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Dailies are the worst thing to happen to MMO's


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Is it just me or are dailies the worst concept to put into an MMO? It turns the game into a simple checklist and once that's done there is no reason to play anymore. For example, let's say in a perfect world Ilum PvP was actually good, people would still only go there to get their daily done and leave. This results in people playing the game simply to complete a daily and not because it is fun for them.
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So if there are no dailies what should there be for endgame?


I have no good ideas but would like to see what people have suggestions for improving endgame.


So you think running some mindless quest that requires almost no effort to be endgame?


I think MMO gamers need to look up a Skinner Box. You're being conditioned.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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Daillies cater for the casual crowd who have jobs/college/kids. It allows them to log on and accomplish something each day and as such I think is a good idea.


The lack of things to do for the hardcore crowd is a different argument.


Agreed. The problem isn't so much having things like dailies to give people a boost. The problem is there isn't enough extra stuff aimed at the hardcore people to keep them feeling properly challenged.

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There is no 'endgame' in PvE MMOs as content can only be delivered so quickly and once you are through it, it is usually just a gear up cycle.


The best game I ever played at 'end game' (and by best, I mean had the most fun with) was Planetside.



PvP and raiding opponents land is the best way for 'end game' as it is always different against real people.


PvE cannot, by definition, be different every time. You are dealing with an AI script. Hence the reason every PvE MMO has been about gear.

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Im mostly basing this off of all the stuff people did before dailies (i.e. WoW's Burning Crusade). I remember in Vanilla WoW running around Silithis PvP'ing, killing world bosses, and just generally meeting new friends, and there were no dailies whatsoever. Take Skyrim for example (I know it's single player and there are limitations to MMO's), I've played the crap out of that with no dailies.
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I like what dailies are trying to acheive. The ability to earn raid level items, a source of cash flow and potential gear for you and your companions.


I wish they would rotate planets and quests however. Give a person a set number of dalies they can do but give me more options.


Also I would rather the dailies be limited to H2+. Specially on a planet like Belsavis that does not draw the 50 crowd like Ilum does/did/will do once they correct the abomination that has been dressed up to resemble open world PVP (hint: Go play other MMO's as a reminder of how to do open world PVP... DAoC reigns supreme IMO).

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When people first level up, they're exposed to all kinds of different quests which are full of variety.


At 50, it's like this:

1. Punch in

2. Fill out TPS report

3. Get a shiny

4. Fill out another TPS report

5. Get another shiny

6. Fill out last TPS report

7. Get last shiny

8. Log off


At least make daily quests to be as varied as class quests. Have plot twists in the quests so that it'll be different if I wanted to choose a different conversation route tomorrow.


Yes, it'll be more time consuming to create these types of quests as opposed to what we have now, but it'll be more enjoyable for those that like the interaction. The spacebar crowd can just learn the num key + spacebar sequence to maximize their shiny reward collection.


As it is now, that one pilot always injures his spleen and needs the same medpack day after day after day. Yay...

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Is it just me or are dailies the worst concept to put into an MMO?

It's probably not JUST you and I'll say I don't love the concept, but I will also say I understand the reason... Dailies give developers more time to generate more content. If dailies didn't exist eventualy you'd run out of quests until more were added. That would mean running flashpoints just for gear, which in my opinion is an even worse concept and leads to even less fun then dailies. At least with a daily you can complete it. I ran Scholomance back in Vanilla WoW for months on end three or four times a day for my class piece and lost it to others on a few occasions. My wife ran for the staff and lost it and I ran Strat for the Baron's mount repeatedly because I had nothing better to do then grind rep and try for something cool...


It turns the game into a simple checklist and once that's done there is no reason to play anymore. For example, let's say in a perfect world Ilum PvP was actually good, people would still only go there to get their daily done and leave. This results in people playing the game simply to complete a daily and not because it is fun for them.

Perhaps people play the game to complete the daily because it gives them a sense of acomplishment which is fun for them?

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It's the way these "Theme Park" MMO's are. I agree, I don't like it. I'd rather build castles and land, and protect transports ferrying goods across the continent. Be hired as an assassin to take out a certain individual, etc. etc. in a "Sandbox" MMO, but no one else seems to enjoy those so they aren't developed.


