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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades.. Seriously?


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Same could be said for the pre-made groups themselves.


I que solo all the time and I think my gmae is better for it.


I don't need anyone else to wipe for me.


I fail to understand what is fun about premades rolling PUGs either. I guess my ego doesn't need that much stroking.




Agreed, I see no difference between rolling premades and using groups as a crutch and Rolling pubs in Ilum and using the massive numbers as an advantage. Somehow, one is a serious problem and the other is just fine and I should adjust my game play to fit theirs.



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Good pugs do work together. Won quite a few matches in good pugs against pugs that were also somewhat organized on the other side. The problem is, getting stomped most of the time no matter what you do makes players give up before they start and go looking for easy kills instead. Or hide in a corner. Neither of which is really fun or helps us win games. Well, sometimes farming kills is fun, but it's more fun to win.


Good PUGS are the exceptions that prove the rule.


This is beginning to remind me of RIFT.

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why its like this in every mmo ever made


Incorrect. WoW learned this already; premades rolling pugs is not good for the game. Premades should face premades.


The only reason premades don't want this is because they actually form premades to stomp pugs for easy rewards, not for the challenge. You can see it in this thread, people telling you to play better, or form your own premade, etc etc. These guys aren't real pvpers, they are scrubs who don't want to work for their reward.


BW will learn, just as Blizzard did, that premades need to be forced to face other premades. This will weed out the real team pvpers from the ones who just want easy gear.

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Good PUGS are the exceptions that prove the rule.


This is beginning to remind me of RIFT.



Well, the more the pug players get wiped with no hope of winning, the worse they will become, again, because they'll give up before they start. But for example, yesterday, I was in quite a few good pugs. And today, I've been against really nasty premades pitted against our short bus teams again. Alt-f4, now I'm on the forum instead of in game. Not good for Bioware.

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Incorrect. WoW learned this already; premades rolling pugs is not good for the game. Premades should face premades.


The only reason premades don't want this is because they actually form premades to stomp pugs for easy rewards, not for the challenge. You can see it in this thread, people telling you to play better, or form your own premade, etc etc. These guys aren't real pvpers, they are scrubs who don't want to work for their reward.


BW will learn, just as Blizzard did, that premades need to be forced to face other premades. This will weed out the real team pvpers from the ones who just want easy gear.


If I could give stars to replies I would.

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Incorrect. WoW learned this already; premades rolling pugs is not good for the game. Premades should face premades.


The only reason premades don't want this is because they actually form premades to stomp pugs for easy rewards, not for the challenge. You can see it in this thread, people telling you to play better, or form your own premade, etc etc. These guys aren't real pvpers, they are scrubs who don't want to work for their reward.


BW will learn, just as Blizzard did, that premades need to be forced to face other premades. This will weed out the real team pvpers from the ones who just want easy gear.


What WoW did you play? The one I played had premades sync-queue into the regular queues and roll us all day. Most matches ended in the graveyard, with our side getting farmed. I played both factions, too, before you ask. It was the same way on both sides.

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What WoW did you play? The one I played had premades sync-queue into the regular queues and roll us all day. Most matches ended in the graveyard, with our side getting farmed. I played both factions, too, before you ask. It was the same way on both sides.


Totally, but this game doesn't have mods. There was a lovely period in WoW where for about a year there was nothing like sync-que and premades were in their own que. Plenty of other games also function this way.

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By premade they mean "4 of the people on that team queued together".


I win plenty of games when I go full PUG. If you get ****** teammates it the nature of online multiplayer.


Totally, and I fully expect to get crap teammates. The problem is that a group of 4 working together when the other team is derping is exponentially more devestating in a heavily team based game like huttball. It's very easy for a group that even gets the advantage of VOIP to take over.

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Or, just learn to live with a loss, try better next time and improve. No need to makes excuses. Like I said, people have a hard time dealing with defeat..that's the main issue.


Why live with an auto loss against peopel who are using secondary programs?


I'd rather justleave and queue up again for a chance to win.



I'm fine with defeat because thats when you actually learn nuances about your class and others, I'm not fine with being steamrolled by 4-8 people on vent.

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Those against the idea of a Pre-made Bracket are so for only one reason: they fear having to play against other pre-mades.


(In your next WZ, isolate someone in a pre-made, see how "good" they are on their own in 1 on 1 combat, and you'll quickly figure out why they want to farm PUGs)



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what a QQ fest ppl either need to find 3 friends and get better or dont Q up. just cause you suck doenst mean ppl should make it easier for u to win. if you play an MMo and dont have 3 ppl to play wish i suggest skyrim or a game where friends arent needed. finding 3 good ppl shouldnt be that hard.
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Those against the idea of a Pre-made Bracket are so for only one reason: they fear having to play against other pre-mades.


(In your next WZ, isolate someone in a pre-made, see how "good" they are on their own in 1 on 1 combat, and you'll quickly figure out why they want to farm PUGs)




yea your right, that makes total sense.

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what a QQ fest ppl either need to find 3 friends and get better or dont Q up. just cause you suck doenst mean ppl should make it easier for u to win. if you play an MMo and dont have 3 ppl to play wish i suggest skyrim or a game where friends arent needed. finding 3 good ppl shouldnt be that hard.





I should not have to fine 3+ other people who are on at the same time who want to do the same thing as me just to compete agianst others who do.


You should support this change since you could match your skills against other people in premades, unless of course you are worried about something....

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I use the term when people are in the same guild and always out number you at choke points because of vent communication.


Are you in their vent? As I said, I get matched with guild mates solo all the time and we work well together without vent communication. You play the warzones enough and you see patterns in behavior from your opponents. The objectives aren't rocket science, stick close to your team. Some people are too proud to admit they simply got outplayed.

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Agreed. Punish players for having/making friends!


Hey, if you want faster PvP queue times, QUEUE SOLO! If you want to PvP with your friends and increase your cordination and teamwork for a better PvP experience, get in your own queue with simular like-minded groups of people.


Premade vs. pug is about as bad as lvl 50s vs lvl 10s.

Edited by Clege
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Ironic that people QQd about queue times when 50s bracket was announced, but yet want to rolfstomp pugs so that they stop queueing altogether. Then you'll hear the QQ about queues even more.


I've found that its not worth the time to queue any warzone unless your premade is running. Its only worth afking to wait for your valor points to come since you're getting rolled anyway.

Edited by Seurot
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