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Sorc underpowered?


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Sorcs or casters or whatever is equal to in any mmo have always been stamped with "OP" on them for so many reasons i cant count them anymore.


But the sorc here in swtor being underpowered.... Uhm no... No way in hell are they under powered its defiantly the easiest class to play but its far from being underpowered.


1vs1 is dependent on so many factors who is going to win which is where all this whining is coming from. Some people simply put their talents in such a way that it becomes extremely hard for some people to fight them with their talents setup. On top of that if the person that on the other side is actually a better player (god forbid that you will actually run into someone thats better).


My look on things is as a sorcs. Either put your enemy down quickly with the most dps you can put on him or heal. A hybrid wont cut it you quickly will find yourself healing alot and eventually run out of force. When your up against someone that has a tank then chances are your going to lose either way because its going to take some time to put him down and he will just keep eating at your hp.


As for dps during wz matches to say how good a "dps" sorc is... Well on after the 50 bracket my dps is lower now since hey alot of 50's do have pvp gear so my overall dps output is lower. But i still manage to get into atleast the top 3 in terms of dps if not on the number one spot. Usually this will be around 250k during huttball matches and higher on alderan and voidstar. Not saying i am the best i have seen screens of other sorcs on other servers doing way more then that however on my server most sorcs barely get over the 100k mark.... Which makes me think wth are they doing they sure as hell aint healing and getting dps on a sorc is probably the easiest of all classes.


I can hold my own in a 1vs1 against most classes and i come out on top quite a few times but lose plenty aswell. If you find yourself constantly losing i suggest you take a look at your talents and at your play style and try to adjust it here and there and maybe look up some videos of sorcs pvping and try to learn a few things.

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So you're saying 90% of people who play sorc in the lvl 50 bracket are bad? Because getting 300k in a match in the lvl 50 bracket is a lot harder then when you mish mashed with a bunch of low levels. As for your second like the majority of other responders you've done nothing but troll and insult my ability as a player. Chances are you don't know anything of my ability as a player personally.


This really does just sound like a case of L2P or you're playing with completely the wrong spec. In what world does having a Stun / Interupt / Whirlwind / Sprint / Bubble and (despite what you claim) very high damage with lots of instant casts, make you an underpowered class ?


I have never felt that we were too squishy.

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I have a sorc and I go down real quick, usually a melee would crit me for 4-5k damage, today I got critted for 6k - still missing 3 pieces of champion gear so maybe I'll get critted for 5500 when I get them.


See - the thing about sorcerers vs any other class is - we do not use our weapon - that damage rating there? it does absolutely nothing for you. A sith warrior on the other hand gets his battlemaster lightsaber and he hits like a truck.


Anyway - I have also a powertech. I have 2 abilities that will reduce all damage - including sorcerer damage by a percentage,for a set time. I have jump to and I have the rope pull. I can do AOE 30% damage reduction to everybody who is not attacking me. My rail shot ignores 70% of the armor which sorcerers don't have anyway and I do a ton of burning damage. I can pretty much burn every sorcerer I see. I can usually go through a sorcerer shield in 1 rail shot after my missile which set him on fire. After that sorc has pretty much no defenses. :) and good luck kiting me - I can run and gun with the best of them plus I have a few nice range abilities.

I love my power tech :)

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...I'm saying that not all classes need to excel at dueling.


This. Sorc doesn't need to be able to 1v1 everyone (and, to the OP's credit, they can't. Good tank or healer can cause a stalemate) because PvP isn't about 1v1... it's about group vs. group. In GvG, Sorcs are excellent, and that is enough.


Gonna have to join the "l2p" crowd on this one.

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This really does just sound like a case of L2P or you're playing with completely the wrong spec. In what world does having a Stun / Interupt / Whirlwind / Sprint / Bubble and (despite what you claim) very high damage with lots of instant casts, make you an underpowered class ?


I have never felt that we were too squishy.


Lets assume you're fighting a powertech(I play the class and play sorc too):


you stun he breaks out,


you interupt...what ? he spams the 6 insta casts he has,


whirlwind? means no dots, also means you're running away from the fight?,


sprint? powertech can jump to you or alternatively pull you to him,


bubble? it goes down in 1 railshot,


high damage output? hmm shield proc and also activated shield and your high damage goes down the drain - as I already posted before you should go check out the video on the PT forums if you wanna see what real damage feels like - I believe it was in the 600k range.


Face it - we don't have as much control as a cloth wearer should have neither do we do as much single target DPS as we should be doing.


Han Solo and the Emperor Palpatine walk into a bar , and then Han Solo kicks the emperor down and shoots him in the back of the head while he's trying to get up... niiice

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Sorc's are not UP. On the other hand we're not OP either.


There are a ton of sorcs and we have great utility and CC (if talented for it, at the expense of dps talents I might add). That makes it seem to others like we're OP.


Also our slow on force lightning can be quite annoying. :)

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1v1, gear roughly the same.


