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Sentinels Need something.. no way bioware meant for this.


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a whole bunch of people post (who never played one and dont currently) saying how they own other classes.


BS - i've been playing all day and sentinels need something. My gear is bad as bad ***** as it can get without dumping another 100k in implants to get epic.


My skills are all put into watchman (because everyone says combat stinks until level 43) and still classes that are much lowern in rank are beating me even 1 on 1.


Now the reserse is true when i use my sage/sorc.


I'm not a complete moron. Something is wrong with this class.


as others have posted - the killer is the armor - healing - and fact that they can simply stun us to death... and then we can't get to them. Lots of suggestions have been made.



But lets face it, we either need immunity chance on these slows and such at least and lower focus costs.. OR when we DO get close adn DO build up al ltha focus while trying to cut through armor, stunned and everything else. LET US HIT HARDER. ALLOT HARDER


LOL dont ***** till after lvl 50 and u are = geared

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Sent. needs a little tuning in the Combat tree but besides that we are fine. I dont get all the gripe with some of the sents on here. It seems like you want to be steamrollers who 2-3 shot people while taking next to no damage or being CC'ed. Any class with heavy channeled abilities should be lunch for you, depending on your spec you have 4 inter. 2 of which can have pretty short cool downs if specced into them in said tree (and one can be specced down to 50 seconds- force stasis). We have a snare (which i rarely see other sents use) so keeping people in melee range who are trying to run really isnt that hard. Yes they can CC break it but 9 times out of 10 they have already used there CC break or have it saved for a real lock down. If your watchman specced its all about keeping your burn dmg up, popping Zen with +3 OS stacks and Cauterize is insane burst + decent heals. Focus is all about building the stacks for Sweep. Left un checked we can wreck shop in pvp.
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I'm not good at PvP, and I won't pretend otherwise.


That said, most of the time in one on one situations, I do win. Even when I was at lower levels and undergeared. In fact, one of the best 1v1 fights I've ever had was with another sentinel during huttball. It was awesome, even though I lost.

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Obviously you are not suited to play this class, I suggest you reroll.



Ps. Its not the class, its you.


I do well with the class, like you, but I admit that this is because I mastered a learning curve that might be more difficult for other palyers - players who also paid for this game and deserve to be heard. Also, I wouldn't mind not having to work so hard to get the same result as everyone else. I am not referring to the high number of abilities either - I like that. But there are hurdles you and I have overcome as sentinels that other classes did not have to jump - that we overcame those hurdles does not mean they don't exist. Give the OP a break..

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Why do people always have to act like such tools on here?






Class is hard to play should be sufficient, folks.


I've read L2P and "You're the Problem" on the Sentinel forum so many times it makes my head spin. The person is frustrated and you're having an easy time, so why make a lame attempt at building yourself up by tearing them down?


If their complaint is inconsequential, the devs will ignore it because they have actual raw data, which none of us have.


If it isn't, then just let them complain and go off and be awesome somewhere, or if you're feeling really saucy, maybe grow up just a bit.




^And wow, I could not have said it any better. When folks act like tools or condescend, I honestly don't believe them half the time anyway. Who believes the boastful? I am not saying it is impossible to be a good sentinel, which it is, but I just doubt that those players who feel the need to brag and put others down are as good as they claim. Maybe it's just me, but it is easy to brag. How about giving the guy soem help - i.e., constructive advice... That might make me believe folks are as uber as they claim if they can help the other folks improve their game. That is evidence of being leet, not bragging.

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a whole bunch of people post (who never played one and dont currently) saying how they own other classes.


BS - i've been playing all day and sentinels need something. My gear is bad as bad ***** as it can get without dumping another 100k in implants to get epic.


My skills are all put into watchman (because everyone says combat stinks until level 43) and still classes that are much lowern in rank are beating me even 1 on 1.


Now the reserse is true when i use my sage/sorc.


I'm not a complete moron. Something is wrong with this class.


as others have posted - the killer is the armor - healing - and fact that they can simply stun us to death... and then we can't get to them. Lots of suggestions have been made.



But lets face it, we either need immunity chance on these slows and such at least and lower focus costs.. OR when we DO get close adn DO build up al ltha focus while trying to cut through armor, stunned and everything else. LET US HIT HARDER. ALLOT HARDER


Didn't bother reading the entire three pages. Just gonna say, been Combat since level 15, right up to 50. PvP server. Lost maybe twice the entire time leveling (had at least 100 Imp encounters, probably closer to 200). That is of course not counting the people who out leveled me severely. I don't know Watchman hands on, but it's also pretty potent. So if you're losing that much, you're doing something wrong. I *********** pwn 1v1 unless I'm outgeared.

