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How the pre's should have gone


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This is a some ideas on how I though things should have gone for the series


The story would be darker more focused on Anakins turn to the darkside. Darth Maul would have played a much larger roll in the series. Anikin would have killed Darth Maul prolly in EP.2 In an angered rage over Qui Gons death.


There would have been no trade war. GunGans would never have been heard of or brought into the series. Anikin would have turned to the darkside in his quest for power. Not out of being tricked by the emp over the love of his wife. Padme would have died after going giving birth and sending her son away to saftey and stay with the Organa and helping raise her daughter, she would not have died during child birth.



These are just some ideas I have I will post more as time goes on, I have the story in my head sometimes think about putting on paper.

Edited by Noczod
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I just read the novel Plagueis, and must say by reading it, I much more appreciate the story of the trade war. How Palpetine and Plagueis planned every little detail to get Palpetine as Supreme Chancellor, forming the Clone Wars slowly... It kind of pulls the story of the first 3 movies straight



So yes everything you say (more Darth Maul), more Anakin and Obi-Wan bonding, and especially more info about how the Sith come to rise.



And you can keep the gungans, but make there accents dissapear, and make them a though warrior people. (Like the Wookies, but then again you can just replace them with Wookies)


I like your idea, maybe we should make a version as a community, but then again everyone would be so divided I'm afraid...

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Yeah I hear you there everyone has there own ideas and spin on the story it would be very difficult to be done. I looked into the book today and am thinking about picking it up.

When it comes to the movies I just really wanted to see more of the transfomation of Anakin I dont feel like the movies touch on it enough his transformation was very jumpy.


Gungans might be keep able just would have to be changed and for sure no jar jar, I dislike the char so much I wouldnt even want to keep him if he was some bad *** warrior.

Edited by Noczod
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I have always thought that most of the prequals problems could have been solved if anakin was older when he was found. He should have been about the same age as padme as a slave on tatooine, it makes so many of the things he does in the first movie more viable (esp. him hitting on padme, 8 yr olds dont do that), and it makes the council saying he is too old to train have more weight, an 8 yr old can still be taught new ideas and ways of life pretty easily actually, its much harder with a 13-14 year old. It also would have made the master/student dynamic between obi wan and anakin that much more akward with them being closer in age.
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Agreed, and if when they found him he was older would have been easy to make his transformation to the dark side as well. I really didnt like innocent boy/ teenager with additude /evil man who can kill children. Were was the transformation in that.
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Hm. I basically disagree with the OP, I think,. I do feel like the prequels were pretty awful, or at any rate that they managed to be clunkiest at the moments that should have been the most amazing and emotional--but the structural stuff the OP objects to is all stuff I liked, at least in itself.


Except maybe Darth Maul--I don't have strong feelings either way on him, and I do think he was neat and maybe could have held out a little longer. Mind you, I also like that the prequels featured lots of big showy villains who appeared and were taken down in quick succession, and that their quick defeats were in keeping with the basic idea of the thing: that, although they were real and scary and powerful, they were also pawns, put on the board as enemies everyone could worry about in ways that funneled power to Palpatine.


For the same reason, I kinda liked the trade war in theory.


And Anakin falling through his personal love, and his desire to make things OK on that personal level, to have what he wants . . . I think that's great. (Again, in theory; on screen, the love story featured some amazingly bad writing, acting, directing, etc.) Anakin needs to be sympathetic--a Jedi who falls, not a scheming dick. Makes his deeply horrible deeds all the more deeply horrible; articulates the idea of what a fallen Jedi is.


Padme dying in childbirth was epically cheeseball in practice, yeah. I do like the way it set up Palpatine's lie to Anakin, about him having killed her--I think it really works in the Star Wars setting to imagine bad guys who, in part, are motivated by their conviction that they are evil and irredeemable.

