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Which Class Has The Best Storyline?


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I have heard many people saying that it goes to the imp. agent but I have only done Sith Warrior, Jedi Consular, and Jedi Knight. Out of those three, I like the SW the best closely followed by the Consular. The only reason the Consular isn't as good as I hoped is because if you roll as a healer, the best companion Theran is almost useless. Also, you dont get your romance companion Nadia until almost the end of the game. Everything you do with her gets crammed into one planet and then its done. Playing as a Light Side Sith Warrior is very fun as you get to back talk and mock your master.
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it is stupefying how many people have not played smuggler. let me tell you :


there is no class in this game which has story that can top smuggler in :


- level of engaging and good storywriting

- great humor

- realism of conversations and responses

- realism of the entire event chain

- stellar voice acting

- fitting in with the universe

- real-looking, feeling companions

- hilarious companions



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I have seen completely or almost:


Imperial Agent: Best so far


Bounty Hunter: Very nice, especially light side, playing the "Bounty Hunter with Honor" style, but a bit repeatitive by the end, though they did a good job making it feel personnal.


Sith Inquisitor: Just terrible, avoid at all cost if you are looking for a good story.


Jedi Knight: Only seen till act 1, but doesn't start really interesting, heard it gets a lot better at act 2 though


jedi Consular: Only seen act 1, was pretty boring and far fetched.

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it is stupefying how many people have not played smuggler. let me tell you :


there is no class in this game which has story that can top smuggler in :


- level of engaging and good storywriting

- great humor

- realism of conversations and responses

- realism of the entire event chain

- stellar voice acting

- fitting in with the universe

- real-looking, feeling companions

- hilarious companions




Could you give an overview of the three chapter for a smuggler? In spoiler tags obviously


I want to roll one, but I made the mistake of rolling a SI for what I perceived the class to be, and not what the actual story was like and very much regret it. Don't worry about dropping any big spoilers i don't mind

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Could you give an overview of the three chapter for a smuggler? In spoiler tags obviously


i wouldnt want to do that. but, i can say that han solo would go back crying to his mama when compared to this story. not to mention that there is a lot to tell.


I want to roll one, but I made the mistake of rolling a SI for what I perceived the class to be, and not what the actual story was like and very much regret it. Don't worry about dropping any big spoilers i don't mind


i played si. i can tell that the story for s.i. cant come close to smuggler.

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Smuggler story is amazingly fun to play. I enjoyed it from start to finish. It was engaging and hilarious. I can't count how many times I was left rolling in sheer laughter from something my smuggler did or said, often both. I loved it all.


Bounty Hunter is my second favorite. I like my BH's romance better than my smuggler's. Torian Cadera is classically Mandalorian and perhaps the best mesh for a female Bounty Hunter ever. I found myself literally roleplaying my BH character, the story seemed to come alive that well. Helps that the combat motions were pretty awesome, as well.

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Could you give an overview of the three chapter for a smuggler? In spoiler tags obviously


I want to roll one, but I made the mistake of rolling a SI for what I perceived the class to be, and not what the actual story was like and very much regret it. Don't worry about dropping any big spoilers i don't mind




Chapter 1: Bastard steals your ship and you have to get it back. When you do, you realize he was using it to hobble together the ingredients and directions neccessary for access to a massive treasure. Having retrieved your ship, you now seek to supplant his adventure and get the treasure for your own. Oh, and you get to taunt the guy about how you're beating him at his own game all along the way.


Chapter 2: Having established yourself as the premier treasure-retriever-guroo of the galaxy, you're approached by representatives from the Republic to become a Privateer intent on advancing the Republic's interests in the underworld. You jaunt around the galaxy doing interesting jobs in the name of the Republic, nabbing some stuff for yourself whenever you can.


Chapter 3: You're betrayed by the so-called Republic representatives, who've basically been working for the Empire all along -- double agents, oh my! To save yourself from being hunted down and arrested for helping the Empire even though you thought you were helping the Republic, you have to find your erstwhile friends and capture them, clearing your name. In the end, you manage to seize control of the fleet they were building and turn it around on the Empire, instead. You are awarded a medal and asked to continue your efforts against the Empire.


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Chapter 1: Bastard steals your ship and you have to get it back. When you do, you realize he was using it to hobble together the ingredients and directions neccessary for access to a massive treasure. Having retrieved your ship, you now seek to supplant his adventure and get the treasure for your own. Oh, and you get to taunt the guy about how you're beating him at his own game all along the way.