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Didn't bother reading the entire three pages. Just gonna say, been Combat since level 15, right up to 50. PvP server. Lost maybe twice the entire time leveling (had at least 100 Imp encounters, probably closer to 200). That is of course not counting the people who out leveled me severely. I don't know Watchman hands on, but it's also pretty potent. So if you're losing that much, you're doing something wrong. I *********** pwn 1v1 unless I'm outgeared.[/QUOte]

Feel better now that you have declared your prowess and said the OP is 100% to blame for his difficulty? If you are so leet, then offer the OP something other than "L2P," or "gear up." Link your spec, maybe. You mentioned your gear - what stats did you focus on? In PvP, how are you dealing with stuns/CC, etc? Prove your leet not by telling him but by giving him advice that proves you know your stuff.

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did you pvp the whole time-? Im in warzone ques almsot 100% of the time i'm on. I took vacation for this game - so i was putting in 10 hours a day for a week ro so.


I pvped alot in my twenties, a bit in my 30's, in my 40's to get to gladiator rank, and ever since I hit 50.


Im currently rank 54.

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Here is a question - does everyone have an ability to throw us away from them? (you'd think with mechanics like that we would be scary up close) hehe..


why can'tw e push back with our sweep?


considering we are melee dps, if we used a pushback we'd just have to run up to the guys again, unless this pushback automatically reset the cd on our force leap, which gives us another interrupt if we have close quarters.


With that said These claims that you will easily hit 300k with watchman make me wonder if we are playing the same game. Average dmg for me is 160- 220k


Getting steamrolled by the other team will of course net less damage.


I've hit 300k when i've either had a pocket healer or rolled with a premade, but thats like once.

Edited by icbeodragon
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^And wow, I could not have said it any better. When folks act like tools or condescend, I honestly don't believe them half the time anyway. Who believes the boastful? I am not saying it is impossible to be a good sentinel, which it is, but I just doubt that those players who feel the need to brag and put others down are as good as they claim. Maybe it's just me, but it is easy to brag. How about giving the guy soem help - i.e., constructive advice... That might make me believe folks are as uber as they claim if they can help the other folks improve their game. That is evidence of being leet, not bragging.


What they want us to hear: "Look at me! I'm awesome and you obviously suck"


What we actually hear: "Look at me! I'm socially inept and I compensate for it by baseing my sad life around how good others perceive I am at a video game"

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Feel better now that you have declared your prowess and said the OP is 100% to blame for his difficulty? If you are so leet, then offer the OP something other than "L2P," or "gear up." Link your spec, maybe. You mentioned your gear - what stats did you focus on? In PvP, how are you dealing with stuns/CC, etc? Prove your leet not by telling him but by giving him advice that proves you know your stuff.


Was actually in a rush last night and intended to follow up with some suggestions, don't have to get pissy :p


First thing is keybinds. If you don't have EVERY single ability you use with fair frequency bound to an easily accessible key, you're shooting yourself in the foot.


Clicking ANYTHING in a pvp situation is simply unacceptable. I 'clicked' every single ability in WoW for the first 5 years. I broke my MMO cherry with that game, and had nobody to teach me how to play. I even used the arrow keys instead of ESDF (not WASD, that's only good for FPS games).


Once everything is keybound, practice your main abilities over and over until your fingers cramp. Especially your FORCE KICK. Interupting the enemy is the key to winning virtually every time. It denies them damage to you, or healing to themselves, either of which is essential. You want to put your most important abilities on your mouse.


After that, at least SOME knowledge of the class you are facing is important. Sorcerer's cast a lot, so be ready to interrupt. Stealthy classes hit hard and fast, be ready with your CC break and a defensive cd. Tanks are difficult to hit hard, so a war of attrition is how you beat them. As a Watchman you have self-heals from your dots. Attempt to dot them up and keep them slowed, run circles around them to prevent them from using their key abilities. Your dots are not affected by armor so you'll do better against a tank than a Combat or Focus Sent.


Force Camo is your BEST FRIEND, no matter your spec. Uh oh, I just got knocked back and that Sniper or Sorc is winding up a big attack, VANISH. It breaks their targeting on you and gives you 4 seconds to regroup and retaliate.


Never ever ever assume you can beat somebody without defensive cds. Always pop at least Rebuke, and if you're about to take damage you know you can't avoid, Saber Ward. Never ever ever pop Guarded by the Force until you're below 20% health, you're just digging your own grave.


