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Boba Fett and Jango Fett vs 2 Predators


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oh, and for those of you who think a yautja can't take on a jedi?


Chances of a psionic Yautja are rare, but those that exist are unbelievably powerful, so much that they will not hunt with normal Yautja. A telepathic Yautja, DNA-modified by the Dominators into a meta-Yautja, fought alongside other "meta-Yautja". They hunted only the meta humans of the JLA.



yeah, Jedi will fall just like any other prey, given the correct Hunter is provided.

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WOW the heavy armor is only 35 pounds?...Damn thats light, I mean I guess if you are wearing it it would seem heavy but just carrying it, its light.


Kind of funny that Mandalorian use almost the same wrist blade as the predators and also have wrist computer, and if you look at the original Mandalorian (the Taung) they look like predators.. >.>

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Kind of funny that Mandalorian use almost the same wrist blade as the predators and also have wrist computer, and if you look at the original Mandalorian (the Taung) they look like predators.. >.>


Which only make the Taung even more BA, a shame they became extinct.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I don't think you've seen what a shotgun can do to a body up-close, especially a human one, a blaster at most is going to burn a hole through you while cauterizing the wound at the same time. A shell of 000 buckshot is going to tear your body apart, figuratively, you're looking at body chunks flying everywhere, massive amounts of trauma and of course blood loss.


A Yautja had all of this happen to it and so much more including the loss of an arm, and yet it still continued to fight on like a champ. Second off, i'm pretty sure a Yautja's armor is more than capable of standing up to a blaster shot, it just so happen that Yautja's choose to wear a half-assed version of it when they go hunting to keep things interesting, if this was during war I can assure you a simple blaster would NOT be able to pierce their suit.




I don't really feel like quoting anymore, so i'll just give you the codex, I don't like quoting wiki but I can't really remember that one AVP site with all the yautja info on it atm.




Apples and Oranges, greatest Bounty Hunter in the galaxy is just a title, by the end of the day, Jango Fett can still bleed through mortal means, and if he can bleed....you can still kill him.






We have body armor that can resist shotgun rounds, keyword is resist, and even that is a toss up between distance and shell model. I don't think you're grasp just how powerful and lethal a shotgun can become once used at a range of 4 ft or less, it is very capable of ripping apart plates as well as the ballistic armor inserts in the vest while pulverizing internal organs, and causing hemorrhaging.


No I didn't say humans were the most dangerous game for Yautja, I said they were the most unpredictable due to their ability to think under stress and on their feet. Boba and Jango have both been owned by humans, the son moreso than the father which brings me back to my point of having a little bit of luck. a BLIND GUY ended up offing the galaxies most notorious bounty-hunter, so you gosh darn right I say a Yautja is more than a match for the fetts.



To claim Yautja can easily take Jango is to claim that Yautja can easily take Jedi. It's a ridiculous statement. It's ridiculous because the Predator comics constantly have Yautja dying to humans. Dutch wasn't the only one to kill one. Neither was Dutch's brother. Heck, the hunter in africa wasn't, and neither was Mike. What if these people had Star Wars tech? How would the fight have looked then? There's armors resistant t olightsabers in star wars bounty hunters have access too. Cortoses, phrik, and other alloys. A high powered rifle isn't going to do anything against these armors either.







Dumb, freshly blooded, Yautjas lose to the worlds most gifted humans. Look at the bolded part, i've yet to see one Yautja who wasn't wet behind the ear's get showed up by a human, so why not put the best Bounty Hunter against the best Yautja then? an elite of his galaxy versus an elite of Yautja-Prime.


but even you have to know that's not even remotely fair for the fetts, if you know anything at all about Yautja fluff like you claim to.



My point about dutch's brother is that it can be done. He did best a Predator with his bare hands. The predator came out of stealth and he slugged the damn thing. He delivered a few more blows. Took up a wooden plank. And used it to seemingly finish it off. Did it die? No. It recovered. Even when he thought he did enough damage to kill it but that's hardly the point. He came to blows with it and was able to hurt it.




