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Let's talk about pyrotech


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I'm a lvl 50 pyro with valor 50.


I have to say I agree with you in only that the pyro is a fun good dps alternative to a merc arsenal. But that's about it.


Against ops/smugs (before next patch), you dont even ahve time to bubble shield before they trip u and tear u to pieces. You have to trinket right away and use jet boost to belt them.


Your 300k damage is invalid at the moment. I am guessing you are getting most of the damage via AoE. You're also playing against bolstered PCs which is quite different than playing against lvl 50 champ geared PCs. So it most likely will not stay the same when you hit 50.


I dont have many problems with Sorcerors in general. However, if any class targets you and you ignore them, you will probably die. The lack of more than 1 stun is a hindrance.


PT is not as bursty as arsenal. What is good about PT is mobility. If arsenal had a healer and didn't have to worry about LOS as much, arsenal > PT in wzs IMO

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Pyrotech/assault is very easy to play. I can't tell if they're either a well polished and balanced class, or if their damage is just a little too easy to apply.


I would definitely say wait a little longer until the obviously weaker ACs get brought into line and then see how they perform

Edited by DesperadoIG
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You're a Pyrotech and you think we get lots of damage from AoE? What?


Pyrotechs do no AoE damage at all except from Death from Above, which we use maybe a couple times a match. What are you talking about?


No, he was talking about my sorc, which does get a lot of dmg from aoe.

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Pyrotech/assault is very easy to play. I can't tell if they're either a well polished and balanced class, or if their damage is just a little too easy to apply.


I would definitely say wait a little longer until the obviously weaker ACs get brought into line and then see how they perform


Sensible reply.


Sorc is already miles easier to play than juggs, nothing having to stare at my rage bar for the first 20 levels of playing that class. What a pain that was.


PT I think is even easier to play than sorcs. While I felt powerful in both classes, PT is just easier to do the big* numbers with.


Edit: bigGER

Edited by cymboll
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Oh ok, good. That made no sense otherwise.


Although AoE damage is still valid damage... I don't know why people invalidate it so much.


I am not invalidating aoe damage; I half jokingly mentioned it as fluff. I understand that sorcs are there to apply heavy pressure across multiple targets in warzones. If that's sorc's role, so be it.


I guess what I am trying to say is... as a sorc, I felt that if people left me alone, I do really well, otherwise sentinels, rage juggs, Ops, and PT can ruin my day fairly quickly. As a PT however, I never truly felt that there was a fight I didn't stand a good chance of winning.

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yes bounty hunters and troopers need a workover they are pretty OP



and i know this by experience by playing them by fighting them and by watching everyone i know either rerroll a BH or trooper.


funny that eh



of course there will be people trying to justify them but they are wrong,


BH and troopers are clearly OP


You have demonstrated time and again that you have no Godly idea what you're talking about.


Everything you say suggests that you are attempting to do **** like toe-to-toe it with a turret-spec Bounty Hunter, and you're getting precisely what you ask for. Operatives were punchy as Hell, but they got a nerf and now I feel like their 8k crits turning into 6.2k crits are going to do at least a reasonable job of not killing me in a single KD cycle. That knockdown from stealth was -mighty- long, too. But. The nerf is there, and Operatives do not open up as hard as they did.


You don't even complain about the classes I have problems with. Wanna know why? They're not the rock to your scissors, or you are somehow figuring out how to fight them effectively. People do -great- against my BH just by putzing around near lightpoles and such; my tracers are absolute garbage when someone keeps ducking out of LoS and tossing instants at me, even if it's just no-cost spammable instants. You could, too, if you took the Goddamned initiative to figure out how, but noooo, you'd rather just yell about how things need a nerf.


You have no grasp of game design whatsoever. People who cry about class balance right now are essentially crying for nothing; they're trying ineffective tactics, expecting to win, and when they don't they're coming here to piss and moan.


Stop it.

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Don't worry OP, @50 pyrotech burst and dps is OK but far from OP. You'll never top the charts, you get kited pretty easily compared to the shield/pyro hybrid build.


Spec 21/2/18. Much better than deep pyro as:

1) you'll survive much longer

2) you won't get kyted

3) you maintain good dps with flame burst / rocket punch / rail shot spam

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Don't worry OP, @50 pyrotech burst and dps is OK but far from OP. You'll never top the charts, you get kited pretty easily compared to the shield/pyro hybrid build.