No matter who you face or what spec you are, keep them slowed. Snares, all the way up to 100% movement speed reduction, do not add to Resolve. You can keep somebody slowed for an entire fight, and as melee this is CRITICAL to success. Melee range issues happen frequently because the internet is far from perfect and although you may appear to be on top of somebody, the net might disagree and say 'GET SLAPPED *****, MOVE CLOSER LUL'.


There is so much more to say but there is a sticky PvP thread here somewhere for Sentinels that is much more comprehensive. My biggest advice? Duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel. Find a friend and duel them. It is the best practice you could ever have for real pvp. Also, whether or not you can survive an attack, if an enemy (npc or player) is casting, interrupt it. It's just a good habit to get into.


That's enough for now.



I'm Combat spec'd, have been since level 15 all the way to 50. I have 100% chance to immobilize with Crippling Throw, but I do not have the talent to break movement impairing effects with Force Camo. I intend to get it now though.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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Was actually in a rush last night and intended to follow up with some suggestions, don't have to get pissy :p


First thing is keybinds. If you don't have EVERY single ability you use with fair frequency bound to an easily accessible key, you're shooting yourself in the foot.


Clicking ANYTHING in a pvp situation is simply unacceptable. I 'clicked' every single ability in WoW for the first 5 years. I broke my MMO cherry with that game, and had nobody to teach me how to play. I even used the arrow keys instead of ESDF (not WASD, that's only good for FPS games).


Once everything is keybound, practice your main abilities over and over until your fingers cramp. Especially your FORCE KICK. Interupting the enemy is the key to winning virtually every time. It denies them damage to you, or healing to themselves, either of which is essential. You want to put your most important abilities on your mouse.


After that, at least SOME knowledge of the class you are facing is important. Sorcerer's cast a lot, so be ready to interrupt. Stealthy classes hit hard and fast, be ready with your CC break and a defensive cd. Tanks are difficult to hit hard, so a war of attrition is how you beat them. As a Watchman you have self-heals from your dots. Attempt to dot them up and keep them slowed, run circles around them to prevent them from using their key abilities. Your dots are not affected by armor so you'll do better against a tank than a Combat or Focus Sent.


Force Camo is your BEST FRIEND, no matter your spec. Uh oh, I just got knocked back and that Sniper or Sorc is winding up a big attack, VANISH. It breaks their targeting on you and gives you 4 seconds to regroup and retaliate.


Never ever ever assume you can beat somebody without defensive cds. Always pop at least Rebuke, and if you're about to take damage you know you can't avoid, Saber Ward. Never ever ever pop Guarded by the Force until you're below 20% health, you're just digging your own grave.


No matter who you face or what spec you are, keep them slowed. Snares, all the way up to 100% movement speed reduction, do not add to Resolve. You can keep somebody slowed for an entire fight, and as melee this is CRITICAL to success. Melee range issues happen frequently because the internet is far from perfect and although you may appear to be on top of somebody, the net might disagree and say 'GET SLAPPED *****, MOVE CLOSER LUL'.


There is so much more to say but there is a sticky PvP thread here somewhere for Sentinels that is much more comprehensive. My biggest advice? Duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel duel. Find a friend and duel them. It is the best practice you could ever have for real pvp. Also, whether or not you can survive an attack, if an enemy (npc or player) is casting, interrupt it. It's just a good habit to get into.


That's enough for now.



I'm Combat spec'd, have been since level 15 all the way to 50. I have 100% chance to immobilize with Crippling Throw, but I do not have the talent to break movement impairing effects with Force Camo. I intend to get it now though.





Sorry for any offense - did not mean to get "pissy." I am just sick of "L2P" responses. If you think the problem they are experiencing is rooted in lack of understanding, then teach them instead of telling them to learn, which you just did (and admirably).


In fact, since you and I are both combat specced, it is not surprising that your tactics mirror mine. Really, there are only so many ways to successfully play a combat sentinel.


Btw, I do have the tatent to break movement imparing effects with force camo, and you will be glad if you take it. It rocks. Nothing is better than breaking that impairment and stealthing right behind the same opponent who has lost targeting. I did that a lot last night on voidstar. Force camo is indeed your "best friend," I agree.


Btw, I also am specced for 100% stun with crippling throw, but I am not getting it 100%(not even close). I think that may be a bug? Post-patch, I am finding PvP is much better for me, but this issue persists. I just don't get reliable stuns in PvP on crippling thrwo even with the proper points invested in my tree.