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I have always thought that most of the prequals problems could have been solved if anakin was older when he was found. He should have been about the same age as padme as a slave on tatooine, it makes so many of the things he does in the first movie more viable (esp. him hitting on padme, 8 yr olds dont do that), and it makes the council saying he is too old to train have more weight, an 8 yr old can still be taught new ideas and ways of life pretty easily actually, its much harder with a 13-14 year old. It also would have made the master/student dynamic between obi wan and anakin that much more akward with them being closer in age.


totally agree. then there could have been a smaller gap between Ep1 and Ep2 which makes Palpatine's plans move faster - and makes the Jedi look less stupid for not seeing it coming.


but movie wise, too, there would be better chemistry between the actors/audience if they used the same actor for Anakin in all 3 movies. and the love-angle wouldn't have been so forced in Ep 2.


PLUS you can change Jar Jar's character to be more like someone else said about comedy relief - if Anakin had a bigger role in Ep 1. the idea of comedy relief is better tempered against a more serious or morally ambiguous character - example C3PO vs han Solo in the OT. Part of Jar Jar's problem was he wasn't really paired with anyone. If Anakin was a teenager - and a more serious/morally ambiguous teenager at that - it makes more sense to play comedy relief against that.


PLUS PLUS the separation from his mother/not being able to free the slaves would give him more resentment towards the Jedi in general and Qui Gon in specific if he were older.

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In the end it comes down to what you like and what you have already played out in your mind. Some people might like these ideas others "like youself, will not. Im not mad you dont like the ideas and im sure your not mad about my ideas they just fit in the story that you have in your mind, which is really cool. I love that about star wars it just gets your imagination going.



As for some of the things you dont like about my ideas


The trade war in my mind just took away from the story I was execting. I was really expecting more of a story about Anakins turn to the darkside, and I feel that the trade war took away from this by taking up alot of time and story telling. I dont feel like they were bad ideas for the war, it explains the Clone wars the Obi wan talks about in ANH, it just was not what I had in mind for the PT. Not saying they were bad at all though. I happen to love all the movies.

Edited by Noczod
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Gun Guns? Anikin? Organs? Im sorry, but i cant take your revision seriously if you dont know how to spell the names of the characters, especially considering Anakin is the main character of the whole thing.


Then dont, leave and dont return. simple


Sorry for my mis spellings.

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yeah there is just so much star wars out there, and everyone trys to combine all of them instead of just taking them as storys. They get mad when something is not how they expected it to be. I they just took the books and read them as storys and not trying to connected the dots between everything. THen they might be happy. Edited by Noczod
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Think I would have changed it by making Anakin older in the first movie (effectively playable by the same actor) which, in-universe wise, would have made the the length of the three prequels about 6-8 years. Probably redo the Naboo thing. Notionally I like the Padme romance and him trying to save her from death so reworked, with less horrible dialogue and the inevitable hammy acting that sproutes from said dialogue, that stays in (especially as you still need luke & leia anyway).


I would have had the clone wars pretty much start at the end of the first movie. Qui-gon would live past the first movie with Maul being the principle face of the seperatist movement with the whole 'republic is anti-alien' vibe to set up the empires human-centric policies as a result of the view of the seperatist movement being aliens going for dominance.


Definitely would rework Anakin's fall to being like what it was in a new hope, going down the 'quick' path to power. Not just him being *****y and having a hissy fit. This would probably start about halfway through the second film with Qui-gons death. Final half of that would be him effectively patching things up with Obi-wan but secretly going to Dooku (who in this iteration would be either a spy jedi for palpatine or still part of the seperatists) as basically a secret 'side' master to get more power.


Final movie would be them starting to whip the seperatists as in the case in the actual final prequal film. Really hit the whole 'Padmes' in danger note with actual repeated assassination attempts on his life and hers orchestrated by palpatine since by this point Anakin's become the face of the jedi order in the war. Have some manipulations so some jedi actually become part of the assassination, make it believable that Anakin feels under threat and not some split second choice because he cuts Windu's hand off.

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I think a few simple changes would have saved the whole trilogy.


1. Using subtitles for the Aliens.


2. Having Jar-jar be a bit more serious.


3. In general, less muppeteering. Some come relief was always welcome in the originals, whether the droids or some aliens. That was fine. He just went overboard, starting with Jedi but really getting out of hand with Phantom.


Let's face it, nothing was going to be as good as the originals. It just wasn't going to happen. I think those three things would have made it feel more Star Wars and less Disney though.

