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What's the point of a PVP server?


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So the general consensus of almost everyone I talk to about this is "I saw maybe like 4 republic" when I was leveling."


I remember when we were losing our minds waiting for this game, there was a nice developer dispatch about tracking of characters and who was where, while they were playing. I can attest to the opening statement in my post, I ran into 5, maybe at most 6, republic players while leveling. SIX! Republic and Empire share absolutely no objectives what so ever. We are completely secluded from each other, removing all point to having any kind of pvp/pve server.


The PVP state of the game is horrible. If you want to pvp, you have queue, simple as that. I could have done that on any type of server. Where's the sense of "Ahh crap, i have to level in zone 'X'. I better watch out for republic." Thats what I always loved about playing on a PVP server. You never knew when the opposing faction was right nearby ready to kill you. It adds such a great Element to leveling and the game in general and is the ONLY reason I always pick PVP server.

Edited by Deresdod
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Thats because there are no republic players.


This is your punishment for zerging.




And as I've said all along since SWTOR launched, PVP servers are for people to band together to abuse Ilum. Little else.

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FWIW on my server this morning we (the republic) went in and killed the empire guys for 20 minutes finished out dailys, then left before the zerg arrived.


Strategy for the win.


But we have all our 50s in 2 guilds with a 50 pvp channel. We work together.

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Thats because there are no republic players.


This is your punishment for zerging.


^ This. Republic players are few now and will be even fewer in the future as everyone unsubs (like I am doing today) or rerolls empire, thus forcing the Imps to play hutball with themselves even more than they do already.

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My buddy and I rolled up sith when game launched and yeah until Tatooine you just can't see any, then even then it is like one or two, and I was shocked to find out that even when you do pvp with someone there are no incentives, no comms, no valor, nothing. There is absolutely no reason to open world pvp at this point in the game. We rerolled and now are republic just so we have open world pvp opponents, but without any incentive it really is just a fluff. It needs to be addressed. If you kill in open world, you should get something, and if you gank you should get nothing, put in brackets like almost everyother pvp game <10 lvls=nothing, <9-5=5 valor, anything would be better than nothing, and deminshing return where you can't get valor or comms off same person more than twice in a 4 hour period. Oh and remove multi faction chars from pvp servers, thats just insane.
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So the general consensus of almost everyone I talk to about this is "I saw maybe like 4 republic" when I was leveling."


I remember when we were losing our minds waiting for this game, there was a nice developer dispatch about tracking of characters and who was where, while they were playing. I can attest to the opening statement in my post, I ran into 5, maybe at most 6, republic players while leveling. SIX! Republic and Empire share absolutely no objectives what so ever. We are completely secluded from each other, removing all point to having any kind of pvp/pve server.


The PVP state of the game is horrible. If you want to pvp, you have queue, simple as that. I could have done that on any type of server. Where's the sense of "Ahh crap, i have to level in zone 'X'. I better watch out for republic." Thats what I always loved about playing on a PVP server. You never knew when the opposing faction was right nearby ready to kill you. It adds such a great Element to leveling and the game in general and is the ONLY reason I always pick PVP server.


Yea I thought a PVP server would allow me to kill my own faction. You should not have to force people to PVP through rewards, it should be an integral part of the game on all worlds, just because it is fun to kill people and 'gasp' be killed.

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world pvp is fine, on my server atleast...


Yesterday a friend was questing tattooine... 5 imps decided to camp him, so i brought my 45 trooper over.. funny how imps are... They think they're big and bad with a big group of folks to gank 1 person...


1 person who can gank the entire group of imps shows up and they scatter like fleas...


Rather hilarious, threw 2 people down the elevator shaft. killed 1 assassin with my plastique as he ran like a coward.. the other 2 were gunned down rather quickly..




Even more funny, after i helped my friend threw that area, the assassin logged into a repub toon and tried to belittle me for attacking him and his friends...


And this was just one of many many many world pvp scenarios we've been threw since we started playing last month..

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I had pretty regular PvP experiences starting from Hoth onward. On Tatooine... I think I maybe had an hour of solid PvP, and the rest of the time nothing.


