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Are Snipers like...?


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Ok so I know this will not be a popular comparison..


but would snipers be the "WoW" equivalent of a hunter? I've played hunter since vanilla wow and just always loved the ranged character/ kiting people


kinda hard to tell between sniper and merc, since I like alot of mobility,


merc seems to have the cast times for their missile spam


but snipers seems to have that 'cover' system that forces you to stand there to be able to use certain skills


so just wanted some insight as to what you guys think



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In fact id wish to be more like a hunter.We lack of mobility especialy on MM or engineering tree,even on Lethality we need to use Cover so that makes us an stationary dps.First when i played Sniper i tought the same that will be "WoW's hunter" but isn't.The only thing that we have in common is that we have long distance shots but the dps is nice.

Edited by ALEXANDRU-
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Ok so I know this will not be a popular comparison..


but would snipers be the "WoW" equivalent of a hunter? I've played hunter since vanilla wow and just always loved the ranged character/ kiting people


kinda hard to tell between sniper and merc, since I like alot of mobility,


merc seems to have the cast times for their missile spam


but snipers seems to have that 'cover' system that forces you to stand there to be able to use certain skills


so just wanted some insight as to what you guys think




i don't understand why people like you use a PVE build in PVP and then complain about it -_-


use leth if you want to pvp, marks if you wanna pve and eng if you wanna play a gimp


@OP: yeh, sniper is like hunter from wow

Edited by Kyris_Xiandrii
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marks pvp is very viable, you'd be very surprised to see how much dps you can do while moving if you unbind the "s" key from the "Move Backwards" command


the amount of cc, burst, and 0 ability to heal compare us to hunter in wow yes


the lack of mobility snipers have does not compare however

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Hunter was my main char in WoW, sniper is here in TOR. PvE I feel a hunter felt like it had more range and better range dump. Hunter was also quite boring (spam the same rotation), sniper seems to allow for you to mix things up more. PvP they play a lot different as well. Hunter could lay traps, counter stealth and had an easier time kiting. Sniper has counters against melee but there's nothing inherent to the class that allows kiting. Both are supposedly "cloth eater" classes, it's just that the cloth in TOR is much harder to swallow.


I think the similarity ends with both being called ranged DPS.

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i don't understand why people like you use a PVE build in PVP and then complain about it -_-


use leth if you want to pvp, marks if you wanna pve and eng if you wanna play a gimp


@OP: yeh, sniper is like hunter from wow



Completely ignore this troll.

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Completely ignore this troll.

watch the video in my signature.


look how many times i enter cover/crouch


not many times. in fact, i rarely ever bother with cover, and when i do use it, it's usually for less than 2 seconds so I can cast series of shots


marksmanship = pve build because it has 0 mobility, and mobility is king in this game. also, all of it's attacks are kinetic, which recieves 20-40% damage reduction in pvp due to the target's armour

lethality = pvp build because it has amazing mobilit, extra CC and your 3 main attacks are all internal damage which is not mitigated by armour

engineering = a gimp version of lethality, gimp because it has shorter duration CC and no Cull (which is Sniper's highest damage ability)


so how am i trolling?


care to explain?

Edited by Kyris_Xiandrii
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watch the video in my signature.


look how many times i enter cover/crouch


not many times. in fact, i rarely ever bother with cover, and when i do use it, it's usually for less than 2 seconds so I can cast series of shots


marksmanship = pve build because it has 0 mobility, and mobility is king in this game. also, all of it's attacks are kinetic, which recieves 20-40% damage reduction in pvp due to the target's armour

lethality = pvp build because it has amazing mobilit, extra CC and your 3 main attacks are all internal damage which is not mitigated by armour

engineering = a gimp version of lethality, gimp because it has shorter duration CC and no Cull (which is Sniper's highest damage ability)


so how am i trolling?


care to explain?