In my experience:


OP/SC - We are dead. No questions asked, if you get into a 1v1 with a op/sc there is very little you can do unless you are playing against a under geared or bad OP/SC


Marauder/Sent - We are dead. Sure you can dot them and try to kite them for like an hour but good ones will stick to you like glue.


Juggs/Guardians - See marauder, only difference is depending on spec. They either kill you in record speed or shrug off dots like no ones business.


BH/Trooper:PT/Merc - Mercs can kill you really fast if you can't LOS them. Luckily most mercs don't know *** to do if you interrupt tracer missile and stand there like morons. But if you have played against one with skill its a different story. PTs are like marauders/juggs, but they bring you to them instead of the other way around


Assassin/Shadow - Probably our best match up (aside from other sorcs/sages), but not by much. If they get the jump on you the will win most of the time.


So in other words, yes. Sorcs are HORRIBLE 1v1. We have to rely on positioning and teammates in order to succeed. Don't get me wrong I have won plenty of 1v1s but they were mainly against horrible players, other sage/sorcs or people with horrible gear. Most of the time, I am dead if someone gets on me and wont get off. I make it as annoying as possible and even try to kill them if I can but the best case scenario is I run away and they quit chasing me.


Where Sorcs SHINE: Being left the **** alone. I can dish some crazy damage... Not soo much directly to 1 person but to groups. That is what people see on the scoreboard at the end of the game and why people think we are OP is because of our AoE. If you let a Sorc sit there and destroy you they will.


But to think we are OP is beyond stupid, the only reason there are a lot of us is because we shoot FRIGGIN LIGHTENING OUT OF OUR FINGERS, no really, that is the only reason. I would consider us middle of the pack. Dangerous when left alone but dead when focused.

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OP's post said it all.

Sorcs are definitively the best class to play in WZ (imo) but the worst to play in 1v1.


BTW.. Assassins have the same CC abilities we do + Force shroud. They stick to us like glue too.

Edited by Faktaface
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I have a sorc and I go down real quick, usually a melee would crit me for 4-5k damage, today I got critted for 6k - still missing 3 pieces of champion gear so maybe I'll get critted for 5500 when I get them.


See - the thing about sorcerers vs any other class is - we do not use our weapon - that damage rating there? it does absolutely nothing for you. A sith warrior on the other hand gets his battlemaster lightsaber and he hits like a truck.


Anyway - I have also a powertech. I have 2 abilities that will reduce all damage - including sorcerer damage by a percentage,for a set time. I have jump to and I have the rope pull. I can do AOE 30% damage reduction to everybody who is not attacking me. My rail shot ignores 70% of the armor which sorcerers don't have anyway and I do a ton of burning damage. I can pretty much burn every sorcerer I see. I can usually go through a sorcerer shield in 1 rail shot after my missile which set him on fire. After that sorc has pretty much no defenses. :) and good luck kiting me - I can run and gun with the best of them plus I have a few nice range abilities.

I love my power tech :)


you get damage from the force power on the weapon. melee gets weapon damage for melee attacks and tech/force for tech/force attacks just like you.

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1v1, gear roughly the same.


In my experience:


OP/SC - We are dead. No questions asked, if you get into a 1v1 with a op/sc there is very little you can do unless you are playing against a under geared or bad OP/SC


Marauder/Sent - We are dead. Sure you can dot them and try to kite them for like an hour but good ones will stick to you like glue.


Juggs/Guardians - See marauder, only difference is depending on spec. They either kill you in record speed or shrug off dots like no ones business.


BH/Trooper:PT/Merc - Mercs can kill you really fast if you can't LOS them. Luckily most mercs don't know *** to do if you interrupt tracer missile and stand there like morons. But if you have played against one with skill its a different story. PTs are like marauders/juggs, but they bring you to them instead of the other way around


Assassin/Shadow - Probably our best match up (aside from other sorcs/sages), but not by much. If they get the jump on you the will win most of the time.


So in other words, yes. Sorcs are HORRIBLE 1v1. We have to rely on positioning and teammates in order to succeed. Don't get me wrong I have won plenty of 1v1s but they were mainly against horrible players, other sage/sorcs or people with horrible gear. Most of the time, I am dead if someone gets on me and wont get off. I make it as annoying as possible and even try to kill them if I can but the best case scenario is I run away and they quit chasing me.


Where Sorcs SHINE: Being left the **** alone. I can dish some crazy damage... Not soo much directly to 1 person but to groups. That is what people see on the scoreboard at the end of the game and why people think we are OP is because of our AoE. If you let a Sorc sit there and destroy you they will.