Once again, I want to read this comic/book, cause I feel like i'm not getting the entire story here. There's no way in hell a Yautja is going to just let someone wail on him, and do jack **** about it while said person works his way up to a 'combo-breaker' none the less.





alright, so we agree here, didn't see this part until now. The best of the Fetts cannot compete with the best Yautja-prime has to provide.


As long as we understand that, i'm good with where i'm at in this debate.



I post links that go to blanks pages to try and prove my point..

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This is a lost cause, You cant for sure say who is going to win, it would be just like a fight, who ever wins wins, who knows. I think the fetts would prolly win, because ithey would catch on to the pred's plan realy quick, and im pretty sure there armor would save them from the shoulder mounted weapons of the preds. I better fight would be a fist fight between a Wookie and a pred, that would be better.
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how about you stop being a ********, and view the link I posted in my 2nd post? or is that too hard for you? wait I got you chief, here you go.








man, that took all of 3 seconds to scroll down, and find that.




Hey man you posted it, If you want to get yourr point across dont make some one look for it, why the hell would I do that, post the right link the first time, simple.

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how about you stop being a ********, and view the link I posted in my 2nd post? or is that too hard for you? wait I got you chief, here you go.




man, that took all of 3 seconds to scroll down, and find that.


No sources or citations. Site states "This Page is an antiquarian - possibly outdated - usergenerated website brought to you by an archive."


I don't care about this debate, but I had a good chuckle at your rage over an undead link.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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Predators win, 2-1.


Space Battle goes to the Fetts.


Jungle battle goes to the Predators due to their hunter-like beliefs and stealth technolog.


Coruscant is closer due to it being more urban, but the Predator's Stealth still make things easier for them to win.

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The Predators are a Warrior race though, the bounty hunters are simply fueled by greed, so that makes the Predators alot cooler anyway :3

the mandalorians are a warrior culture though regarded with the best warriors in the galaxy... the fetts are mandalorians.

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Fett's would quite easily win. I don't see why there is a debate. The Fett's have better tech, better skills, and more intelligence. There is no way in hell a predator could win unless they some how surprised them in the shower.
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Gonna go with the Fett's here as well - that is, the EU Fetts, not the ones that stood there waiting to get their head cut off while firing one bolt a minute at the oncoming Jedi, or the one who stood their with his back turned to a blind man whilst standing on the edge of a Sarlaac Pit waiting to be knocked in. No, I'm talking the bounty hunting, Jedi-slaying, missile-shooting, even lightsaber wielding Jango and Boba of the books/games.


Most of the reasons people give in favour of the Preds winning are "they are stronger and would beat on them in hand to hand". For a starts - debatable considering skill, but I'll give you that. But mainly, and this folks, is key... WHY IN THE SEVEN HELLS WOULD JANGO OR BOBA GET INTO A FISTFIGHT WITH A PREDATOR? "Oh hey, I've got more weaponry than an army packed into this armour, so much so I spend more time deciding what I'm going to use to kill something than actually killing them. But hey, do you know what? That's just no fun! Instead, I'll ignore all this tech, waltz right up to this 8 foot tall behemoth of an alien and challenge it to some fisticuffs!" Irrelevant argument is irrelevant.


As has been said before, regardless of how cool Preds are, the Fetts are smarter, have more weaponry, better tech, and have a wider scope of experience.

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First off, Kudos for an awesome thread.



Predators hands down. Fett's can't see infrared through walls, can't do **** about stealth, and assuming Jango's armor could even stop a predator disc (which is a stretch, it would at the very least hit him like a truck and knock him down), Boba doesn't have a whole suit.


Step one, Boba gets his legs sliced off, step two, pull out you combistick and the rest of the fight is as easy as Mace Windu made it look.


Lets just factor in that a predator can retreat and heal their wounds in an astronomical amount of time compared to a human, since Boba isn't even in the fight, it's a 2v1.


Jango vs 2 predators that can leap 30 feet in a single bound unaided, have stealth technology, powerful energy weapons, and advanced first aid.


It isn't even a contest.




Besides, even if one of them did die they would just blow themselves up and kill the fetts anyway.