I think you're missing one point, what you're saying should be true, but its not...Marks is the best tree for pve and pvp right now. In theory, yea, lethality should be the pvp and marks the pve, but lethality is broken in many aspects, you know them if you've played lethality: zero dot protection, dots breaking snares/incapacitates, zero extra defense, and the stupid need of using cover in some situations (Ex: you cant cast Cull if someone is focusing u, you need to enter cover and use entrench or they will interrupt u) which ruins their great mobility. I said this in other thread I think, Marks is right now the best option for everything, just because it feels like the sniper class is enterily based on marks, they didnt even take their time to prepare lethality or engi, theres too many flaws on those trees to be viable in pve or pvp.


I level as lethality from 21 to 50 and from valor 1 to 44, and I loved it, but ppl is getting good, healers are starting to dispel, ppl is starting to interrupt Cull, or even bursting us before we kill them since all we have is shield probe and evasion.

Edited by Revotz
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we have 2 slows, 1 root, disengage and ranged cc/melee stun


how is that no kite o0?


Kiting is all about mobility I think, u cant kite well if your mobility sucks, and I think we all agree marks sucks at mobility...in the other hand lethality which has great mobility cant use half of those ccs since dot dmg will break them....if youre in a 1v1 situation i think its better to shot until they re dead not try to use all of that cc that u say to try to kite...

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To the OP: yes they are


Everyone is focusing too much on all the little details which don't make the Sniper a carbon copy class, instead of taking the abstract view.


We are the ranged DPS, whose utility doesn't come from healing or damage mitigation but from our ranged burst and slight snares.


When it comes to melee, we have a couple of abilities but we use them to get out of range.


We're fairly static - WoW hunters are not mobile kite machines, they sit and shoot like everyone else. Hell I played hunter since vanilla, we had no auto-shot back then, like SWTOR we had to hit our ranged attack button.

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Nowhere near.


No slow, no kite, no anti-stealth.


This depends on your spec. All the specs are viable certainly, but notably a Lethality Sniper does have the ability to slow, kite, and break stealth (not quite as well as a Hunter though). I personally kill most Operatives, Assassins, Juggernauts, Marauders, and Powertechs via kiting. Sometimes the kiting is as simple as a Cover Pulse and Leg Shot, sometimes it's running around while they are dotted up and me firing Rifle Shots back at them. Even a Marksman has the ability to kite, just because you do more damage when standing still doesn't mean that is what you should always do.

Edited by Ayestes
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It depends on what spec you are.

MM I think is more like playing an Arcane Mage in PvP.


If you can find a good spot and turret , you will ****.

But smart teams know to take you out quick.


Lethality I think is more like a Warlock.


Never played Engineer.

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I've played Hunter in Vanilla and Cataclysm (not inbetween) and I do find the feel somewhat similar.


The way I would draw the connection is - MM is MM. You sit back, and string shots for maximum damage.

Key skills: Ambush, Snipe, Series of Shots, Followthrough. Direct damage.


Lethality is Survival. Improved mobility and a nice PvP toolkit. Still countered by healers worth their salt.

Key skills: Corrosive Dart, Corrosive Grenade, Cull, Weakening Blast. DoT and related.


Engineering is an odd one, but similar to Beastmaster (minus the pet). You get unique looking skills, and playstyle that draws from other trees. You gain a lot of utility at the expense of all-out DPS.

Key skills: Interrogation probe, Explosive probe, Plasma probe, Series of Shots. Alternative-type damage with decent area denial.


Sniper is less mobile than Cataclysm hunter, but more capable than vanilla hunter. Many hunters adopted the sneak-and-ambush playstyle in WoW, and the sniper benefits extra from this through cover.

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The fact that sniper is easiest class to kill in TOR right now, and the fact that it's one of the worst damage dealers right now, nowhere near same mobility as powertech/trooper has.. should be clear indication that sniper is nothing like the hunter in WoW. Should be pretty obvious
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