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Are we seriously going to get absolutely no word on faction imbalance or low pops?


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What would you have BioWare say, or more importantly do? What server/faction people decide to play is an organic process that is outside the confines of game mechanics; BioWare has zero control over that. Artificially adjusting the numbers in ANY way would only be a short term solution, and cause more problems in the long term.
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This is something that has been highlighted on major media outlets like IGN, Massively and Game Breaker TV. It is an enormous issue that is probably bleeding subscribers every single day. Why are not getting any word whatsoever on what is going to happen?


They can hardly fix that , add races ... maybe cool looking gear.


They cant give a side an real advantage without pissing greatly the other , which is actually the side with more players.


So yeah games with 2 sides actually have this problem , deal with it.

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Give Republic Togruta and Wookiee as playable races and remove Cyborg and Zabrak. And that will quickly re-balance the factions on each planet if not help with the in-balance. I think that the reason Republic gets the shaft is because they have the most boring races to play as. Other then Twi'lek all other races look exactly the same with minor change to appearance. (Skin color, eye cover) while the Imperials have vastly more different looking races to choose from entirely.


Wait, you solution would be to take away from one faction, and add to another? Ya, that would go over so smoothly. Hell, while you are at it, suggest removing two classes from the Empire and adding two more to the Republic, that would be just as awesome!

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Wait, you solution would be to take away from one faction, and add to another? Ya, that would go over so smoothly. Hell, while you are at it, suggest removing two classes from the Empire and adding two more to the Republic, that would be just as awesome!


He means remove them from the republic so the numbers of races do not change mate , chill.


And i also hate this idea since force us to make alts for the races we want , then again , dont really think i will get a togruta on the empire side.

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The biggest problem I have seen with the faction imbalance is how Illum is now. With 5 sith to every 1 republic 50 on our server, Illum is basically always crowded with sith scouring the landscape for republic players who stupidly wander in.


Once a day a few republic get together enough to fight back, but it is rare, and if you don't get in that group you are screwed. As a primarily solo player (i group and do wz's too but don't have time to find raids between classes to do quests), I find these dailies to be basically offlimits because of 30 required kills for daily and 150 for weekly is just WAY too much.


3 hours today and I managed to get 13 kills of sith who wandered far enough from their groups to be slaughtered... The rest of the time was spent lurking in stealth til the next hapless victim came.

Edited by Ralleo
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Make racial abilities unique, but not making OP. not trying to sound like wow but it works...

Horde is always more to pvp, while alliance are more pve..


this said, make each faction to be Lore-filled. so people who goes to republic or empire are both distinct, our class quest is not enough. need to be LOREwide..

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Darth Vader > Anakin Skywalker. Not Bioware's fault.


And, in the end, this is a product. They can't force people into a faction and expect good sales.


Incentives have been mentioned, but that poses an entirely new set of imbalances.


A third faction might be cool. Hutt cartel full of cool aliens sounds sweet. The Rodian BH quest line would be awesome :D I'd reroll.

Edited by Solreal
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Make racial abilities unique, but not making OP. not trying to sound like wow but it works...

Horde is always more to pvp, while alliance are more pve..


this said, make each faction to be Lore-filled. so people who goes to republic or empire are both distinct, our class quest is not enough. need to be LOREwide..


Dont ever make this mistake , or else we will begin watching how every char to the class becomes the same race it is the one with the best unique skill.

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Rerolling on another server, only makes the server you were on worse.


I couldn't agree with you more, but you know what? Like many are saying about the issue as a whole and apparently even BW felt...not my problem.


Does my switch to a different server and faction hurt the one I started on in a small way? Yes, a very small one. But the damage was already done so why stay on a sinking ship? I play these games to have fun and be entertained. Not to get frustrated trying to form a group for hours for a *********** higher level 4 man.


The heck with it. I'll go to a server and faction that actually has the population to support pugs.

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Are we seriously going to have to listen to people whine and complain that "OMG, Issue Y has not been addressed immediately after my post" while Bioware has been very busy listening and addressing Issue X instead? Blah blah blah "bleeding subscriptions"....what is this, 90210 or Survivor? The melodram pouring off you people is think and rancid.



I watch 90210 and live in 90212. Horrible analogies :p

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They can start by making the Republic more attractive. Seeing all shades of brown and ugly end game armor and reading so many post about how ability cast times all favor empire is only going to make people roll empire. Aesthetics matter A LOT. There really is no reason for some of the things on the republic side to look the way it does especially when you look at how things like the design of the emp fleet looks. Some of you might not care or think it doesn't really matter but it does. And i have been saying this in many threads and i know it will probably never ever happen until its to late like how NCwest waited till the shtf before they decided to fix their faction imbalance in Aion.
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i know it will probably never ever happen until its to late like how NCwest waited till the shtf before they decided to fix their faction imbalance in Aion.


I haven't played Aion. What was the imbalance and how did they fix it?