I also find that Force statis makes for a great team ability. If I have a buddy with me, then nothing is better than LS force choking some sith while my partner whacks on him mercilessly. I might add that to those saying sentinels do not add anytrhing to a group. We certainly do, and I find I am successful guarding teammeates as they plant bombs in voidstar. Look at it this way: if only 1 sith comes to stop my buddy the bomb planter, then he has to choose between two options: (1) stopping the bomb and dying as I wail on him; or (2) ignoring the bomb and dueling me (in which case he may very well still die). We have plenty of uses in teams, and I think folks need to wait to respond/complain until they play post-patch. Still a couple issues with stutter and CD animations, but it is much improved for me.


Anyway, sorry again if I offended you and thanks for sharing.


Edited by DralenBrand
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Thanks to stupid l2p wankers the sentinel class is gonna stay gimped. Just because you beat some scrubs it doesn't mean the class is fine. I beat scrubs all the time, with 70% hp left.

Are any of you jedi masters willing to fraps your pvp goodness against good battlemaster geared players? Because that's who you're supposed to beat.

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Thanks to stupid l2p wankers the sentinel class is gonna stay gimped. Just because you beat some scrubs it doesn't mean the class is fine. I beat scrubs all the time, with 70% hp left.

Are any of you jedi masters willing to fraps your pvp goodness against good battlemaster geared players? Because that's who you're supposed to beat.



Take it easy. First, neither I nor anyone else said that the class is perfect. It seems many people, even after the patch, feel there are some extreme problems with the class. Others contend that it is "just about right."


I am in the middle. The patch fixed many (not all) of the issues negatively impacting my sentinel QOL. However, I still think we could use some heightened anti-kiting ability. I also believe there are other issues that vary widely depending on your spec. Combat I think needs a little more "burst" to its DPS potential. I think stuttering needs to be eliminated completely yet along with certain GUI animations for abilities (devs are working on that).


Just because these issues exist does not mean that the class is irreparably "broken" or that BW is "pissing on" us. The issues discussed in these forums need to be addressed, but following the most recent patch and until the next patch is rolled out, we do have a lot to offer in PvP. It may take more effort for us to be effective than other classes (and it does - no question), but we can pull it off and even excel. Yes, overcoming hurdles is evidence of the hurdles and our skill and not the absence of the hurdles. Still, if you are patient and adopt some work-arounds, then it will come together for you.


The game officially launched on 12/20 and BW has already delivered a patch that has improved sentinel QOL with a promise that more correction is coming from Georg Zoeller. GZ also wrote that the devs are aware of the complexity issues and are working to address that too. Personally, I don't want it to be reduced to 1,2,3 button mashing, but I do think streamlining the sentinel a bit is only fair to struggling players and is the only way to ensure the classes are balanced (otherwise you're comparing apples and oranges, as I have often posted).


The last patch is evidence that things are getting better and that BW is working on it. It is going to be okay, really.



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On a serious note the best advice i could give anyone playing a sent is get a Razer Naga game mouse(or the wireless version) and a g15 type of keyboard. Having 11 ability's bound to my mouse, and the extra buttons from a keyboard like the razer asanai or old g15 is clutch. Clicking anything sucks, even now i find myself clicking an ability now and then - we have so many its hard to bind them all.


If/when they implement macro's, everything should get alot easier to manage as far as amount of keys needed. Until then the keyboard and mouse make gameplay a day/night difference... At least for me, but we are all noobs still so what do i know ~_^. That and spec Watch - half the things i hear people complaining about are issues being watch can help with (aside from the obvious real problems).

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Because nobody has to be polite on the internet. It's not just here, man. It's been like this since the internet forum was created.


Class is hard to play should be sufficient, folks.


I've read L2P and "You're the Problem" on the Sentinel forum so many times it makes my head spin. The person is frustrated and you're having an easy time, so why make a lame attempt at building yourself up by tearing them down?


If their complaint is inconsequential, the devs will ignore it because they have actual raw data, which none of us have.


If it isn't, then just let them complain and go off and be awesome somewhere, or if you're feeling really saucy, maybe grow up just a bit.


Because usually hte people who are good at mmo's have tryed to help people and all they get is "dont tell me how to play".......... i dont know how many times ive written helpful info only for people to get defensive and protest that something else is the problem, not themselves........


Honestly people just need to practice, find bindings they are comfortable with, learn EVERY class inside and out, good players dont react, they are already many steps ahead, think chess........


When I go into a battle im not waiting to see what the other team does, I already know what they were going to do, and if they dont do that then they are already going to die anyways.......

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I think some people here have brought up the key points to being successful when playing the Jedi Sentinel. For the most I have found I can beat most players 1v1 even if they get the jump on me.


The biggest help to me was binding almost every single skill to a key. Never ever click because it takes an additional 1-2 seconds that you could be using another skill. While I cannot speak to focus and have not spent any time in Focus. I have spent ample time in both Combat and Watchman. So far my favorite is Watchman because it has many added benefits over Combat and I find Combat to contain more bugs at this point in time.