Spec 21/2/18. Much better than deep pyro as:

1) you'll survive much longer

2) you won't get kyted

3) you maintain good dps with flame burst / rocket punch / rail shot spam


Thank you for the tip, I will try that :))


Mhak put up some very impressive numbers, and I have seen those coming from Pyros in huttball, of all places. I can get to _almost_ 500k in voidstar only on sorc, but 500k+ in huttball is very impressive indeed.

Edited by cymboll
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Don't worry OP, @50 pyrotech burst and dps is OK but far from OP. You'll never top the charts, you get kited pretty easily compared to the shield/pyro hybrid build.


Spec 21/2/18. Much better than deep pyro as:

1) you'll survive much longer

2) you won't get kyted

3) you maintain good dps with flame burst / rocket punch / rail shot spam


As the creator of this build, I'd like to remind others this isn't pure DPS as others are hoping. It has OK Burst, but I designed it around the fact you can control the field with Guard, Root that bypasses Resolve(Jet Charge) Grapple, Jet Charge gap closer, Two interrupts and very good survival.


Though sadly, it STILL out bursts Adv P. with more sustained, kinda sad really...

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I have 12% expertise on my Powertech, and after the changes in 1.1 I'm lucky to get a 3.5k Rail Shot crit or even a TD that breaks 3k crit due to buffs no longer stacking. Friends Ops? 4-5k crits on ME with 12% Expertise still, and in way less time to set up.


Rest of the time I'm critting for 1500 on Flameburst, 2.3k on Rocket Punch, and getting laughed at by smart DPS Sorc/Sages and god forbid trying to kill a geared Seer/Corruption, not happening.


Almost full battlemaster and almost rank 70 i can agree with this.


I used to get always over 5k before the biochem nerf now i get the same as the quote.


I feel its a very strong class but its burst or be bursted, it lack of survival. Only the Shield buff 25% decrease and heavy armor. (and if you compare to Advanced prototype or Shield tech its a real joke)


I also feel its a bit useless for Hutball sometimes i just forget about damage and guard people.


Why you can do a lot of damage? As you said in your post you do a lot "Rambo" playstile and that's exactly what Powertech its...He is always in the middle of the battle or pulling someone.

Edited by Kroktar
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Nice try op. Sorc in disguise trying to deflect. I have a 50 pt and the class is not even in the same ballpark as some other classes.


What? I don't even. How am I in disguise when I mentioned that I played a sorc as well. I just find Pyro to be much more to my liking.

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*Haven't read the thread, replying to the first post*


Pyrotech powertechs, aswell as assault vanguards. Die in seconds. They have zero mobility and zero survivability, aswell as huge ammo problems, unlike other trees.


Also vaguard's tactics tree have alot more damage then assault.

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This is the one class I can't beat with my Sage.


There are several threads asking about how to stand up to Powertechs (here's mine, focusing on tactics), and the consensus seems to be 'you can't.'


I keep hearing complaints about Operatives/Smugglers, but I don't fear them. Their lack of a gap-closer opens lots of doors.


I also play an Operative, and the only class that burns me? You got it: pyrotech. They can close distance, stun, do at least as much crit damage, and have more instant-cast attacks.

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This is the one class I can't beat with my Sage.


There are several threads asking about how to stand up to Powertechs (here's mine, focusing on tactics), and the consensus seems to be 'you can't.'


I keep hearing complaints about Operatives/Smugglers, but I don't fear them. Their lack of a gap-closer opens lots of doors.


I also play an Operative, and the only class that burns me? You got it: pyrotech. They can close distance, stun, do at least as much crit damage, and have more instant-cast attacks.



Uhh.. we have ONE stun, the same 4s stun that every single class is given


And if a Powertech is closing disstance, he's far up in the Shield-tech tree, so his damage won't be that great..


Now, I run Carolina Parakeet (Hybrid ST/pyro) that gives you the jet charge of shield tech, while still maintaining the free proc'd railshots from Pyro.. great spec and amazing in PVP. But we are nowhere near overpowered... The real problem is that all of us Pyrotechs are running around in DPS gear without any decrease in survivability.


If they would make tank stats actually effective in PVP, a lot more of us Powertechs would be running full shield-spec and wearnig tank gear; as it stands right now, I live just as long as full Shieldtech in Tank gear as I do ST/pyro in full DPS gear. I still use my guards and taunt and put up 100-200k protection a game; except I also pump out 250-300k damage


You want to know the real problem? Powertechs can kill sorc/sages, 60% of teh playerbase. Seriously.... Operatives were their hard-counter, so they complained until they were nerfed. Now it's powertechs, the last remaining class that can kill a sorc/sage reliably (Check their forums, you'll see for yourself.. )..