Personally, I think some sort of reward should be given for random (non-Ilum) open world PvP. Something like having a couple of centurion commendations would be perfect. It would ease the process of gearing up (slightly) toward champion gear, provide a minor incentive to actually PvP, and also allow you to gear up your companions (assuming you don't need centurion pieces yourself). I don't think an increased availability of centurion gear would be unbalancing, and of course this reward would be contingent on killing level-appropriate targets.

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Bioware has worked pretty hard to prevent open-world PvP. There are no incentives, and you generally don't even see members of the opposite faction. In theory, warzones may be more active, but this doesn't prove true either. Unless you really like Huttball.


They've fumbled PvP about as badly as I've ever seen anyone fumble PvP.

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Bioware has worked pretty hard to prevent open-world PvP. There are no incentives, and you generally don't even see members of the opposite faction. In theory, warzones may be more active, but this doesn't prove true either. Unless you really like Huttball.


They've fumbled PvP about as badly as I've ever seen anyone fumble PvP.


You play imperial, huttball should be the main thing you ever get. Reroll republic to play all the warzones, have fast queues and more targets in wpvp then you think could be possible.

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You play imperial, huttball should be the main thing you ever get. Reroll republic to play all the warzones, have fast queues and more targets in wpvp then you think could be possible.


LOL. And also be outnumbered every WZ because there simply aren't enough Republic players to fill the 8 man roster. Or go to Ilum and face 5:1 odds while being outgeared to boot.

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With the ability to easily switch between factions on the same server it makes organizing a raiding party to cause havoc for abit tricky. Some of my favorite memories on the other game that wont be named was being mid lvl and getting into a raiding group full of different lvls and causing havoc around the maps and it was usually to stay 1 step ahead of the counter attacking force that you knew was coming. I tried that once on tat spent some time got a good mixed lvl group together arrived on tat to be greeted by full raid of 40-50's wasent fun.
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Thats because there are no republic players.


This is your punishment for zerging.


Ya, thats our punishment for banding together and DOMINATING the Republic. And by the way, the only people participating in whatever was happening on Ilum were the hardcores with 50's after completing all content 5 days after launch. These people make up a few thousand people on the forums. Stuff may look bad on the forums, but most people are at work/school and coming home and just playing, never looking at the forums, never "grinding" So the OP is right, im on a pvp server, i am finally level 48 and I have participated in PvP outside of a WZ about 4 times. Ridiculous.

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world pvp is fine, on my server atleast...


Yesterday a friend was questing tattooine... 5 imps decided to camp him, so i brought my 45 trooper over.. funny how imps are... They think they're big and bad with a big group of folks to gank 1 person...


1 person who can gank the entire group of imps shows up and they scatter like fleas...


Rather hilarious, threw 2 people down the elevator shaft. killed 1 assassin with my plastique as he ran like a coward.. the other 2 were gunned down rather quickly..




Even more funny, after i helped my friend threw that area, the assassin logged into a repub toon and tried to belittle me for attacking him and his friends...


And this was just one of many many many world pvp scenarios we've been threw since we started playing last month..


Ya that is how all Imperials are.... Herp DERp. SOmething tells me if they all ran you didnt find all 5.

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Ya that is how all Imperials are.... Herp DERp. SOmething tells me if they all ran you didnt find all 5.


Herp Derp, best you could formulate? cant think for your self or come up with something halfway original?


Oh wait, that would require critical thinking and intelligence... my bad:rolleyes:

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Herp Derp, best you could formulate? cant think for your self or come up with something halfway original?


Oh wait, that would require critical thinking and intelligence... my bad:rolleyes:



Halfway original.... An interesting concept. If it is only halfway original, is it original at all? What does critical thinking have to do with my Herp Derp comment? Don't try and flaunt your non-existent intelligence by attempting to insult someone else by bring up intelligence then showing absolutely none. Now go wikipedia critical thinking and while you're at it, the correct usage of yourself and your self and stop using words you hear others use.

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