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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5 People in Imperial Fleet (including me)


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Sorry you picked a low population server, reroll, its a month into the game, not like your losing much.



Many have said this, and believe me I just might end up doing that... but that would not fix the problem, it would only make it worse. The server would still be there, just with one less person on it.


Edit: Had the wrong quote in there.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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I said that in the title of my original post, and it was true at the time. The only other place I went to at the time was Taris, which had 2 people on it (including me). I could maybe understand that at 5am, but not in the middle of the day.


If you are curious, it is 8:04PM EST and there are now 20 people in the fleet and 205 people total across all planets and level ranges (sith side only).


Wow that's even worse than the realm I left because I struggled to find groups. My old realm (Shadowtown) had about 60 level 50 Republics and over 100 level 50 Imperials throughout most of the day. Republic Fleet was usually 60-80 and Imperial Fleet was usually 150 or so.

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Wow that's even worse than the realm I left because I struggled to find groups. My old realm (Shadowtown) had about 60 level 50 Republics and over 100 level 50 Imperials throughout most of the day. Republic Fleet was usually 60-80 and Imperial Fleet was usually 150 or so.



There are currently 6 level 50s logged on.


It seems that there are certain servers that are just ridiculously overpopulated and other servers that are nearly empty. I would be thrilled to see even 60 people in the fleet at once.

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That would have been brilliant, i know the 5 hour queues at launch werent long enough...................



Yeah its funny, the same people whining now that there are too many servers are the same ones who begged them to open more servers and to cut down on the queues at launch.


What they need to do is cut down on the phasing on the lower populated servers.

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Yeah its funny, the same people whining now that there are too many servers are the same ones who begged them to open more servers and to cut down on the queues at launch.


What they need to do is cut down on the phasing on the lower populated servers.


I think you presume too much. First, I never begged them to open servers (check my post history). Second, I, as well as many others, believed that the super long queue servers were too full and tried to do the right thing and balance the population out by starting on a 'new' server on launch day.

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Many have said this, and believe me I just might end up doing that... but that would not fix the problem, it would only make it worse. The server would still be there, just with one less person on it.


Edit: Had the wrong quote in there.


It sucks but i did it myself...but i did it because my server was so populated i couldnt log in.

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That sucks. There is always close to 100 on my fleet on The Corsair the majority of the day.



Yeah, some servers are doing great. Others? Not so much. Standard servers are not really all that fun to play on, seems to generally have less then 50 people on fleet during peak times. The best servers to be on are Very Heavy and Full.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Sadly it appears as if my server is one of only 2 'light' servers in the game (at the time of this post). Bad luck for me and anybody else who rolled there I suppose.


It was fine at launch, but for whatever reason everyone has left.

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So you have pics of 3 planets without a large level range which aren't heavily populated. That isn't terribly surprising. I wonder what the numbers are for the Fleet, or Dromund Kaas during those same times. I think those numbers might be more representative of how "barren" the server is.

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Yeah its funny, the same people whining now that there are too many servers are the same ones who begged them to open more servers and to cut down on the queues at launch.


What they need to do is cut down on the phasing on the lower populated servers.


Not true. From day one I was saying that the queues were nonsense, that the realms were clearly underpopulated even with queues.

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So you have pics of 3 planets without a large level range which aren't heavily populated. That isn't terribly surprising. I wonder what the numbers are for the Fleet, or Dromund Kaas during those same times. I think those numbers might be more representative of how "barren" the server is.


You can see the Fleet population in all three of those screenshots...

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So you have pics of 3 planets without a large level range which aren't heavily populated. That isn't terribly surprising. I wonder what the numbers are for the Fleet, or Dromund Kaas during those same times. I think those numbers might be more representative of how "barren" the server is.


he is standing in fleet, look at the top left hand corner


Edit: I need to learn left from right again :D

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So you have pics of 3 planets without a large level range which aren't heavily populated. That isn't terribly surprising. I wonder what the numbers are for the Fleet, or Dromund Kaas during those same times. I think those numbers might be more representative of how "barren" the server is.


Hi. How are you? I'm the owner of those pics. If you demonstrated a whit of ingenuity anytime while writing that post, you'd have realized you could have simply looked in the top left corner of any of those pics and seen that Imperial Fleet has 17-22 people.


That aside, those were just a few of many pics, all showing similar numbers. The only planets with any substantial population were Korribann and Dromund Kaas. I hope you don't intend to argue that the population of newbie planets that take all of three hours to get to should instill any confidence as to the future welfare of the server.


But hey, you know what? I'm feeling charitable tonight. Here, have a look at the newbie planet screenshots, from primetime Saturday evening:





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Derp, I didn't look at the population on the top of the screen, I feel dumb now. I retract my previous statement, sorry guys. Dunce cap for me! :p


Haha, I think some of us on the low population servers are a bit testy because people from other servers keep telling us that there is no problem.

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Haha, I think some of us on the low population servers are a bit testy because people from other servers keep telling us that there is no problem.


Yeah I bet that would be frustrating. My server has a good population, and there isn't even a terribly large faction imbalance. That combined with all the hate and QQ on the forums makes it difficult to tell when people are just ************ or if there is a significantly widespread problem. Sorry for being an ***! :o

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Haha, I think some of us on the low population servers are a bit testy because people from other servers keep telling us that there is no problem.


This, pretty much. If you can admit your error, then I can apologize if I came off as harsh. I've been dealing with biodrones accusing me of lying in the face of my evidence for the better part of this past weekend and it's made me bitter.

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Hate to break it to ya but even during launch week, on the rebel side the zones were barelyt populated. Just face it the game is going down the tubes as we speak.


The magic was short lived. It has worn off, and is starting to go stale. Much quicker than I expected TBH.


......rebel side? Sorry what game are you playing.

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The servers you're complaining about never had a lot of people to begin with. If you get the feeling that the numbers are dwindling it's because most people on your server have figured out they need to re-roll on a more populace server. You need to follow suit. (you never should have rolled on anything but a heavy server to begin with, it's common sense)
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The servers you're complaining about never had a lot of people to begin with. If you get the feeling that the numbers are dwindling it's because most people on your server have figured out they need to re-roll on a more populace server. You need to follow suit. (you never should have rolled on anything but a heavy server to begin with, it's common sense)


When I first created my characters the server was Very Heavy, Started on December 23rd. Releasing the game during a holiday was a bad idea, because everyone and their dog had time off from school and work for a few weeks or more, so we had an unusual amount of people playing the game at peak times then there would normally be, so more servers were created then what was really needed to accommodate the peak times population.


So yes, the servers we are complaining about did have heavy or very heavy at first and for the holiday season before school/work started again.

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