Chapter 2: Having established yourself as the premier treasure-retriever-guroo of the galaxy, you're approached by representatives from the Republic to become a Privateer intent on advancing the Republic's interests in the underworld. You jaunt around the galaxy doing interesting jobs in the name of the Republic, nabbing some stuff for yourself whenever you can.


Chapter 3: You're betrayed by the so-called Republic representatives, who've basically been working for the Empire all along -- double agents, oh my! To save yourself from being hunted down and arrested for helping the Empire even though you thought you were helping the Republic, you have to find your erstwhile friends and capture them, clearing your name. In the end, you manage to seize control of the fleet they were building and turn it around on the Empire, instead. You are awarded a medal and asked to continue your efforts against the Empire.


That sounds good for ch1, but from then on it just sounds like you're a mercenary who's getting double crossed? Where does the actual smuggling come in? :p


Thank you though

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it is stupefying how many people have not played smuggler. let me tell you :


there is no class in this game which has story that can top smuggler in :


- level of engaging and good storywriting

- great humor

- realism of conversations and responses

- realism of the entire event chain

- stellar voice acting

- fitting in with the universe

- real-looking, feeling companions

- hilarious companions



I may only have played my smuggler to the end of Planet "HEY HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THESE RAKGHOUL THINGS?!" but I have a hard time believing a lot of what you're saying. The Ch1 story seems dull and contrived, and I don't believe that whoever wrote it understands how time works.

I need to collect McGuffins that have been hidden in random places around the galaxy for centuries so I can reach the vast treasure that was hidden away only 10 years ago? Wut? Oh and the guy they set up as the main villain is totally non-threatening. He's even more of a joke than the BHs Ch1 antagonist, and that guy is about as sad a sack of pathetic as you can get.


I can't say I've liked any NPC I've come across except that sabbacc player guy on Coruscant, who was just ok. I've wanted to feed Corso his own intestines ever since he first opened his damn trap, and then he constantly makes the issue worse by being clingy, hitting on my girl all the time, and ruining my AoEs with his damn harpoon pull.. The ship is boring and awful looking. And I found the woman smugglers (or smuglette as I call her) voice grating at first, though it did grow on me after a time.


I'll grant you that the Prologue was pretty good, even with Corso around to annoy me by constantly informing me about what names he's given to his various guns. The dialogue, even in the non-story quests, tends to have a consistently enjoyable level of snark, cattiness, and irreverence. But everything else is just bleh and I can't really fathom it getting much better given what little else I know about it.


Personally, I've the stories I've done I'd have to agree that the Agent's is the best, but only because the


Ch1 antagonist is so damn awesome that he totally overshadows every other character I've seen in the game.




Darth Jadus is everything I was hoping the SIs storyline would be, too bad that did notwork out at all.


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I may only have played my smuggler to the end of Planet "HEY HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THESE RAKGHOUL THINGS?!" but I have a hard time believing a lot of what you're saying.


so you left it at taris. its your fault.



I need to collect McGuffins that have been hidden in random places around the galaxy for centuries so I can reach the vast treasure that was hidden away only 10 years ago? Wut? Oh and the guy they set up as the main villain is totally non-threatening. He's even more of a joke than the BHs Ch1 antagonist, and that guy is about as sad a sack of pathetic as you can get.



again, your fault. you left the story halfway. completion of chapter 1 is built on those, and it resolves itself very well.


I can't say I've liked any NPC I've come across except that sabbacc player guy on Coruscant, who was just ok. I've wanted to feed Corso his own intestines ever since he first opened his damn trap, and then he constantly makes the issue worse by being clingy, hitting on my girl all the time, and ruining my AoEs with his damn harpoon pull.. The ship is boring and awful looking. And I found the woman smugglers (or smuglette as I call her) voice grating at first, though it did grow on me after a time.


................ snip .....................


Personally, I've the stories I've done I'd have to agree that the Agent's is the best, but only because the


Ch1 antagonist is so damn awesome that he totally overshadows every other character I've seen in the game.




