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No lie, this game's release felt like


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I don't care what anyone says..the game is fun and addicting bugs/missing features and all. If it is as great as it is now, it will be even better as they continue to squash bugs and implement needed/wanted features. I could care less about 90% of the issues people are whining about, if a game is fun, it's fun. I have almost 10 years of MMO gaming experience and not a single MMO has been even close to perfect, especially at launch. This launch has been one of the best.


Have to agree with you on this, there are issues now but they will be ironed out. I am very exited to see how this game is when half a year has passed.

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I was in my early twenties and I loved it. Let me guess, the pod racing and Jar Jar were too "kiddie" for your mature adult mind?


Has nothing to do with "maturity" and everything to do with quality of story telling. I've watched Disney movies as an adult that I loved. TPM was an expositional mess that was so poorly written it made incredible actors seem like they had no personality, and it had a story so ridiculous that it defied all attempts to suspend disbelief. If the original SW movies had been that bad SW would never have been a noteable IP.

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Get rid of fleet stations, we have these amazing cities and no one in them because everyone is in the fleet. All you have to do to get people grouping is make all city chats connect to each other.


before fleet existed they tried the city thing.... people never made it a hub... they just met whereever on random planets.


There was no central hub until fleet was added.

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No. I wasn't. I paid attention to what the devs were saying pre-release, and I was in beta. I got exactly what I was expecting.


By the way, I like The Phantom Menace. Sue me.


Explains everything ;)




I kid, I expected many of you to disagree. I can see how many people didn't hype it as much as I did. You know.. expecting something more than what we have now.


You're entitled to your opinion, no need to sue you. :)

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Explains everything ;)




I kid, I expected many of you to disagree. I can see how many people didn't hype it as much as I did. You know.. expecting something more than what we have now.


You're entitled to your opinion, no need to sue you. :)


I'm starting to see a pattern here where "loved TPM = love SWTOR."


I guess some people just have no expectations whatsoever for that which entertains them as long as it includes glowy swords and guys who eat evil pancakes for breakfast.

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do not bring episode 1 into this. this game is, at least for me, engrossing and *fun*.


also, jar jar binks.

2 out of 2 pig avatar people like the game and dislike Phantom Menace.


Now we're starting to compile real data and discern the real trends.

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I'm starting to see a pattern here where "loved TPM = love SWTOR."


I guess some people just have no expectations whatsoever for that which entertains them as long as it includes glowy swords and guys who eat evil pancakes for breakfast.


I actually hate the phantom menace, but am enjoying TOR. That's probably why it feels nothing like the release of the phantom menace for me.

Edited by Cormey
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I'm starting to see a pattern here where "loved TPM = love SWTOR."



Never said I "loved TPM". I said I liked it. Ep 2 and 3 are much better, and 4-6 are the best. I liked them all. And those have nothing to do with why I like TOR and got exactly what I expected.

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How do you even know how bad the directing was, or the writing, or the editing, were you the directer, writer, and editor. If you are your insulting your own work lol.


You don't have to be a director, a screenwriter, or editor to criticize a film. By your logic, only musicians can criticize music, or only authors can criticize novels. Or maybe only Uwe Boll has the right to call his movies worthless wastes of money, yet anyone who has ever watched a good movie in their life could tell you that.


It just so happens that some of us, myself included, may have actually gone to university to study film. If you want some form of credentials, I have a Bachelor's in Radio-Television-Film with emphasis on screenwriting, narrative film studies, and post-production editing...and I can tell you straight up that Episode I, II, & III are horrid.


People have pointed out the bad acting, the bad writing, and the complete reliance on special effects with no actual substance to the films. The only things I enjoyed about these movies were the lightsaber battles and the political intrigue, but that alone does not make them good movies.


In my personal opinion, George Lucas' problem was two-fold:


1. He threw too much at you at once. In Episode IV, V, & VI you could definitively pick out races and vehicles (with a few exceptions such as the complete sensory overload that was Mos Eisley or Jabba the Hutt's palace). In the prequels...not so much. I found myself trying to place some emphasis on the bestiary...the ships and vehicles...the people and places...but I couldn't. Why? Because there was too much going on without any real reason for it. I could completely overlook this if I even had time to digest what I had just seen, but Lucas cannot pace a movie to save his life anymore.


