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Force push for Jedi Knights and Consulars


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How can you be a jedi either knight or consular and not have force push, that is one of the most iconic abilities of a jedi. I think that jedi knights and consulars must have force push and it should be one of the first abilities a jedi learns.
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shadow gets force wave? isnt that kinda like force push?


but DO PLS !! WANT for force push-like ability for Jedi Sentinel.


Tell you what. How about we give Force Push to Sentinels and the Devs give Guardians Force Pull so we can tank and taunt better?

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Sentinels and Marauders kinda got the short end of the stick. With how limited we are already, and considering we do about the same DPS as every other class (even tank spec'd Bounty Hunters), we should have some more control. Everybody else does!


Gives Sentinels and Marauders either push OR pull (or both, sure) Its crazy we don't.

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Tell you what. How about we give Force Push to Sentinels and the Devs give Guardians Force Pull so we can tank and taunt better?


Yeah force pull would be great for taking out those Palpantines and Bobba Fetts constantly slowing and maiming us!


Though Force Push is probably one of the most useful abilities there is for the Guardian. In pvp you can push people off bridges if they're in your way, you can push them down endless depths for epic fail kills and you can push them into fires and acid pools with great success.

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