Darth Jadus is everything I was hoping the SIs storyline would be, too bad that did notwork out at all.


dude, i think your problem is not in the story, or what's in the game, but in your perspective. you come out like a very tight person who gets annoyed with the slightest of 'good/light' aligned things. and not surprisingly, the stories you like are the imperial ones, especially the si storyline, which i myself found rather ........ unimpressive and monotonous.


there are people like that. people who can not warm to a good/light aligned storyline. its a matter of preference.


there are even more people who cant just warm up to imperial storylines and find them unrealistic and bland. but, its mainly due to the fact that these people expect the tight, fascistic, torturous and hierarchical empire side to be something more than what it can be. in reality, it cannot. the companions, people, events that one could encounter in such an environment, would be people who could live in such environments.


but your situation is opposite. you apparently like stiff, evil environments.

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I actually enjoyed Sith Inq story much more than Sith Warrior.


sith warr story seems to have a lot of 'boooo i kill uuuu. therefore im ebiiil' stuff.


you get dark points for randomly killing people like stupid idiots.


but you get light points for subjugating them to serve you. (which is the real evil in fact, if you look at darth sidious and what anakin wants as soon as he is dark).


spoliler -


the storyline is not so bad in that it is a powerplay in which you ascend through the ladder and undo your master, but you can see it coming a mile away


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sith warr story seems to have a lot of 'boooo i kill uuuu. therefore im ebiiil' stuff.


you get dark points for randomly killing people like stupid idiots.


but you get light points for subjugating them to serve you. (which is the real evil in fact, if you look at darth sidious and what anakin wants as soon as he is dark).


spoliler -


the storyline is not so bad in that it is a powerplay in which you ascend through the ladder and undo your master, but you can see it coming a mile away



Actually, you rarely get the option of having a person serve you.


In fact, only Lord Rathari presents that option. The rest are just letting people live when you promise to let them live.


My Sith felt they outlived any sort of usefulness...

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so you left it at taris. its your fault.


again, your fault. you left the story halfway. completion of chapter 1 is built on those, and it resolves itself very well.

So it's my fault if plot hooks fail to grab me and I think every character is a sad sack of unlikeable idiocy? Ok.



dude, i think your problem is not in the story, or what's in the game, but in your perspective. you come out like a very tight person who gets annoyed with the slightest of 'good/light' aligned things. and not surprisingly, the stories you like are the imperial ones, especially the si storyline, which i myself found rather ........ unimpressive and monotonous.

I think you misunderstood me, I've had bowel movements more satisfying than the SI storyline. The absolute best thing about the SI is telling Khem Val to eat people. Too bad he's a completely rotten pet to actually play with.


there are even more people who cant just warm up to imperial storylines and find them unrealistic and bland. but, its mainly due to the fact that these people expect the tight, fascistic, torturous and hierarchical empire side to be something more than what it can be. in reality, it cannot. the companions, people, events that one could encounter in such an environment, would be people who could live in such environments.


but your situation is opposite. you apparently like stiff, evil environments.

Dude, I don't have any clue what you're ranting about now. I said the smugglers story and companions were boring, and poorly plotted. Not that they were too goodie two-shoes for me. And the summary the nice guy posted at the top of this page pretty much confirms my suspicions for me. That sounds really bloody awful.

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Actually, you rarely get the option of having a person serve you.


In fact, only Lord Rathari presents that option. The rest are just letting people live when you promise to let them live.


quite, and i found that quite stupid.


the 'evil' both anakin and emperor exhibited in the movies was enslaving others to do their bidding or making them serve them. not randomly killing bystanding shopkeepers etc.



So it's my fault if plot hooks fail to grab me and I think every character is a sad sack of unlikeable idiocy? Ok.




I think you misunderstood me, I've had bowel movements more satisfying than the SI storyline. The absolute best thing about the SI is telling Khem Val to eat people. Too bad he's a completely rotten pet to actually play with.



Dude, I don't have any clue what you're ranting about now. I said the smugglers story and companions were boring, and poorly plotted. Not that they were too goodie two-shoes for me. And the summary the nice guy posted at the top of this page pretty much confirms my suspicions for me. That sounds really bloody awful.


just take a moment and read what you have posted. then you will understand my point.


your perception of what constitutes fun, is stuff like 'telling khem val to eat people'.

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just take a moment and read what you have posted. then you will understand my point.


your perception of what constitutes fun, is stuff like 'telling khem val to eat people'.

It's like you're trying really hard to not grasp what I'm saying here. The smuggler storyline A) has a poor MacGuffin-hunt plot, B) is populated by a bunch of NPCs who are either a horse's arse or irritating manchildren who shouldn't be allowed to posses firearms, thus C) it's really, really boring outside of the one-liners you get to drop all over the place.

