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Money Or Armor? That is the question.


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Just buy the purple pixel armor I sell on the GTN for absurd amounts of credits like everyone else!


But on topic:


I liked having the ability to make my own armor while leveling up and even a bit at 50 until I outgeared it. It really helped me in staying ahead of the gear curve while leveling, as I always had legit gear.

Edited by Gradywhite
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I just took slicing and finished at 50 with over a million credits. In Beta I found that crafting slowed down the levelling and that after 20 it was lagging behind what I could get through quests and using the commendations.

The only thing worth taking in addition ist Bioanalysis, at least theres a use for it after 50.

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I went to armstech while getting normal armor upgrades from missions. I took scavenging and something else that I wound up never using. After hitting 300 with armstech and never selling anything i decided to just scavenge and sell to the lazy people that don't want to do it. I am now a level 38 ,fully armored with orange and 300,000+ credits in the bank. I just scavenge and sell on the GTN and the money just rolls in.
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I can't see a reason to craft armor to keep yourself in good gear. I think acquiring orange armor and using your commendations to purchase your mod pieces makes way more sense, as it's completely free and less time consuming.


If you get a quest reward that you can strip the mods from and you need them, take it. If you get a mod piece that you need as a quest reward, take it. Otherwise, take the commendation. You should be able to keep yourself geared almost for free. If you do all the quests, and run the flashpoints numerous times you're going to end up with more commendations than you can use.


As for making credits, there are numerous ways to go about this, but I'll keep to myself on that one. Even without a make money strategy, you'll rake in the dough just by doing what I said previously in this post. If you're not spending credits on much of anything, your loot and quest rewards should pad your wallet pretty good. Everything else is just bonus.

Edited by FrankyBoots
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TBH, if you can get good mods (or go Cybertech and make them yourself) you can make gear that's arguably as good as any mastercraft PvE gear you'll find. On top of that you can control what stats are on your gear instead of buying pieces that have useless stats


The top mods on the GTN seem to be the 22's but I've seen up to 25 on TORHead and it's nice

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I don't know. Why even waste the time and credits on keeping your crafting up to date? If you can't get everything you need with your commendations and quest rewards, you can get the rest by running flashpoints. FP's have tons of good loots you can strip the mods from to keep yourself up to date.


The point is, you shouldn't have to spend credits on much of anything.

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Well for now i would say Money (slicing) because the end game crafting is not good enough compare to what been provide with the commendation badges.


However in long run, may be this will change. (As surely they are going to fill in more craft gears), so ur call if u wanna slice for more money now and suffer later that u dont have any craft skill or u get craft skill now but gimped with less income.

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I just go with orange armor pieces and update with mods as necessary. Works out great for me. I'm currently wearing a Jedi knight chest piece which gives me a cape. Has a very Star Warsy look to it with the rest of my armor.
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If you're going to craft at all I'd say take up Cybertech and whenever you can't find the mods/armorings you need from commendations vendors (they can suck on selection with mods sometimes) you just replace them with ones you make (for the most part getting at least the blue recipe isn't too hard).


At 50, while you can get better armorings from the daily commendations vendor, the mods and enhancements you get from the heroics are just level 22 purples that you can find on the GTN or craft yourself, so I'd definitely go with money.

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