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Red Sabers.....


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Yep...I've read the article, and it would make sense that sith would certainly use Red crystals for this purpose. ((Of course....since you can MAKE crystals in this game)) That leads me to believe that all of the made crystals (Ones you can swap in and out) to be synthetic, indeed showing that most of them are force manipulated. Of course....look at the NON-moddable sabers for a more accurate split of whom gets what....


I actually added a bit of logic on the bottom side of that quote if you would like to read. It makes a logical deduction concerning the advantage of red/synth crystals in times of war. If anything that is a slap to the face of the OP that he cannot disprove.

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What are you even taling about? You're so biased.


One guy posted a link about Dark Jedi and a long list of Dark Jedi who wre actually that actually proved me right, and had nothing to do with the topic.... And now you're dishonestly pretending I was proven wrong?


Why because the guy said it so it must be so?


That guy proved NOTHING. He supports red sabers so you bought into it, that's all.


My sorce actually does prove me right, you just won't read the truth.


You have no sources. You have yet to give anyone a proper source except for an aggregate. Which is not a source.

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What are you even taling about? You're so biased.


One guy posted a link about Dark Jedi and a long list of Dark Jedi who wre actually that actually proved me right, and had nothing to do with the topic.... And now you're dishonestly pretending I was proven wrong?


Why because the guy said it so it must be so?


That guy proved NOTHING. He supports red sabers so you bought into it, that's all.


My sorce actually does prove me right, you just won't read the truth.


O RLY? And what is this source and what exactly did it prove you "right" about?


Please, enlighten me. I'm always ready to admit I'm wrong if I am, in fact, wrong about something.

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O RLY? And what is this source and what exactly did it prove you "right" about?


Please, enlighten me. I'm always ready to admit I'm wrong if I am, in fact, wrong about something.


IT'S A TRAP! There is no source, the shields weren't actually taken down. RETREAT!

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I realize this is all you are saying.


Then why continue to tery and prove the CAN use red, when that's not what I'm arguing against.


It's quite frustrating, because you are offering opinion with no substance.


It's not an opinion. Red is rarefoir Jedi in known Star Wars history. It's true.


All you are saying over and over again is that you read some books where the Jedi mentioned weren't sporting red lightsabers.


No, I'm sayting you can read almost ANY book and the number of jedi witha red saber would be very, very low.

You can't even point to a line of text that mentions a paucity of red lightsabers. .


Can you point to a line of text that mentions a paucity of light saber nunchucks? Do you have to say they're rare? Of course not, because eveyone knows it's true.


Merely that you feel they should be rare, presumably because your favorite characters and scenes don't feature them


Can you please stop twisting my words?


I don't feel they should be anything... they just are. And no not just in my "favorite characters and scenes".... they are rare in ALL KNOWN characters and scenes.


If your'e going to act like red is a common color for Jedi in StarWars.... you prove it.

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O RLY? And what is this source and what exactly did it prove you "right" about?


A huge list of books you can read about this topic that would tell you how wrong you are.


Want another source? Google "Jedi" then count the number of red sabers you see. It's really that easy.

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Can you point to a line of text that mentions a paucity of light saber nunchucks? Do you have to say they're rare? Of course not, because eveyone knows it's true.




Oh my god, dude you're hilarious!!!!



You would totally fail debate in college (or high school, for that matter), but you're hilarious! Thanks for that, man! That actually had me laughing till my sides hurt!!! :D:D:D


I'll be back later. You hang in there and keep fighting the good fight!

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I know, lol.


I'm just squeezing as much fun out of this as I can. I gg in a few minutes.


Yeah, the OP is just going to keep cussing at people and I am going to keep reporting him until my wife finishes up her other game so we can play some SWTOR. The funny part is I believe neither of us are biased or dislike him all we are asking for is valid reliable proof. I am more than willing to agree if we can get some real information instead of opinions and statements about other time periods of star wars that isn't this one.


You can't say something is a certain way by using the future and past as a deduction for how things turn out. If you did that you would never believe there was a dark ages in history because technology and living conditions were greatly improving as time went on only to suddenly drop and completely do a 180 then slowly fix itself again over time.


This kind of stuff is what makes me wonder if the economy isn't actually bad, it's just people with no qualifications complaining they don't have qualifications...

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You would totally fail debate in college (or high school, for that matter), but you're hilarious! Thanks for that, man! That actually had me laughing till my sides hurt!!! :D:D:D


I'll be back later. You hang in there and keep fighting the good fight!


And you are supposed to be a good debater?

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Can you point to a line of text that mentions a paucity of light saber nunchucks? Do you have to say they're rare? Of course not, because eveyone knows it's true.


Logical Fallacy Detected: Argumentum ad Populum, Begging the Question, Hasty Generalization, Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc, Misleading Statistics

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You can't say something is a certain way by using the future and past as a deduction for how things turn out.


I didn't say you could.


In fact I said, many times, that the opposite is true... that we don't know, and red CAN be common in this time.... but you don't want to hear that truth... you just want to keep acting like I said otherwise because it makes you feel good to kick straw men and pretend you're a good debater.


