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To all those who hesitate


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tl;dr : biodrone fangurl praising game and encouraging ppl not to take troll threads




It's my first post on the forums here so I'll simply say: Howdy y'all ^^.





This is gonna be another one of over 9000k generic and random threads in here that is all


about love and hate, which I noticed this forums are actually great for. Still I think among


all the baaaaw threads there is never not enough room for yaaaay ones. So to the point, I'll


try to sum up my gaming experience, and hope anyone who still stalls from buying/staying in


this game will just pay another fifteen bucks and think again and sit comfortable in their


chair. If You get what You want, You'll be Happy. If not, well, then at least your


rage/anger/fury/force scream will be at least backed up with adequate (in)experience.





I have played many mmo's in my life, starting from the mid 90's so i can say my experience


is... at least moderate. I have never played WoW (unless three levels in trial count, game was


so... I don't know right word for it, cuz I liked the Warcraft Lore as an old gamer and fan


but game... maybe its me but for me it killed the Warcraft theme, the story and made it into a


grinder... plus EVEN when it was released the graphics were pretty much OUTDATED, but I was


never into the looks, games are like living entities, they need a soul to bring that spark to


life) but i played many other very popular mmo's which names I will not bring out since I'm


not payed for advertising. I admit, I have never played vanilla version of any mmo, apart


maybe one that for which I payed, it failed, turned into f2p with microtransaction and I still


didnt nag about it. Even more, supported that microtransaction crap. Stupid me? Maybe.


Patient? For Sure. But gaming fun is priceless. (btw I'm referring to that clone like online


thingie of GTA, enforcers dig what i mean, San Parro 4 Life ;] )




And as I stated in tl;dr, yes, I'm a fangurl. Biodrone maybe too, cuz It makes me sick, really


sick, all that rant about change this, change that, change bla bla bla. You guys know that old


saying? It's not a bug, it's a feature... It was many times said in here, "smell the roses".


Like it or not but you entered a Star Wars Nerd Zone, so none of your comparisons to WoW or


anything else is actually valid here, if you knew better, the devs are listening and fixing


stuff as we speak, but they not gonna cry about it like You do. They got Your money anyway.


You feel scammed? Go O.W.S. hah, make a change. And godspeed for you getting more change than


a hobo, welcome to reality.





But let's get to the game itself. First thing I really want to say is to females. I noticed


before complaining on the boards (Lore it was I think?) about females not having enough


flirtable options. Personaly I could go feministic and say it's cuz guys are jerks and always


flirt, but it's simple to just complain. So far I have not noticed any lack of experience


playing female and had a lot of options to flirt (which I all shamelessly [ab]used) so game


does give balanced experienced per gender, its just a matter of right choices. And as someone stated, it feels kinda weird that a


killer comando chick is soft and warm inside, and I dig that totally.





Other thing is that bragging about dual spec. I don't udnerstand it? Seriously I don't. I got


skills in all 3 trees, one maxed with whats MOST NEEDED for me, other with things that are


JUST USEFULL. No need to max all the tree skills and say you got not enough. One time ago in


an mmo I used to play a lot I heard: "there are no sh**y builds, just sh**y ppl that can't


play them." READ. THINK. LEARN. And you will have no problem with roling your class, the base


thing is to get it all adjusted to YOUR gameplay style.





I can't relate to the respec costs. I'd rather roll my, as some would say, "broken" char till


I "fix" it rather than have an easy solution. I can't redo my quests either can I? I hate some


of choices that GAVE ME social points, but my PARTY MEMBERS made them. Now I should hate them?


Or the game for being unfair? Oh, I'll blame BW cuz this system suckz, its izzier to say it


like that isn't it...





About PvP I cant say I had any major experience so far... WarZones are not my style unless I


will get a pack of same minded individuals so we undesrstand eachother without words and the


so called open world pvp was never anything close to my expectation. Maybe it's cuz I keep my


guard and dont let others sneak atack me. I don't like to pick on busy ppl i see farming


either, I'd just rather run by, wave hello and give a buff rather than stalk them for actually


nothing. PvP Gears are broken more or less anyway but we have to wait for that to be fixed.





You can't complain tho, we all wanted TOR ASAP, so we got it. Vanilla or less, it was actually


the gamers choice...

And yet some ppl say Bioware doesn't listen to pleads...





Linear gameplay. Lets face it, every mmo has it, in one way or another. You get quests, you


change maps. Enough Said. Upside is that you DON'T HAVE TO DO ALL QUESTS ON PLANET. In fact


you shouldn't. The amount of them allows you variety, increased replay experience and, to all


of you who complain about walking from q 2 q duh, close pick of choices. In fact I'd advise


not to do them all if you want have a chalenge, cuz from my personal experience, after I


cleaned up nar shadda bonus series, along with other previous ones, I was almost too high


level for next planet...




