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Premades.. Seriously?


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I think that's how it should be, yes. I don't care that my group can wipe a group of misfits that aren't working together. I'd like the challenge of fighting other Premades.


I agree with this. And on the flipside, it allows casual players that just want to solo queue for a few fun games to do so against a team they actually have a chance of beating. Sure some pugs are better than others, but when the opposite team is really working together well, is in vent, is focus targeting, knows each other, etc. it's hard to beat them with a pug, if not impossible. There's no reason why people can't solo queue for some random PvP fun, it should be encouraged. They don't all want to get hardcore about it and find a static group to queue with - for a lot of casual players, that would be a turn off. Let the premade's fight against each other and the pugs fight each other. Both are happy. If anyone who runs in groups of three or more thinks that's a bad idea then they are just admitting that they'd rather roll pugs all day than really PvP.

Edited by Leiloni
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Agreed. Punish players for having/making friends!


Its not a punishment, its a reward.


You get to play against other premades to test your skills, heck you might actually have to do something crazy like learn your class or god forbid other classes abilities as well.

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Premade is typically a term used to describe the team beating you, even if it isn't a premade. I end up with people in my guild a lot but am going in solo... Battlemaster is another expression for I couldn't beat that person so gear is the only reason, even if they didn't actually have battlemaster gear. With all PvP, adapt or get farmed.




I use the term when people are in the same guild and always out number you at choke points because of vent communication.

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People have a hard time handling defeat, maybe they were never taught how at a young age. But that leads to a lot of the angst that goes into these situations. People lose, badly, and want something to blame. Premades are as good a target as anything else.


They have a massive advantage of communication and knowledge of each others playing ability.


let them match their "superior" skills against other premades.

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They have a massive advantage of communication and knowledge of each others playing ability.


let them match their "superior" skills against other premades.


Or, just learn to live with a loss, try better next time and improve. No need to makes excuses. Like I said, people have a hard time dealing with defeat..that's the main issue.

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Or, just learn to live with a loss, try better next time and improve. No need to makes excuses. Like I said, people have a hard time dealing with defeat..that's the main issue.


You can be the best player on the server but if you're in a pug there's only so much you can do. You're still reliant on the other players on your team. Tell me this - you like stomping unorganized casual pugs or would you prefer an even match against skilled, organized opponents? Really that's what it comes down to.

Edited by Leiloni
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Ignorant response, what if you want to play premade but only vs other premades, what if you actually prefer playing on equal footing than vs random pugs!


Also there are times I want to tryhard and others I want to play more laid back, there is no reason not to have options for both modes!


I wouldn't consider roflstomping anyone a "good match" honestly that kind of game is just boring.


If you don't play to win every time, don't come on the forums complaining about those who do. Tryhard is such a stupid noobish insult. It is something people like you say when your getting your *** spanked and instead of thinking wow I just got outplayed and beat it is still somehow that other group's fault.



And I rather go up against premades, but premades are already in there, I have to run with a premade incase I run into another premade. If you dont bring everyadvantage to the table you can you are setting yourself up for failure. There is another person who stated he ques solo and does not care. He accepts the fact that yes sometimes people are going to go in to a premde group and just roll over his team. If you do not play as a premade you are gimping yourself, this is a team based game.

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If I ever queue solo and get rolled by a premade, I don't blame anyone but myself.


Make friends.



The problem with that is that all of you are ******es. I don't like making friends with ******es because I'm not an ******e. I like bashing them with my glowstick.

Edited by Tirithius
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Or, just learn to live with a loss, try better next time and improve. No need to makes excuses. Like I said, people have a hard time dealing with defeat..that's the main issue.


One loss I can live with. Fifty percent losses, I can live with. Hell, I can even live with %60-%70 losses. It's those days when we lose %80-%90 of our games that I realize I could be having a better time watching paint peel.


Face it, massive losing streaks day in and day out aren't fun and we're paying to play this game, not the other way around. If it were the other way around, it would be called a job, and losing wouldn't really be a problem as long as the pay was good.

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why its like this in every mmo ever made


So sick of hearing this. It's literally not like that at all in most MMOs. Actually in most MMOs that I've played they ARE matched against each other. Also, most other games where there is a match making system and you have the ability to que with friends.

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The problem with that is all of you are ******es. I don't like making friends with ******es because I'm not an ******e. I like bashing them with my glowstick.


You wont have much fun as me and my guild mates tear you appart and win the game then. But keep calling people *******, I will keep winning matches :D

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pre-mades arent the problem people not fighting as a group is the problem


True but how many pugs are going to listen? That's a factor you can't control and therefore not really worth discussing. Talk about things you can change.

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If you don't play to win every time, don't come on the forums complaining about those who do. Tryhard is such a stupid noobish insult. It is something people like you say when your getting your *** spanked and instead of thinking wow I just got outplayed and beat it is still somehow that other group's fault.



And I rather go up against premades, but premades are already in there, I have to run with a premade incase I run into another premade. If you dont bring everyadvantage to the table you can you are setting yourself up for failure. There is another person who stated he ques solo and does not care. He accepts the fact that yes sometimes people are going to go in to a premde group and just roll over his team. If you do not play as a premade you are gimping yourself, this is a team based game.


And the point is, we shouldn't HAVE to bring a group of people as insurance to not get stomped. You're literally proving my point the more you speak.

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You wont have much fun as me and my guild mates tear you appart and win the game then. But keep calling people *******, I will keep winning matches :D


You and your guildmates are probably in the lvl 50 bracket. I am not nor do I plan to be. Not for a long, long time.


So I will keep calling the MMO playerbase (not "people") a bunch of ******es while you continue to not tear me apart.

Edited by Tirithius
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People have a hard time handling defeat, maybe they were never taught how at a young age. But that leads to a lot of the angst that goes into these situations. People lose, badly, and want something to blame. Premades are as good a target as anything else.


Same could be said for the pre-made groups themselves.


I que solo all the time and I think my gmae is better for it.


I don't need anyone else to wipe for me.


I fail to understand what is fun about premades rolling PUGs either. I guess my ego doesn't need that much stroking.



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Pre-mades fight as a group because they are premade. PUGS don't because they aren't.


Good pugs do work together. Won quite a few matches in good pugs against pugs that were also somewhat organized on the other side. The problem is, getting stomped most of the time no matter what you do makes players give up before they start and go looking for easy kills instead. Or hide in a corner. Neither of which is really fun or helps us win games. Well, sometimes farming kills is fun, but it's more fun to win.

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Agreed. Punish players for having/making friends!


Do you people think before you post :confused:


Essentially you are grouping with people to roflstomp pugs, because there is no matchmaking in the game. Not because you like these people. Its no more a punishment than nerfing an overpowered class. If you are doing it to guarantee a win, then it is too much of an advantage. Its no different than the biochem or operative nerf


Hell, with no penalty, most premades afk out of a warzone if they run up against another premade.

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