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New PvP Medal System.


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I wrote this before on another thread, so sorry if you have read it before and please just move on to another post if you have.



The problem lies in the reason Medal's are rewarded. They reward players for doing nonsensical and potentially useless or unachievable things. For example, its not likely a Sorc / Sage will get a medal for a 5k damage in one hit. Just the same as a Juggernaut won't get a 5k heal unless he is Biochem ( and I don't even think that is possible anymore).


Point being, they don't encourage players to become good at a given WZ and even in some cases discourage them from helping their team win.


So how about Bioware actually puts a bit more effort into the Medal's in each WZ and designs them to be specific to the WZ itself, to encourage players to become better at them instead of running around trying to be a hero and taking on the enemy for no apparent reason.


For example, Huttball. How about you get a medal for the following actions:


- Passing the ball.


- Scoring a goal.


- Assisting a goal.


- Killing a player in fire.


- Killing a player in acid.


- Killing the ball carrier in fire.


- Killing a ball carrier in acid.


- Picking up the ball from the middle.


The list can go on and these are just my own examples, but you get the point and you can imagine others that could be made for the two other WZ and future ones. Basically put, reward people with Medals for actually playing the WZ well and not for trying to show off their Epeen.


I know of good players that ignore the game for a few minutes just to insure they get their medals, potentially hurting their team in the process.


An example is my Operative friend. He is a great player and can change the tides of a battle when he enters it. But, sometimes, he will pop out of stealth, take a bunch of damage and re-stealth to get away. Once he is out of combat, he pops relics, grabs the berserk buff, etc... etc.. and toss's a big heal on himself to get the healing medals. All the while his team could be losing the battle that was taking place, and it makes no difference to him, because he got his medals.


Again, just food for thought. I really think the Medal System could be done in a way that encourages players to play the WZ well. I even think it would be more fun to get them then the way you get the current ones. As I said, some are even unachievable by certain classes.


Btw, I'm not suggesting that Bioware takes out the current medals. Although tbh, I really wouldn't care if they did.


Cheers and bump this if you agree.

Edited by Manoch
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Yup your damn right there, but a bit of a reduction, in some of them, we need a 10 passes completed medal, a 2 assists medal and a score a goal medal.


Good point. As I said, they are just fast examples to give an idea of the direction I'm looking at and in no way to I claim to know the final destination, so to speak.

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