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2.5/5k Heal Medals in warzone


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2.5k heal is very easily obtainable using medpac ( biochem). Since 1.1 the rakata medpac no longer provide 5k heal, even though I saw a marauder livestream he can get 5k heal but I am not sure how. I think it is still possible to get.


Hope this help others also. :):)

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a combo of power adrenal/trinket, bloodthirst and t2 talent "Payback" wich gives 10% of max health heal when used, combined with rakata medpack wich increases your health with 15% and a lucky crit can give you 5k heal medal ! should grant 2.5k everytime tho !
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I've not been 50 long so I haven't got the Rakata Medpac yet (need the doodahs from a Hard Mode, have the recipe and the rest of the mats) but I do use the Reusable Ultimate Medpac.


Even with the healing debuff in PvP it'll heal me for ~3k but I've never got the 2.5k single heal medal. I hit 50 after 1.1 so I just assumed they'd patched it out. Does the Rakata Medpac still give you a medal when it's used then?

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I've not been 50 long so I haven't got the Rakata Medpac yet (need the doodahs from a Hard Mode, have the recipe and the rest of the mats) but I do use the Reusable Ultimate Medpac.


Even with the healing debuff in PvP it'll heal me for ~3k but I've never got the 2.5k single heal medal. I hit 50 after 1.1 so I just assumed they'd patched it out. Does the Rakata Medpac still give you a medal when it's used then?


No, they nerfed the living hell out of it in 1.1, and made it completly useless! apparently it was to OP for the healing classes to posses such medpacks; like those f***ers arnt OP enough from before, good thing they made our lives even worse!

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a combo of power adrenal/trinket, bloodthirst and t2 talent "Payback" wich gives 10% of max health heal when used, combined with rakata medpack wich increases your health with 15% and a lucky crit can give you 5k heal medal ! should grant 2.5k everytime tho !


Assuming I have 16000 hp and 100% crit & surge:


16000*1.15 = 18400 (15% more HP due to rakata)

then I heal 10% of that 1840 * 2 * 1,15 (bloodthirst) and I still wouldn't have 5k.


Gotta be more involved

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depends on if "Payback" is counted as a force attack, in that case, T6 talent "Dark resonance" give 30% more to crit dmg. IF it counts!


I need to correct my post, its based on theory crafting and not actually tested ingame.


EDIT: Also this is a force ability, hence its affected by +power; again; theory only, im going to put this to the test later on report back !

Edited by zoranporan
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  • 2 weeks later...
Still, something's wrong. I see a powertech on my server getting 10k healing, including the 2.5k / 5k medal. It has to be the rakata. Though I don't get any credit for mine. Maybe the old ones still grant it, but ones crafted after 1.1 don't?
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Assuming I have 16000 hp and 100% crit & surge:


16000*1.15 = 18400 (15% more HP due to rakata)

then I heal 10% of that 1840 * 2 * 1,15 (bloodthirst) and I still wouldn't have 5k.


Gotta be more involved


If expertise does affect the heal, considering expertise adrenal + base expertise(using 12% expertise, full champ puts you right around 16k health with 12% expertise), and dropping surge to a more reasonable 85%: 1840 * 1.85 * 1.15 * 1.27 = 4971. Bring the health up a few hundred and that should just barely break 5k.



Ontopic, pure shockfrozen water. 10s cd, ~7k heal out of combat only.

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If expertise does affect the heal, considering expertise adrenal + base expertise(using 12% expertise, full champ puts you right around 16k health with 12% expertise), and dropping surge to a more reasonable 85%: 1840 * 1.85 * 1.15 * 1.27 = 4971. Bring the health up a few hundred and that should just barely break 5k.



Ontopic, pure shockfrozen water. 10s cd, ~7k heal out of combat only.


That is not how you calculate stuff it is:

1840*(1+0,85+0,15+0,27)=4176,8 still a long shot.

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