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It's like you're trying really hard to not grasp what I'm saying here. The smuggler storyline A) has a poor MacGuffin-hunt plot, B) is populated by a bunch of NPCs who are either a horse's arse or irritating manchildren who shouldn't be allowed to posses firearms, thus C) it's really, really boring outside of the one-liners you get to drop all over the place.


ill just leave you be.

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That sounds good for ch1, but from then on it just sounds like you're a mercenary who's getting double crossed? Where does the actual smuggling come in? :p


Thank you though


All the "jobs" you do for the Republic involve delivering or otherwise retrieving something or someone. IMO, it fits the meme of a smuggler pretty well.

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I may only have played my smuggler to the end of Planet "HEY HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THESE RAKGHOUL THINGS?!" but I have a hard time believing a lot of what you're saying. The Ch1 story seems dull and contrived, and I don't believe that whoever wrote it understands how time works.

I need to collect McGuffins that have been hidden in random places around the galaxy for centuries so I can reach the vast treasure that was hidden away only 10 years ago? Wut? Oh and the guy they set up as the main villain is totally non-threatening. He's even more of a joke than the BHs Ch1 antagonist, and that guy is about as sad a sack of pathetic as you can get.


I can't say I've liked any NPC I've come across except that sabbacc player guy on Coruscant, who was just ok. I've wanted to feed Corso his own intestines ever since he first opened his damn trap, and then he constantly makes the issue worse by being clingy, hitting on my girl all the time, and ruining my AoEs with his damn harpoon pull.. The ship is boring and awful looking. And I found the woman smugglers (or smuglette as I call her) voice grating at first, though it did grow on me after a time.


I'll grant you that the Prologue was pretty good, even with Corso around to annoy me by constantly informing me about what names he's given to his various guns. The dialogue, even in the non-story quests, tends to have a consistently enjoyable level of snark, cattiness, and irreverence. But everything else is just bleh and I can't really fathom it getting much better given what little else I know about it.


Personally, I've the stories I've done I'd have to agree that the Agent's is the best, but only because the


Ch1 antagonist is so damn awesome that he totally overshadows every other character I've seen in the game.




Darth Jadus is everything I was hoping the SIs storyline would be, too bad that did notwork out at all.


There are threads designed to described what stories you really dislike and why. Is there a reason you need to do that, here? Because I wasn't aware that was the purpose of this thread, that when someone says, "Hey, I like this story," your job was to come along and convince them they're just oh-so-wrong. Heck, I wasn't even aware there was any way to make such a hugely flawed level of judgement, as to declare someone's enjoyment somehow and amazingly incorrect, lol.


BTW, I absolutely despised the Agent's story. I found it incredibly boring, mechanical, and cliched. I could've just copied and pasted any 'ole James Bond script into the game and called it "imperial agent". Every single npc I encountered was little more than another play on that theme. Gag-worthy.


See how that works?

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This seems to of turn from who has the best storyline to trying to justify the smuggler's storyline?



So far I have seen JK and flat it was great,



Basically Chapter 1: Hunt down a piss if Darth Angral as he tries to kill you for killing his son who was planning to imprison Coursant. Watch your master die on a Holocom and then finally track down Darth Angral and kill which I liked.


Chapter 2: Embark with other jedi masters while they form a plan to strike the Emperor were he live and you meet the Emperor's Wrath who becomes a companion (stays sith which is cool). Get to the Emperor station and basically get the crap kicked out of you. Then return to normal with the help of your dead master's spirit.


Chapter 3: Prevent the Emperor from wiping out the galaxy in a dark ritual to become a god. During this you encounter the 3 masters who also fell on the station and had become sith or dark jedi not really sure. Once you have prevent this ritual, the Emperor is "weak" and you head to the capital planet of Empire for a show down with the Emperor. When you defeat him (you can choose to try and convert him to the light side) you get to have an interesting talk with him and then bright light like Raven, no clue if he is dead or not but either way it was great.




grammer may suck but that the short and sweet version, personally I have to do imp agent yet. I do know the Counsular was kinda boring comparing and the romance character came way too late

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This seems to of turn from who has the best storyline to trying to justify the smuggler's storyline?



Rather, it seems it's about justifying one's own enjoyment of the thing. Apparently, some people believe you're not allowed to like any stories aside from the ones they did, go figure.

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