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Q about Slicing lockbox missions


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Quick question for those with the latest data- if I do mostly moderate/abundant yield lockbox missions (at any level/skill) will I pretty much break even if the missions are successful?


Thanks in advance for anyone's assistance.

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I'm sure you'll get people who will say otherwise, but the general consensus is that yes... depending on your personal RNG you just about break even with whatever mission you run (more than likely, you'll profit a tad).


They actual profit with slicing is the random missions rewards you may get, and if actually using it to gather resources instead of just running missions.


The other general consensus is to never run augment missions, ever (unless there is actually a market for them on your server)

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The only thing I've really noticed is that they'll all average out to minor profitability when you don't count crits, but each stratum makes the range vary more.




Moderate class X box costs 100c, will return 85-150c

Abundant class X box costs 200c, will return 150c-300c

Bountiful class X box costs 300c, will return 200-500c

Rich class X box costs 500c will return 250c-1000c.


Those are just numbers to show that the min/max ranges vary more with higher level boxes, but that they still add up to a small gain.


For me, I still pick specific level missions when I'm hoping to crit for specific items (like Class 4 Ship Upgrade schematics... I assume they only come from a specific level range).

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For me, I still pick specific level missions when I'm hoping to crit for specific items (like Class 4 Ship Upgrade schematics... I assume they only come from a specific level range).



Yeah- this is pretty much the plan. Thanks for the assistance guys- much appreciated.

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For me, I still pick specific level missions when I'm hoping to crit for specific items (like Class 4 Ship Upgrade schematics... I assume they only come from a specific level range).


You would be correct. In fact, the level range you need to look to is the same as the item level the schematic produces. (Which is why the purple missile launcher is the only ship schematic you get from T6 missions.)

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If you get a crit bonus companion you will do better. I have had pretty incredible success with T7 and it's meager +2 crit. It seems to make a big difference, and I frequently get blue credit boxes and extras that way. My other slicers do not have crit bonuses, and I find myself less and less inclined to run slicing missions with them.
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You would be correct. In fact, the level range you need to look to is the same as the item level the schematic produces. (Which is why the purple missile launcher is the only ship schematic you get from T6 missions.)


Which would be why there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of them on the GTN.


Thank you for confirming this for me.

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