We should just all submit to our Sorc/Sage overlords.. with the best damage, healing, mitigation (shields), mobility (speed), control (hybrid spec has TONS of stuns/mez) in the game. Can't have a class that can kill them, now can we?

Edited by ericdjobs
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This is the one class I can't beat with my Sage.


There are several threads asking about how to stand up to Powertechs (here's mine, focusing on tactics), and the consensus seems to be 'you can't.'


Use your cc alot, heal up.


I keep hearing complaints about Operatives/Smugglers, but I don't fear them. Their lack of a gap-closer opens lots of doors.


I also play an Operative, and the only class that burns me? You got it: pyrotech. They can close distance, stun, do at least as much crit damage, and have more instant-cast attacks.


Pyrotech dealing as much crit damage as operative? You must be high.

Edited by Dethcord
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1. Survivability


Check, heavy armor


heavy armor alone doesnt make for good survivability.

my lvl. 50 pyro in champion gear has around 25% damage reduction from armor...compare that to the 50% i get when i use shieldtech set and spec ...


2. Mobility


Check, this class had most of its abilities insta-cast, and does not require standing in one place


pyros need to have mobility since its hard enough as it is to close gaps with no jet charge available and grapple not working half the time


3. Range.


This class has melee skills (rocket Punch), medium range skills (flame burst), and long range take-out shots (railshot), and an amazing "auto-attack" that engages at 30 meters.


and ?


4. Damage


At level 24, I nearly always pull 250k in warzones, and I am the zergy type who dies a lot. I'd imagine if I played less like rambo and spent less time in the penalty box, I can probably push 300k. If i had better gear and all of my abilities, that number can only go higher.


it actually gets worse on the higher lvls ... no offense but as a lvl24 you shouldnt talk about stuff you have no idea about(eq. lvl50 pyro going up against other fully geared lvl50s)


5. Burst


This class has burst that falls somewhere between superb and fantastic


Thermal detonator (right now I am using explosive dart, of course)

flame burst

rail shot

rocket punch (possible proc for another rail shot), you are looking at a very dead (insert non-tank class)


yeah, and thats about it...pyro has terrible sustained damage, after your initial burst you will be at 65% or so heat with your core abilities on cooldown and your left with basic attack or unload, if youre lucky and in range you can use flamebursts but that way you will go 100% heat in no time.


Talented, rail shot is basically free, since you dissipate about that much heat in the GCD. So you won't run into overheating issues using this combo, and it does upwards of 13~17k damage in 3 or 4 GCDs. Repeatable every 15 seconds or so. The best part? Rail shot ignores up to 90% armor and flame burst is elemental.


no it isnt..try playing huttball on lvl50 and closing the gap to your target without getting stunned/mezzed/knocked back ... youre lucky if you can stay close on a target and the chance to trigger the free railshot is <50%(45% for rocket punch, 35% for flame burst) and it seldom triggers


to sum things up ... as a lvl24 ... dont talk about a class being OP or anything cause really, unless you played it for a while at max. lvl vs. other max. lvls you have no clue what your talking about.

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A pyrotech is ownage, i have been playing one and there's no class it cant beat, even the dreaded sorcs get destroyed by my many dots chewing away at them and huge burst and interupts


With the constant snares that you can apply at any time and being able to go into tanking mode for guard at any time this class is definetly a sleeper hit class and up their with all the other top tier pvp classes

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it actually gets worse on the higher lvls ... no offense but as a lvl24 you shouldnt talk about stuff you have no idea about(eq. lvl50 pyro going up against other fully geared lvl50s)



Yes, but it is pretty offensive when you discount what I see other pyros have been doing. I may not personally do those numbers yet, but I see pyros outperforming sorcs every day when I do my dailies. For the record, the pyros I know don't talk about what classes counter them, they talk about which one takes longer to kill.


I didn't say it's overpowered, I am saying it is very very good, which is why my alt of choice is PT.

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I would definitely say that pyrotech/assault is right behind operative/scoundrel in terms of hopelessness


the only difference being if you can catch the op/scoundrel before he lands the stun you have a good chance at winning.


Pyrotech? flame burst, rail shot, falcon punch, rail shot, flame burst, rail shot....


Every attack in that rotation is a really good attack. There's no real 'setup', just attack with your 3 best abilities.


Jet punch does good damage and has a high chance of resetting rail shot. Flame burst does a bit less but has a guaranteed snare and can reset rail shot. Then there's rail shot which might as well be coming from the Death Star itself.

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