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This launch sets the bar


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I've never seen a company put pre-orders above beta testers before.


Who would you appreciate more if you were Bioware?


People who invested 6 months of their time to essentially help make the game better or people willing to put 5$ down on a game 6 months from launch.



What am I missing, besides leveling with my guild?

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Staggered releases are the only way to go for games this popular. If there wasn't a staggered release, you'd have WoW's launch, which was a complete mess. This launch is perfect, and Bioware is just going by the policy they've set since preorders were announced. It's not their fault people don't read.




Especially the bolded part :p

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For people who only know how to play an MMO like a race, being first at max level, this has been heartbreakening and their internet egos lie shattered on the floor. But for people who bought this game to immerse them selfs in the history and play this game like a game while leveling, it's utter genious.


what about for gamers who just really wanna play this game? i wanna get in there on day one, not to race to max level, i am sure i will blow most of my time trolling general chat, lipping of siths during my quest dialogue, trying to have sex with Mako and probably not even pass lvl 20 till the actual game launch. Y U NO LET ME IN, FUUUUUU Bioware.

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But you agree that, no matter how small, I have a disadvantage imposed on me by the game right? 10s in a 10 mile race is nothing... but its still a disadvantage to have to make that 10s up.


Honestly, it strikes me as being about the same as 'my career prospects are ruined because my college held graduation a week later than the college down the road'. It's lost in the noise.


Now, personally, I don't much care about being first to {End-game Accomplishment X}, and for a lot of them (PvP rankings) I don't think 2 days will make a bit of difference compared to skill at the game. But hey, you obviously do. I think that in a game of 2 million people, hanging your fun on being FIRST to do something is setting yourself up to have a crappy time, but you're not me. Guess all I can really say is 'hope that works out for you and you manage to have fun'.

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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.


Obvious troll is Obvious

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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.


It ain't over yet.

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I've never seen a company put pre-orders above beta testers before.


Who would you appreciate more if you were Bioware?


People who invested 6 months of their time to essentially help make the game better or people willing to put 5$ down on a game 6 months from launch.



What am I missing, besides leveling with my guild?


Don't act like beta testing was some great sacrifice.

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Solo play

Empty servers

Being with out friends

Customers are not being treated equally.

I can go on, but you wont listen. :mad:


Because they're not equal. Some people bought the game before others. It's pretty sound logic to assume they should get into the game first as well. Especially given the fact that there's absolutely no way the servers could have handled a free-for-all access to the game.

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Comments on Dec 20th then? since you realize that the million or so that didn't preorder will be doing exactly what you just described... all logging in at once.


The real question is...When the people that didn't order try to log in am I going to jump straight in front of them in queue?

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Because they're not equal. Some people bought the game before others. It's pretty sound logic to assume they should get into the game first as well. Especially given the fact that there's absolutely no way the servers could have handled a free-for-all access to the game.


I pre-ordered the day it became available...didn't get my access code till November...your logic is flawed

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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.


I've had ques... :/

Not huge ones, mind you, but annoyingly long ones.


I also crashed two times last night (but thats all), and I always have lag on the taxis/speeders.


Still very good. Stiil great. I'm just sad I don't have time right now to boot it up (got to go to dentist soon :( )

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Gameplay is smooth, most of the time.


But they have really really screwed up with the servers. We chose a low server 2 days ago, just to avoid this, and now it has a 1 hour queue to get in. Why are they even letting people on to servers when they are at heavy status?

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A lot of people here have obviously never been part of an MMO launch. This has been the smoothest launch I've ever seen. Their tiered access was brilliant. Just wait till 12/20 and 12/25-1/2. The servers will get super slammed then, and I'd bet we'll see 5-8 more servers during that time frame.


Queues are relatively short, and should be expected at this point in the launch. Lag is pretty much non-existent - if you're having an issue it's probably your rig/connection.

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I need to PEW PEW the QQ... I am quite sad that the OP and some others in here are having that experience lol.. I love this game, i will play and not complain as I know they will patch things up, but here is my list of my EA experience so far..



50 minute queue, over 70 minutes to get in

Lag in instances and cave like areas

UI just lags and you cannot click anything, have to wait it out or re-log real fast

Guild UI bugged

Crazy bug in crafting where it says i can make 0 of item, but when i click the item I have the mats.



I LOVE THIS GAME!!! but i wish i was having the same experience as you OP....

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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.


Had a 45 Min wait yesterday to get in and play me BH :rolleyes: I was like bah! argh sucky suck! oh wells I thought time to go do some Housework!


Most people I have come across have not camped mobs.....althoguh there have been "Ques" to get updates from, NPC's.


I have'nt crashed at all. No server crashes from what I have seen.


I have had lag spikes....but all things considered with server being full to overflowing, then me lag has'nt been that bad at all!

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