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First off, what you are comparing is essentially just a different species from another existence, that are basically bounty hunters effectively... They would, more or less, be a lot like the Trandoshans.


So, you may as well be asking, "How would Boba+Jango fare vs random picked Trandoshans-like-race-with-Predator abilities?"


Ummmm... They would wipe the floor with them?


However, if this was, "How would Boba+Jango fare vs The Best Trandoshans-like-race-with-Predator abilities?"


The answer, most likely, would be, very fair and awesome fight...


The toys don't really matter, all hunters have toys... skill is based on which member of the race is present, not just naming the race... "How would Jar Jar fare vs Humans?" Leaves an unknown answer, but "How would Jar Jar fare vs Vader?" Leaves a very simple and straightforward answer, "He gets OWNED!"


"Predator" is just what we call their race, we would need specific examples of who we are to compare.

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First off, what you are comparing is essentially just a different species from another existence, that are basically bounty hunters effectively... They would, more or less, be a lot like the Trandoshans.


So, you may as well be asking, "How would Boba+Jango fare vs random picked Trandoshans-like-race-with-Predator abilities?"


Ummmm... They would wipe the floor with them?


However, if this was, "How would Boba+Jango fare vs The Best Trandoshans-like-race-with-Predator abilities?"


The answer, most likely, would be, very fair and awesome fight...


The toys don't really matter, all hunters have toys... skill is based on which member of the race is present, not just naming the race... "How would Jar Jar fare vs Humans?" Leaves an unknown answer, but "How would Jar Jar fare vs Vader?" Leaves a very simple and straightforward answer, "He gets OWNED!"


"Predator" is just what we call their race, we would need specific examples of who we are to compare.


They actually are nowhere near like Trandoshans...Predators are more alike to the true mandalorians otherwise known as The Taung. So your pretty much putting against New Mandalorians vs Old Mandalorians.


http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Taung I mean they similarly look like Predator, some facial features differ sure but still.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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They actually are nowhere near like Trandoshans...Predators are more alike to the true mandalorians otherwise known as The Taung. So your pretty much putting against New Mandalorians vs Old Mandalorians.


http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Taung I mean they similarly look like Predator, some facial features differ sure but still.


Yeah, I can see that... but given the Predators' love for the hunt, taking trophies, and such... Seemed extremely similar to the Trandoshans and their belief in The Scorekeeper...



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Clearly those voting in favor of the Fett's have never seen what a Yautja is truely capable of achieving.




weigh in at 250 to 350lbs (113 to 159 KG)

5-6 times more heavy.


this is false a male humans average weight= about 160 when the average % body weight for skeleton is 30-40% so it would be about 50/60 pounds which meens if it is 5-6 times more heavy there skeleton would weigh about 200 pounds at the very least so your telling me there skeleton is 80% body weight yet they have heavy durable scales to... Im gonna have to call bull$hit here sorry bro.

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It depends. Is Karen Traviss writing the story?


yes and the republic commandos have teamed up with the Al Green and Boyz II Men to release a R&B Soul album.


First off, Kudos for an awesome thread.


haha thanks

Edited by Gantoris_Aym
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Perhaps but the Predators also live by a code and have honor.


"Code" and "Honor" are subjective. I think Trandoshans have honor AND a code... There are way too many rules to what fights they pick, and don't pick... which leads to the whole "honor" thing...


A Trandoshan would not fight a pregnant woman, as she is considered "affected" and not at her full strength and capabilities, and therefore not worth any points. Same with elderly people or kids... Unarmed sentient races? Depends on which ones... if it is a race that can fight just as well with their fists like mandelorians? Then yes, they would still fight, but a trooper without their blaster? No, they would either kill it directly because THEY are the ones who disarmed them (legal kill worth points) or wait until they had a weapon so that they still get the points...


If a person is unarmed, defenseless, "soft" or trivial, their are no points, and they will refuse to fight unless directly provoked, and will then only defend and get away... unless they cannot get away, then they kill...


So, yes, they have every bit as much "honor" and "code" as predators...

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