But to think we are OP is beyond stupid, the only reason there are a lot of us is because we shoot FRIGGIN LIGHTENING OUT OF OUR FINGERS, no really, that is the only reason. I would consider us middle of the pack. Dangerous when left alone but dead when focused.


its completely true if left alone we will mess people but get on us and we will be in trouble.

and the dmg meters u see of a sorc is all chain lighting deathfields people need to not stack up its what kills them i love in huttball when everyone stacks on the ball carrier the healer cant keep everyone up and forgets to keep themselves up aswell and thats when i do 500k plus dmg

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If you're a sorcerer and spending your time 1v1ing in warzones you're doing it wrong. :eek:



....well really if you're spending time 1v1ing as any class you're killing your team. I have a hunch that when the huttball is at the top right of the map, you're the guy I see at the bottom left of the map lol. (just teasing)

Edited by nufanvandal
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My personal sorc experience. Log off of my level 33 decept assassin that I leveled almost exclusively in PVP. Average 200k dmg 35-40k protection and 0 healing. Create a sorc >Level to 10> go to fleet and learned advanced job>que WZ > do 170k dmg 0 protection and 60k heals. Thinking this was a fluke I grinded WZs until i dinged 15 from BGs and my damage and healing improved from that baseline as I gained skills. I have a 50 op medic as well I can already tell that healing organized PVP with the sorc compared to my op would be night and day easier on the sorc. I don't claim that the sorc is OP and needs nerfed it just feels like this ranged class has better tools early own and is better polished and designed compared to the clunky melee mechanics and the fact that melee get their best skills so late in the leveling process that new melee 50s are still just getting used to the premier skills as the enter end game pvp.
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Assassin/Shadow - Probably our best match up (aside from other sorcs/sages), but not by much. If they get the jump on you the will win most of the time.


roflmao, assassins are the single worst matchup for a sorc, well if they're geared at least and know when to use their skills, you can't shake them, and their burst is huge.


The problem for sorcs comes endgame, when everyone gears up.


Because for every +1 dmg, our talents and skills will only give us at most about a 1.26-2.2x multiplier (wrath chain lightning for example, because our 31 point talents suck, we rarely get the +crit damage talents), and even if we did take them, we'd still scale badly.


Juggernauts for example can get 2.6-5x on smash, assassins can get 1.6-3.7x on shock and similar on discharge, and so forth.


It's why assassins etc seem kinda weak early on, it's kinda similar to warriors in wow, where a few classes scale far greater than others with gear, whilst sorcerers scale probably worst of all.

Edited by Adzzy
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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Dude, dude .. dude.



You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.

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I am have has had having a lvl 50 sorc class spec hybrid. I don't even have any troubles in the way you are describing sorc issues that you are even having. In one on one battles I am even wasting assassin players with my skills and am able to even kill them one on one most of the time when i'm playing war zones in pvp. I think that the problem that most people are having in the war zones in the bracket that is 10-49 is that they are thinking that they should be able to hammer on a single skills button on the bottom of the screen and then if they push it enough will even be able to kill people. The trouble with any forums posts about pvp even is that it really doesn't make any difference because the time you are even spending from 10 to 49 in that bracket war zone doesn't even matter really like. And because when you get to 50 then the actual pvp game begins the stuff before that is kinda just even not important it's just for fun really and if you think that bioware is going to be able to put a priority on sorting out your lvl 30 sorc while there are endgame 50+ balacing issues even then you are probably insane. So do yourself a favor and lvl to 50 having fun even and then when you hit 50 you can see that you are not and if even clearly over powered. Even.


Sorcs aren't OPs.



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You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.


Reading this gave me a headache.

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Just hit valor 56 on my Sorc. I have so little trouble killing all but the most skilled players it's not even funny. It has nothing to do with putting out tons of damage (which we don't do, though over the course of a WZ our dots add up a bunch of trivial damage that just inflates the final number), but rather how many abilities we have that allow us to continue to live and do damage. Madness is the king of kiting you just have to know your target.


You see a Jugg running up on you start casting FL. He will leap at you 90% of the time, just knock back, force slow, dot up and DF while running away (pro tip: you DF behind you), reapply force slow as needed. Once he charges again just stun if knock back is on cd still, otherwise save it. Keep reapplying static shield and maintaining dots, while FLing if you can get some distance. Also use shock on CD since you can keep running while using it. You also have sprint and our mezz if you need em.


Guaranteed win. And the tank types are the hardest for us to kill. BH/Trooper? Interrupt the second tracer (cause you're dotting on the first one), watch them flail and panic, DPS like normal till they start casting Tracer again, use stun, DPS like normal, interrupt the next tracer if they are even still alive.


Ops are easier versions of tanks if you break the right stuns. Snipers just dot and los. Assassins....poor assassins. Sorcs just interrupt their fl and stun as needed.


We have the right tools for all situations. Healers are kinda tough though.

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Tbh on our server it becomes pretty obvious that if you play as a sorc you have to know your stuff asap, you can really make a pigs meal of the class, (as we might not have the biggest population but if you play PVP your going up against veterans all the time, for example theres this one guy I've never seen get defeated unless its two on one...and even then its iffy) if you don't have the skill or you don't have your own skill chains set up in your mind, for example rooting overload is brilliant, I can charge into a massive group of enemies quick cast a force storm, overload to escape then pick off a weak enemies from the group chain lighting him which damages the rooted group some more then follow with shocks etc....
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