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Red Sabers.....


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This looks like an admission of trolling if anything.


So enjoying lore discussion means I'm trolliing?


As many have pointed out, the lore allows for Jedi and Sith alike to use whatever color lightsaber they like.


"Allows for" does not make it common. Why is this so hard? Maybe you're trolling? I mean the personal attacks and all..... The guy posts a list of Sith, pretends they're not Sith and you claim I can't read..... Seriously you fit a troll more than I do.

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Your whole premise of this thread is that "most" Jedi in lore didn't use red light sabers. Yet you've offered no proof of what you're basing this on.


Do I really have to present proof of this? I mean, read ANYTHING about Star Wars and I've been proven right. Most jedi in lore don't use red. It's a fact.

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Your whole premise of this thread is that "most" Jedi in lore didn't use red light sabers. Yet you've offered no proof of what you're basing this on. All you have is what YOU think the lore says... however, the people who make this game (and the red lightsabers) are the people that actually get to write the lore for this time period.


I don't think you realize how ridiculous you sound saying TO THE LORE WRITERS that red lightsabers don't fit YOUR idea of what YOU think the lore should be.:rolleyes:


Exactly. This kid thinks his opinion is enough of a base for an argument while the opposition posts actual facts and examples.

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You didn't even read itl]


I did read it! I went through the list. They are SIth. The first name on the list is sith. You've got Galan Marek twice. He's sith. A LOT of them are Sith.


You've got Aurra Sing who'se not a Jedi or a light saber user.


Sorry, Your list didn't have anything to do with this debate at all.

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Do I really have to present proof of this? I mean, read ANYTHING about Star Wars and I've been proven right. Most jedi in lore don't use red. It's a fact.


And that doesn't matter. None of the player characters are lore characters, and it's not as though they're prevented from doing so (which is why alignment restrictions in this game are so stupid).


It's an MMO, with a fluid, unfolding narrative, that describes a distinct period which has not yet been exhaustively described. For all you know, it's one in which Jedi commonly use red sabers.

Edited by Sireene
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Do I really have to present proof of this? I mean, read ANYTHING about Star Wars and I've been proven right. Most jedi in lore don't use red. It's a fact.


What YOU said was that the ability for hundreds of Jedi to run around with red light sabers was "lore breaking."


What WE said was your wrong. We've posted facts to back up our side you've just trolled the entire time.


Tell me why anyone should take you seriously?

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I got it. I got the answer! Ready for this?


AAAAAAAALLL the Dark Jedi that existed before the discovery of the Sith. They used red sabers, they didn't become Sith as the Sith weren't discovered yet / Sith were assimilated into their Dark Jedi culture, and they can't become what they didn't find yet.


Taken straight from Wikipedia, where it says that Dark Jedi existed before the discovery of the Sith. Probably says that on this website, too, and is backed up in-game by the Jedi Consular's early storyline (pre-Fleet.)

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Ugh, this is nuts. You should read more EU. A TON of Jedi have red crystals for no reason. Half the time it's not even made a big deal of, just noted they have it. Red doesn't = dark or Sith. Red is just a color.


Take Leia for example. She's had four lightsabers (she really sucks at not losing them), and THREE of them were red. I don't recall "Darth Leia" ever being particularly mentioned.


If you read the KOTOR anthologies of comics, in many of the scenes depicted with numerous Jedi, lots of them have red or reddish sabers just bebopping around in the background.


My Jedi is Light V in the game, and I have a red saber. I'm assuming it's a glitch saber. I thought it was funny because I never planned to be using one since I was light side. However, since I found one, I used it. Doesn't make me a dark Jedi or a Sith.


You keep jumping on people for assumptions and for not reading properly, when maybe you should take a look yourself. You are hellbent on making people think red = evil when there's in fact a ton of supporting evidence indicating otherwise, and absolutely no evidence supporting you.

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What YOU said was that the ability for hundreds of Jedi to run around with red light sabers was "lore breaking."


No. That's not what I said. In fact I made it very clear a number of times that the ability to do so is not what breaks lore... it's the occurance of it in large numbers.


What WE said was your wrong.


No you posted a list of Sith and claimed they were Dark Jedi which proved nothing.


Seriously, before you can prove anyhting wrong... you have to actually go at the claim being made. You're not. You're attacking a Straw man. Jedi CAN use red, it's not common. That's the point.


Proviing over and over again that they can use red doesn't have any impact on what I'm saying.

