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Codex Entries NOT Flashing On Screen


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I've been running around filling up my codex and realized a while back the achieving an entry no longer pops on my max level main. I get the legacy exp but that's it. I go and look at the pages and see the new entry, but no flash/pop up announcing it. Did I somehow turn this off? I'd like it back on.


I still see the flash on my alts. Any help?


A specific example is filling out my Tatooine Bestiary I finally found the Frenzied Scyk, killed him and no pop up/flash. But I did get 213 legacy Exp and when I looked I now have the entry.

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I'm guessing the OP is level 50?


For some reason the entries don't pop up unless you gain regular experience. Since you're 50 and don't gain regular experience any more... no pop ups.


Sure that's an oversight bug, but at least now you know.

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I'm guessing the OP is level 50?


For some reason the entries don't pop up unless you gain regular experience. Since you're 50 and don't gain regular experience any more... no pop ups.


Sure that's an oversight bug, but at least now you know.


I hit 50 a few days ago and decided in my downtime to go back and work on filling in my Codex. Starting with Korriban and working my way up.


First thing I notice is that the notification is broken. The only way I can tell if I hit a Codex entry is that I gain Legacy Exp. Then I have to double check my Codex to figure out which entry I actually triggered. Which is annoying as… well it's annoying.


However it gets better! There is no shortcut key to the Codex, so first you have to open your Missions then hit the Codex tab. Then the Codex doesn't update the planet page if it is already open so you have to select a different planet and then select the planet you were on for it to update. Then you realize that the Codex completion details per planets don't even list which entries are required. So in the end you really have NO idea which entry you just triggered unless you google a list to compare it to.


But it gets better still! Apparently this entire endeavor was a waste of time because about 10%–25% of the entries on each planet are bugged/inaccessible AND in some instances not even on the planet they are listed on.


So far I have been having a good time in this game but this is probably the first experience that has made me want to /rage at how needlessly frustrating and broken it is. Good times.

Edited by Tanomas
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