What you're missing is the real point, which is that allthough red CAN be common during this time, it would be out of place according to the other known times througout Star Wars.


That is a fact you can't refute, so yeah... just keep kicking the straw.

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I didn't say you could.


In fact I said, many times, that the opposite is true... that we don't know, and red CAN be common in this time.... but you don't want to hear that truth... you just want to keep acting like I said other wise becuase it makes you feel good to kick straw men and pretend you're a good debater.


What you're missing is the real point, which is that allthough red CAN be common during this time, it would be out of place according to the other known times througout Star Wars.


That is a fact you can't refute, so yeah... just keep kicking the straw.


That is not a fact. The fact is the other time periods have no effect on this current one because different time periods are different. You are personifying the timeline itself into believing it all shares specific characteristics.


First, you are arguing a different point than you originally were arguing. You are forming a new argument in an attempt to derail or be "right" when being right is simply citing sources to your information. You are essentially arguing against yourself because myself and a few others are only waiting for your sources.


During all time periods of major war during the history of Jedi vs other saber users such as dark jedi or sith, red/synth sabers show up way more on the Jedi side due to their rare but unique side effect during battle with lightsabers.


Sources? Read any books involving said premise.


I can do it too you know :)

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And yet it makes perfectly clear that you don't need a source to prove what is already known.


That information actually specifically dictates that not having proper sources or logic does make you wrong... I think you need to read up on said information.


I will need to leave this thread now, I have some things to actually do beside sit in this thread reporting the person trolling. You are not even aware of your own opinion at this point and are simply arguing to make yourself feel you are right. This is not a battle of intellect or for a purpose other than you trolling.


I resign, and am going to talk to productive people.

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That is not a fact.


Yes it is.


The fact is the other time periods have no effect on this current one because different time periods are different.


Wow great logic :rolleyes:


Thanks for continuing to NOT understnad what this debate is about.


The silly idea that one time period has no effect on another aside, you're still missing the point that if for some reaon THIS time period is completely opposite of the others, and Jedi are all ewoks with pink sabers, the statement that such a time period is out of place as opposed to the others would still be factual.


Can it happen? Sure. Would it fit with the rest of known history? no.


First, you are arguing a different point than you originally were arguing.


No I'm not, and since you're still not grasping my point, I don't know why you think this line is credable. You have to UNDERSTAND my point to konw if it's changed or not.


But since you're arguing with a Straw man, you're likely to change my argument to suit your needs anyway.


During all time periods of major war during the history of Jedi vs other saber users such as dark jedi or sith, red/synth sabers show up way more on the Jedi side due to their rare but unique side effect during battle with lightsabers.


Sources? Read any books involving said premise.


I can do it too you know :)


Except that you're wrong. I have read many books on the subject, and red is still rare. So unlike what you're doing, which is just ignoring my source becuase you think this is debate class... I actually would have accepted your source had it proved your point. Sadly for you, it does not.


Fact: Red is rare through known StarWars history.

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That information actually specifically dictates that not having proper sources or logic does make you wrong...


LOL! No it doesn't. You don't even understand the logic you're posting.


Logical fallacies show that the logic being used to prove an argument is bad... it doesn't prove that argument is wrong. Your pretend logic teacher should have told you that.


I will need to leave this thread now.




Your bad logic, falsified lore and personal attacks won't be missed.

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I'm a level 50 Sith Juggernaut. I wear the level 40 Bounty Hunter PVP gear with a Green Light saber.


See that's funny. Does it fit the lore? No, but it's still funny.


You admit it doesn't fit the lore, right?

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Wow, vicious trolling in this thread.


I think the restrictions for red/blue+green sabers are fine. If you know an artificer it's probably easier to get epic yellows anyway or one of the various drops (purple,blue/black etc.), and I imagine as they add more content at level 50 there will be a lot of different colors.

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This is what happens when they are not allowed to use the class/faction's iconic color of blue or green.


Bioware get rid of the color restrictions.


I tend to agree. If there had been any restrictrion at all it should have been between Sith and Repuiblic, not dark / light. And it should have been a rarity restriction, not a flat out "you can't equip this because of your class. race. faction"


So while any Jedi can use red... the amount of red crystyals that are available on the republic side should have been very rare. The reverse for Blue / Green on the sith side.


With lots of other choices in between (yellow, orange, purple, silver, teal, dark blue, etc.)


Wow, vicious trolling in this thread.


Everyone who posts anything is a troll according to the internet these days. :D


I think the restrictions for red/blue+green sabers are fine. If you know an artificer it's probably easier to get epic yellows anyway or one of the various drops (purple,blue/black etc.), and I imagine as they add more content at level 50 there will be a lot of different colors.


That would actually be a good fix for this issue. Good post.

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Here are a few Jedi who used red light sabers. Two are pre-collapse and two are post-collapse.


These are just Jedi who were mentioned, and whose light saber colors were specifically mentioned. While we can never know for sure about the thousands of Jedi never seen or mentioned (but known to exist), we can imagine that some of them used red/crimson/scarlet sabers.




Adi Gallia






Depa Billaba






Luke Skywalker (Using a red shoto)






Leia Organa Solo




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