Edited by Spymaster
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I did read it! I went through the list. They are SIth. The first name on the list is sith. You've got Galan Marek twice. He's sith. A LOT of them are Sith.


You've got Aurra Sing who'se not a Jedi or a light saber user.


Sorry, Your list didn't have anything to do with this debate at all.



Yes because having TWO SEPERATE LISTS one titles "Dark Jedi" the other titled "Dark Jedi who became Sith" have nothing to do with the fact that you dont know lore for jack.

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There's no limitations on what colors Jedi use. Mace, the bad mother****er, Windu, had a purple lightsaber, which means walking the line between Light and Dark (according to lore).


My Sith Juggernaut has a blue lightsaber, and my Sentinel has blue lightsabers, but prefers yellow, because yellow symbolizes the Sentinel (again, according to lore).


It all comes down to preference. And I prefer to not be a dick about the colors people like.



And according to Lucas, this is not true. He had a purple one because Samuel L. asked to be different and requested it. That's all.

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No, I'm saying they should pick their color based on what fits Star Wars and not just "my favorite color is".... Not that I'm buying Red as most people's favorite color for the reason they use that saber anyway.


Says you.


But as far as "what fits" SW, here's a tip:


Jedi don't always sort blue and/or green. Sith don't always sport red. And when it comes down to it, a foce-wielding super-warrior can wield whatever color lightsaber they want.


Wanna know what really wouldn't fit SW? Walking up to Darth Malgus and telling him he better not be caught wielding any other color but red, 'cause "dat's the roolz".


I only wonder if he would brutally murder you before or after he finished laughing...

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I still have the best answer so far.


"All the Dark Jedi that were around before they found the Sith."


Have yet to see anyone tell me they became something they didn't know about yet, and they actually assimilated the Sith into their culture as opposed to the Sith dominating them (from what I can tell.)

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Strange. My SI is light, ad can pick blue, yellow, and green. And those are just the ones I know about. Hmmm....


Do dark-sided chars have fewer options than light side?


No Light just means you can use blue and green dark is red. all other colors are shared though to be honest I think orange should be dark.

Edited by Avrose
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I still have the best answer so far.


"All the Dark Jedi that were around before they found the Sith."


Have yet to see anyone tell me they became something they didn't know about yet, and they actually assimilated the Sith into their culture as opposed to the Sith dominating them (from what I can tell.)


Sith existed and were known of before this time.

Edited by Spymaster
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This is the most successful troll thread EVER. I don't think he's trolling on purpose is the thing...


Dude. Listen. Here's your answer: This is the FIRST piece of Star Wars canon to take place in this time period. Who knows what color was most common? Maybe red was super in vogue for a couple hundred years. Maybe someone stumbled upon a crystal cave just full of red crystals and strong in the Force. Maybe even with all the dead Sith around the Jedi are scavenging parts for their own sabers??


The point is, stuff changes, and you have nothing to base any complaint or worry off of. It's a smart period to put a game in, because no one can complain about crap like this and have anything to back it up with.

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Why does every republic Jedi I see have a red lightsaber? I knew this would happen.... ugh so annoying.


and i keep seeing empire with green lightsaber. its just mean they are dark side. (i personally use a blue lightsaber:P)

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Well I know we are all, at least, a little on the geeky side seeing as how we are playing a Star Wars RPG and all but geez, guys. This is the kind of discussion that might get us beat up in the bathroom by jocks. :p


OP I think what you are looking for is the ever elusive Star Warsy and iconic content. Good luck in your search. Also I think there are many dark Jedi because the dark options for Jedi are often funny and thus more interesting than just being a goody-goody all the time.

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Sith existed and were known of before this time.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait:


You mean, where it says these people got together, found out about this "thing" called the Force, and some of them became what were known as Dark Jedi, BEFORE they stumbled upon the Sith? Taking this straight from Wookiepedia:


The Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. The term "Sith" originally referred to a species of alien native to the planets Korriban and Ziost, who were later enslaved and ruled by exiled Dark Jedi from the Galactic Republic. These Dark Jedi had once been members of the Jedi Order, a monastic Force religion dedicated to peace through the use of the light side of the Force. The Dark Jedi, who refused to rely exclusively on the light side, challenged the Jedi by giving into the dark and starting the Hundred-Year Darkness. However, they had been defeated and subsequently exiled from known space, which led to their discovery of the Sith species.


Link: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith


Dark Jedi existed before they knew about the Sith. Calling them Sith is like calling you a New American when there is no country known as New America yet.

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