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This is something that has been highlighted on major media outlets like IGN, Massively and Game Breaker TV. It is an enormous issue that is probably bleeding subscribers every single day. Why are not getting any word whatsoever on what is going to happen?





Here is your word... REROLL...........................

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I haven't played Aion. What was the imbalance and how did they fix it?


In the beginning on the NA servers there wasn't much of one. I think the biggest difference was around 7%.


However, once they had to start merging servers due to other issues with the game that were rather severe the faction imbalance got really out of hand because of course at that point they couldn't maintain it.


Far as how they fixed it I'll leave that to the OP. About the only thing they did do right in that game was how they handled the faction pops initially. Although considering how bad they failed in other areas that really doesn't do a lot of good. Like many games it fell to pieces at higher levels. The amount of grinding you had to do in that game got really nuts.


Which was a shame because from a PvP standpoint that game was a lot of fun.

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Anyone who thinks this isn't a major issue is incredibly ignorant. 40% of the servers are PVP servers, and the PVP experience, especially the open world PVP experience, is severely hindered by this.


Anyone who thinks there is no way for Bioware to remedy this issue is equally ignorant. Incentives, such as increased exp/valor gain for those who roll on the underpopulated side, have proven to help fix the situation in previous MMOs. Furthermore, a 3-faction system has always proven to be more balanced, and some creative writing and effort on BWs part could split the Imperial faction into those that support the Emperor and those that support a usurper. Even if you limited this splitting of the Imperial faction to just Ilum (i.e. having you choose a side when you zoned in to Ilum), it would greatly help boost the open world PVP experience. And then there is the obvious, but costly and time consuming, option of actually creating a new faction.


I'm sure there are plenty of other fixes out there too, but those are just off the top of my head. The point is that, whether the PVE players want to admit it or not, population imbalance is currently one of, if not the, biggest issues facing this game right now, and it needs to be addressed.

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I got spawn trapped by 6 Sith last night at a medcenter.

Was fun! =D

I'd fight, then respawn, and I'd kill a few sometimes, and this one Bounty Hunter just sat and watched and started cheering for me. And then when some of the Sith tried to leave I harpooned them back to be and cryo grenaded them, trapping them there with me. :3

Some of em told me to just run away and I yelled "NEVAR!!"


I like being on the low population side. :]

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Furthermore, a 3-faction system has always proven to be more balanced, and some creative writing and effort on BWs part could split the Imperial faction into those that support the Emperor and those that support a usurper.


I'm all for whatever because frankly this is getting absurd at this point but considering how much this game focuses on the story element that would be a tough thing to put into place imo.


Good idea though

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I'm all for whatever because frankly this is getting absurd at this point but considering how much this game focuses on the story element that would be a tough thing to put into place imo.


Good idea though


This is true, which is why I suggested a realistic implementation would be limiting it to Ilum. Ilum could turn into sort of a FP, where Imperial players chose who they supported. Since Ilum is the primary open world PVP experience in the game, this would a very good start to fixing the issue. Of course it doesn't solve the imbalance of open world pvp on other servers, nor does it solve the Warzone queue problems.....but I'll take a 1/3 fix over nothing...and it could serve as a temporary fix until they have time to actually roll out a new faction or some other long-term solution.

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The only option is to make the republic more attractive to the consumer however this will still fall under player preference. If people don't want to play repub then there will be imbalance.


This is a consumer preference issue not a development issue.\






ding ding this ^^^


I have played both factions, and I gotta say, bein' an Imp is way more fun. >.> Nevermind that they are aesthetically more pleasing, Imps seem to PLAY less clunky. I have a lvl 22 commando and a lvl 20 merc. The merc is way more intuitive. Play them both heals. There's a noticeable difference and it's NOT in the commando's favor.


BW needs to balance the classes that are supposed to be mirrors. The need to give players a reason to wanna roll republic.

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Ilum just needs to be turned into a 24 vs 24 warzone and have it be done with. In it's current state its just free valor for the imps and a frustration for the few republic players.


24x 24 , where do we find 24 rep players? Cause in my server ilum is a matter of patience.


We go to the rep base after crushing them all over the planet and keep pulling one after another till we get the kill we want.


Fact is rep dont try/cant put up a fight , i pretty sure i did not see 24 on their side.Even when ours was easily over 50 few.

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24x 24 , where do we find 24 rep players? Cause in my server ilum is a matter of patience.


We go to the rep base after crushing them all over the planet and keep pulling one after another till we get the kill we want.


Fact is rep dont try/cant put up a fight , i pretty sure i did not see 24 on their side.Even when ours was easily over 50 few.


I haven't been to ilum on my server (Rakata Mind Prison - PvP), so can't say what the imbalance is like. What i do know is that the Jedi roll us in the Alderaan WZ. They can play their toons. Huttball is a different story, obviously, as we're a well oiled machine after playing it 43 times a day. Void star is a toss up, depending on who luckily loads in with less zerglings. With even numbers it's clearly an even match.


Turning ilum into a WZ, as some have suggested, seems like a great way to make it viable if the pops don't even out.

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