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End-Game repair bill....ouch!


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So peeps dont die in a new HM flashpoint? I find it hard to believe. Besides that the cost to repair should still not be so high. Cant break the banks because of a difficult boss or two. This may either inhibit players from doing HM and suck the fun out of learning new instances because people stress over the cost of dying.


50K is decent amount for me. I do not play for hours on end and more casual player.

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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Credits are easy to come by as is... simply breathing will net you credits.


Out of 4 instances I ran last night, BoI, FE, D7, and BP, we've only wiped once and that was because of the Interrogator boss bug on D7. I don't understand how people are dying so much on instances...


So either run with guildies


Get a friends list of good players to play with


Take the lead of the party and guide your party through the encounter


I do all 3 (I'm a tank btw) and that has net me very little wipes.

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i dont get the whole system for repairs anyway...whats the use of it? the more you play the worse moneyike...i thought mmo producers want people to play more? rather drop the amount of money you can collect and on the other hand get rid of repairs...this way everyone can focus on the game aspects he wants
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So my group was learning a new HM Flashpoint and wiped a few times. Afterwards I had to spend 50K credits to repair. This is absurd and needs to be fixed. :mad:


It is why money is valuable; it is also incentive to not die. Try not dying you will enjoy the game more.

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My response to this is the same as my response to any "the cost of x is too damn high!" (reddit-style) thread.


It is stupid easy to get money in this game.


Doing nothing but dailies and the occasional hardmode, I have made over 1.5 million credits since I hit 50. It's been maybe two weeks. Tops. Once you hit level 50, you have literally zero reason to ever complain about the cost of anything in this game.

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So peeps dont die in a new HM flashpoint? I find it hard to believe. Besides that the cost to repair should still not be so high. Cant break the banks because of a difficult boss or two. This may either inhibit players from doing HM and suck the fun out of learning new instances because people stress over the cost of dying.


50K is decent amount for me. I do not play for hours on end and more casual player.


Did you repair before the FP?


How many times (approx) did you die?


Did anyone look up boss strats? (this is a personal [or by group] choice. I have heard of peeps [not usually people in PUGs] who like to clear bosses blind. Cool if it is your guild; lame if you are screwing a PUG)

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Well, outside of repairs and mounts, there isn't a lot to be spending your credits on anyways. I've bought the 1.5M credit mount, the VIP bracelet, and am working on getting the second mount from the VIP area. Other than that repairs and some mats on the GTN is all I use credits for.
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