2. Special effects should never be a crutch and yet he used it as such. I think many Star Wars fans might agree that Lucas could have used the exact same technology he used for Episodes IV-VI and it would have been better than the crap he churned out for the new movies. Yes, Star Wars has always had flashy effects for its time...but at the expense of a good story and memorable characters? No. Just no.


I'm not saying my assessment isn't debatable (and I welcome intelligent conversation on these movies...or any movies, for that matter), but just think before you call someone out for not being a director, and therefore not having the authority to criticize a movie. If you wanted a play by play of why Ep. I-III are bad movies, I could give you one.

Edited by photometrik
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admit it, you were probably expecting more.
I wasn't expecting more. For the longest while I was happily staying away from all the hype and then I was invited to a Beta Weekend and was amazed how great the game felt to me. Naturally I subscribed and had fun ever since! :tran_angel:
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do not bring episode 1 into this. this game is, at least for me, engrossing and *fun*.


also, jar jar binks.

2 out of 2 pig avatar people like the game and dislike Phantom Menace.


Now we're starting to compile real data and discern the real trends.

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No lie, this game's release felt like...


Ordering a renown piece of pie from a restaurant, but they forgot the whipped cream, cherry on top, and a fork. Disappointed it didn't come out perfect, but once they go back and get the rest, it will be awesome.


Haha agreed.


Really do hope they improve quite a few things.

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You don't have to be a director, a screenwriter, or editor to criticize a film. By your logic, only musicians can criticize music, or only authors can criticize novels. Or maybe only Uwe Boll has the right to call his movies worthless wastes of money, yet anyone who has ever watched a good movie in their life could tell you that.


It just so happens that some of us, myself included, may have actually gone to university to study film. If you want some form of credentials, I have a Bachelor's in Radio-Television-Film with emphasis on screenwriting, narrative film studies, and post-production editing...and I can tell you straight up that Episode I, II, & III are horrid.


People have pointed out the bad acting, the bad writing, and the complete reliance on special effects with no actual substance to the films. The only things I enjoyed about these movies were the lightsaber battles and the political intrigue, but that alone does not make them good movies.


In my personal opinion, George Lucas' problem was two-fold:


1. He threw too much at you at once. In Episode IV, V, & VI you could definitively pick out races and vehicles (with a few exceptions such as the complete sensory overload that was Mos Eisley or Jabba the Hutt's palace). In the prequels...not so much. I found myself trying to place some emphasis on the bestiary...the ships and vehicles...the people and places...but I couldn't. Why? Because there was too much going on without any real reason for it. I could completely overlook this if I even had time to digest what I had just seen, but Lucas cannot pace a movie to save his life anymore.


2. Special effects should never be a crutch and yet he used it as such. I think many Star Wars fans might agree that Lucas could have used the exact same technology he used for Episodes IV-VI and it would have been better than the crap he churned out for the new movies. Yes, Star Wars has always had flashy effects for its time...but at the expense of a good story and memorable characters? No. Just no.


I'm not saying my assessment isn't debatable (and I welcome intelligent conversation on these movies...or any movies, for that matter), but just think before you call someone out for not being a director, and therefore not having the authority to criticize a movie. If you wanted a play by play of why Ep. I-III are bad movies, I could give you one.


Great post.


I'd agree, there was so much going on with little to no backstory.


Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship? There was virtually none of that. The political background? Who were the Trade Federation?


So many things would be hard to follow as an uninformed Star Wars viewer. People say the films were meant for a younger generation, but I find it hard to believe a child would understand 75% of the things going on in The Phantom Menace.

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Great post.


I'd agree, there was so much going on with little to no backstory.


Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship? There was virtually none of that. The political background? Who were the Trade Federation?


So many things would be hard to follow as an uninformed Star Wars viewer. People say the films were meant for a younger generation, but I find it hard to believe a child would understand 75% of the things going on in The Phantom Menace.


Thanks! I think Lucas just tried to cram too much into each Episode. It felt like he rushed his own history and plot points. Everything that happened in Ep. I-III could have easily been spread out between two trilogies instead of just one.


And what I didn't mention before, was my absolutely biggest grievance- Lucas trying to connect dots that do not need to be connected. Maybe it is just the Star Wars fan in me, but Boba Fett as the cloned son of Jango Fett who is conveniently the source of all clones during the Clone Wars? Anakin built C-3P0? Midiclorians?!?!? /facepalm


Seriously...Bad writing.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.


I agree, it was hyped, and I am enjoying it. It was just like the release of Phantom Menace.

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