And relating to one previous thread about someone posting about not


being able to fully synch with playing time of friends or something, thats another thing to do


in free time, finish old untaken quests. No exp? sure but it gives credits. And most of all,


commendations... Even if you outlevel rewards and comedation items its still smart thing to


buy and vend em back for credits, that way commendations don't go to waste. Oh and the side of


the force, that is really good thing too. Personally I see no point in wasting place on


diplomacy when you can craft so much good items yourself (inb4 crafting sucks herp derp no it


does not)





Other bugs... Well, mostly minor and irritating at times but nothing I have not seen before,


still is enjoyable experience for me (DUH after all it's STAR WARS!). Maybe i would agree on


that UI thingie You guys copmlain but personaly, I never notice any UI. After all its hard for


me to tell how big or small are my quickbar icons when i look up at the mob just to see when


to brake his skill...





And the HD textures, with this sadly I must agree. I have, as I would call it, a mid spec


desktop with an ATI card and i have no performance loss, I'd love to see that in hd only so I


could join you guys and rant about the poor fps, sadly, it's a (doubtfull) pleasure I have


been not granted.


But STILL I enjoy this game more than many other mmo's I played, but as I said and am not


ashamed to admit - I'm a big SW geek/nerd/fan, so I guess I simply COULD NOT dislike it. But


from a realistic point of view and not sparing all the harsh criticism, for a "fresh" release


this game is mint for me.





On top of that I have to say I hope all SW fans out there will do as little, and as much, to


pay a buck to try this out. Same goes for other non-SW ppl out there. It won't hurt you, and


surely it won't hurt ppl that care about the game, You can care too. Or not... Free choice.

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There are bad spec's for specific roles...... and bad players create them.


As unique as you may think TOR is in the MMO world, it's not and can very well be (and should be) compared to other MMOs that have done particular aspects right.


That said, I await my chance to play again (since beta)...... when the game finally patches properly. :rolleyes:

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tl;dr : biodrone fangurl derping and encouraging ppl not to take evidence and other people's opinions seriously.



I gotta admit, I like this kind of post. A post that proudly states


1) it's all opinion

2) I can't back up anything with any facts except I like it!

3) anyone who dislikes any part of the game is a troll

4) it's perfectly acceptable to dismiss all flaws in a game and of course that isn't biased



I get it, I do, you're unhappy because some people dislike the game. But you know what? If this was the first post I saw when I was thinking of buying this game, I'd have to say pass, because I do not feel the above is the sort of thing I want to see from people I would play with.


I've seen this attitude in WAR and STO, in LOTRO until it went F2P, in DCUO and in Shadowbane. I've ALWAYS seen fanboys (and fangirls) screaming "there's nothing wrong with the game and you are just a negative troll" and shout down those with real issues. And all of those games failed horribly. The only reason LOTRO, DCUO and STO are even up is they went F2P. Let's not even talk about Warhammer.


And yet we see this same, blind argument. Why?

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I gotta admit, I like this kind of post. A post that proudly states


1) it's all opinion

2) I can't back up anything with any facts except I like it!

3) anyone who dislikes any part of the game is a troll

4) it's perfectly acceptable to dismiss all flaws in a game and of course that isn't biased



I get it, I do, you're unhappy because some people dislike the game. But you know what? If this was the first post I saw when I was thinking of buying this game, I'd have to say pass, because I do not feel the above is the sort of thing I want to see from people I would play with.


I've seen this attitude in WAR and STO, in LOTRO until it went F2P, in DCUO and in Shadowbane. I've ALWAYS seen fanboys (and fangirls) screaming "there's nothing wrong with the game and you are just a negative troll" and shout down those with real issues. And all of those games failed horribly. The only reason LOTRO, DCUO and STO are even up is they went F2P. Let's not even talk about Warhammer.


And yet we see this same, blind argument. Why?


1) Ofc, yes. It's all opinion, mine specifically at this case. I assume only ppl that really care actually are bothered enough to make any positive or negative topics/posts on forums. Otherwise its just troll hatred way i see it, and for me even the most oversweetned lying threads about how SWTOR is great are far better than about how it is bad, but as I said, maybe its just MY opinion.



2)It's called playability? I think I remember it right. What facts? I like it!




3)Not all, but sadly a lot. It's izzier to grief and QQ than really sit tight or just try to add something up in the hat where the ideas goes. And have patience...




4)If the overall game experience is satisfactory then I say hell yeah. And support it for further improvments, not neglect it...

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