Watchman is definitely my preferred spec because of the DOTS and how handy they are in both pvp and pve. PvP these DOTs are even more useful when your target runs away from you or knocks you back all the while they are taking damage. In addition they cannot rest or recover health if they have DOTs ticking on them. Watchman in my experience is more difficult until you get higher into the tree and get some of the better skills. Dispatch which I believe is a level 50 skill is one of the best that we get and does decent damage to targets low on health. As others have mentioned the healing abilities from Watchman tree I found allow me to survive longer especially in pvp. Most warzones I at least net 45k in heals and have gone upwards of 75k in some warzones.


The first thing I do is force leap into the target giving me to use my overload saber in the air. After that I use zealous strike and cauterize, after that it all depends on the fight. However, most of the time I will slow the target because a lot of classes can kite you and stay out of your melee range. Next important thing is using interrupts all the time especially on healers and those classes with skills that have longer inductions. This can be the difference between winning and losing. Force camo never seems to be off cool down often enough for me because of how useful it is to gain distance on a target before they can use induction based skills on you. This is also a great skill for when you get knocked back and need to get back into melee range.

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On a serious note the best advice i could give anyone playing a sent is get a Razer Naga game mouse(or the wireless version) and a g15 type of keyboard. Having 11 ability's bound to my mouse, and the extra buttons from a keyboard like the razer asanai or old g15 is clutch. Clicking anything sucks, even now i find myself clicking an ability now and then - we have so many its hard to bind them all.


If/when they implement macro's, everything should get alot easier to manage as far as amount of keys needed. Until then the keyboard and mouse make gameplay a day/night difference... At least for me, but we are all noobs still so what do i know ~_^. That and spec Watch - half the things i hear people complaining about are issues being watch can help with (aside from the obvious real problems).


I know you meant this to sound helpful, but I can't help it.


"Jedi Sentinel: The only class that has so many keybinds, you better be able to put 11 on your mouse."


Fun for people of all skill levels! :D

Edited by McVade
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On a serious note the best advice i could give anyone playing a sent is get a Razer Naga game mouse(or the wireless version) and a g15 type of keyboard. Having 11 ability's bound to my mouse, and the extra buttons from a keyboard like the razer asanai or old g15 is clutch. Clicking anything sucks, even now i find myself clicking an ability now and then - we have so many its hard to bind them all.


If/when they implement macro's, everything should get alot easier to manage as far as amount of keys needed. Until then the keyboard and mouse make gameplay a day/night difference... At least for me, but we are all noobs still so what do i know ~_^. That and spec Watch - half the things i hear people complaining about are issues being watch can help with (aside from the obvious real problems).


yea just let me buy something that will cost a buttload so i can be on the same playing level as someone who doesnt have to buy a special keyboard and mouse

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the class is not synergistic with the game's design. everything about the mechanics work against it. with so many knockbacks and snares and stuns to give a class one baseline distance closer and no cc was never going to be a balanced design.


it's a fun class, but don't confuse that with good.

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I'm not a complete moron. Something is wrong with this class.



You are right about this. You are not a moron, you have it right. I played a sentinel as my first character. Took it to lvl50 and found that we cant do our final class quest without bringing a full group with healers. I have since started a trooper and the difference is like night and day. Its like everyone else is playing on easy mode and were just the forgotten dumped on class. And what do we get, apparently since beta? "were looking into it". Yea right, they are looking into their wallet. I cant see a reason to play this class and therefore this game since there is no other Jedi that specializes in lightsabers.



So basically the most iconic class is broken.

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say that to my sage haha.


I fear no other class in 1v1. Sometimes if I get too clsoe to a bounty hunter i'll have to bit careful. In general I tear through anyone dumb enough to fight me 1v1.


Normally i tear 2v1 without issue depending on the classes.- Sentinels. 2 on me, bla. i'd be hurt bad, but they'd be dead.


No .....

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considering we are melee dps, if we used a pushback we'd just have to run up to the guys again, unless this pushback automatically reset the cd on our force leap, which gives us another interrupt if we have close quarters.


With that said These claims that you will easily hit 300k with watchman make me wonder if we are playing the same game. Average dmg for me is 160- 220k


Getting steamrolled by the other team will of course net less damage.


I've hit 300k when i've either had a pocket healer or rolled with a premade, but thats like once.


depends on the WZ - but a defended Voidstar ill average around 450k with 70k heals. I would say i average from 250k - 350k most games. Its not always top, but its fairly scary for single target! That being said, if you are getting steamrolled getting 100k is an achievement.

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