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PLUS you can change Jar Jar's character to be more like someone else said about comedy relief - if Anakin had a bigger role in Ep 1. the idea of comedy relief is better tempered against a more serious or morally ambiguous character - example C3PO vs han Solo in the OT. Part of Jar Jar's problem was he wasn't really paired with anyone. If Anakin was a teenager - and a more serious/morally ambiguous teenager at that - it makes more sense to play comedy relief against that.


I agree, Anakin should have filled the role Han solo did in the Original Trilogy, Morally ambiguous and possibly even his cynical attitude, the prequals were sorely missing a character like that. Anakin could have filled that roll easily, only unlike Han who moves towards the side of good as he progresses through the story, Anakin would spiral more towards the dark side of things.

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I'd probably have started with an older Anakin, to be honest. Nothing happens in Phantom Menace, and very little happens in Episode 2 that isn't nicely summarised at the start of Revenge of the Sith.


Could have told the story of his fall over all three movies instead of squeezing all the interesting bits into Episode III.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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A big problem for me was bad dialog or badly acted or badly directed dialog, but I also think that story-wise, the "fall" of Anakin is just too quick. He goes from "I don't want my wife to die" to "let's kill all these Jedi children!" in a few minutes, basically.


I completely agree.... My brother and I had the same complaint, it happened way too fast. Part of the problem is Lucas hates movies longer then 2 hours, EP:3 could have easily been a 3 hour movie... (even though EP:3 was the longest SW film) EP:1 was totally ruined by Jar Jar, I cant even watch that movie. Lucas was a genius dreaming up the whole SW idea, but when it comes to making movies, he should hire others to do more work. In EP: 5 (empire strikes back) the acting was at its best, Lucas did not direct that one.... :-)

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I agree with alot of what is being said, and I know that people dont like the acting, but come on who watchs star wars for the acting, and then says its a bad movie. Thats like watching the Titanic and saying it wasnt a good comedy.



That is just a joke dont take is personal.


I agree that there needed to be a character some what on lines with Han solo.

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I was thinking the other day, what if Anakin started out as a young republic soldier and was on a mission aiding the jedi(Qui gon and Obi wan) and he began to stand out from the other soldiers.


I had some other plot ideas in mind but one of my ideas was that he's around the same age as obi wan, becomes friends with both qui gon and obi wan throughout the movie. For some reason I have the end scene in my head but nothing else and it would go like this...


They are all on a mission, they go head to head with battle droids (jedi and republic soldiers that is). Maul enters the battle and starts killing off a bunch of soldiers, Qui gon and Obi wan tells the soldiers to keep moving while they handle maul. The light saber duel continues into another room. Qui gon gets defeated, and remember, by this time Anakin has become very good friends with both obiwan and qui-gon, he feels qui gons death in the force and disobeys his orders to go help the jedi.


He comes in just as Obiwan is wounded and maul is ready to kill him. Anakin begins shooting his blaster at maul, each bolt is deflected and out of some sense of intuition Anakin reaches out with the force to pick upo quio gons saber and retreives it before Maul gets to him. Maul defeats Anakin and lops off his arm and says something to mock Anakin's saber skills. Anakin replies that he doesn't need a saber to defeat him and Maul says something like "Your power in the force is weak..." Anakin rolls over to his back revealing a hand pistol and blasts Maul in the head while saying something like "who said anything about the force?" (Yes, I love one liners and I think that's one of the great things about the OT).


It is clear that Anakin has the potential to become very powerful in the force, with no training he managed to pick up a saber on his own. It would show that Anakin is very powerful in the force, but none of that chosen one bs.

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I like it, that would have been a cool way to have the movie end. They dont mention anything about Anakin being the chosen one, in the OT do they, because if they dont then that would have been an awsome way to have the series start. And if he explain that he didnt know who his mom was that he had lived with his older brother and left from tattoine to join the republic army, then that would even more explain in A New Hope when LUke is talking about joing the rebels when his aunt and uncle say " he has to much of his father in him" " thats what I am afraid of". That would make the scene make even more sense.
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