with "Nerf Sorcs" posts. Well Whoop-de-doo, a lot of people rolling an operative changed now, so the "hard counter" to sorcs is gone. Awww...




Yup. The sad part is that when BW fold and nerf sorcs aswell, the same people who are posting "OPs are OP", "Now you're just like everyone else" and other such thoughtless rubbish will be in this board trying to convince people that THEIR nerf is not needed.


Some people just cant see past the end of thier own noses.



But, <3 the op of this thread. 30+ pages and still nothing more than the opinions of nerdraging kids. Brilliant :D

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