I realize some games are out there like the type I suggested, but they gameplay/functionality doesn't really appeal to me. Like EVE or Lineage.


I do remember old UO fondly though, but my is that games engine/graphics outdated.

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When people first level up, they're exposed to all kinds of different quests which are full of variety.


At 50, it's like this:

1. Punch in

2. Fill out TPS report

3. Get a shiny

4. Fill out another TPS report

5. Get another shiny

6. Fill out last TPS report

7. Get last shiny

8. Log off


At least make daily quests to be as varied as class quests. Have plot twists in the quests so that it'll be different if I wanted to choose a different conversation route tomorrow.


Yes, it'll be more time consuming to create these types of quests as opposed to what we have now, but it'll be more enjoyable for those that like the interaction. The spacebar crowd can just learn the num key + spacebar sequence to maximize their shiny reward collection.


As it is now, that one pilot always injures his spleen and needs the same medpack day after day after day. Yay...


Office Space - Firefly mashup. My head just exploded. +1

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Devs can never, ever churn out content fast enough to constantly give even moderate players new content. Repeatable content is an easy way to keep people interested while they work on new content. If you don't like dailies, don't do them...problem solved. FYI I generally don't do daliles more than a couple times, so it's not exactly like I think they're awesome or anything.


Is it just me or are dailies the worst concept to put into an MMO? It turns the game into a simple checklist and once that's done there is no reason to play anymore. For example, let's say in a perfect world Ilum PvP was actually good, people would still only go there to get their daily done and leave. This results in people playing the game simply to complete a daily and not because it is fun for them.


They're logging in, aren't they? Mission accomplished.

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I'd rather be working on crafting than doing dailies, but it looks like the gear you get from Daily Commendations are better than crafted gear. It makes me feel like I have to sign in and do dailies just to get the best stuff or to keep up with my friends that don't mind doing dailies.


I suppose it's a matter of perspective. If there were crew skill type dailies, I'd be more than happy to do those.

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Is it just me or are dailies the worst concept to put into an MMO?


I couldn't agree more. If I have 2-3 hours to play I don't want to feel like I need to do a bunch of quests first to get tokens for gear. I'd much rather just run a HM Flashpoint and hope to get some gear drops. But apparently the daily tokens seem to be more important.

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Is it just me or are dailies the worst concept to put into an MMO? It turns the game into a simple checklist and once that's done there is no reason to play anymore. For example, let's say in a perfect world Ilum PvP was actually good, people would still only go there to get their daily done and leave. This results in people playing the game simply to complete a daily and not because it is fun for them.


Got a solution? Do you expect there to be new content every time you log in?

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This would be how I'd do dailies


1) Make a lot of them (min of 50 or so to choose from)

2) Limit the number you could do to say 5 max

3) Make different ones targeted to what the player wants to progress (say crafting dailies for crafting mats/schematics, dailies that reward mods, dailies that reward gear or badges for gear, dailies that reward companion affection, dailies that award dark/light points, group dailies that award social points, some that reward credits, space dailies for fleet commendations, pvp dailies for pvp commendations/valor, etc...)


edit, or just make each type of daily a chain and only allow 1 chain of 5 per day. force the player to make choices that matter and not feel like they have to login every day and grind a bunch just to keep up with everyone else.

Edited by iceperson
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I would like to see the game become more "sandboxy" at endgame.


i.e. tools for players to create some kind of content that other players can get involved in.


Not necessarily full-blown UGC, but some kind of sovereignty mechanic perhaps? So territory can be held and lost. Alliances within the Factions, that have different ideas about how to win the war? That kind of thing.


No idea what or how, but I think that would sustain the endgame better than just an endgame PvE hamster-wheel (although there has to be a bit of that).


Come on Mythic - you created one of the most famous self-sustaining sandboxy Realm v Realm games known to man. If you make the SW endgame like that, you'll be golden.

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Dailys are usually put in place for people in raiding/ops guilds. They cover the expense of armor repairs and stim consumption. If you think dailys are for casuals you are terribly wrong. Flash points are for casuals, war zones are for casuals, complaining on the forums about a game you've logged less than 8 days played on is for casuals.
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